Traveling to find genetics, I need some advice (old thread had 400 replies)

Anyhowz it's my birthday today.
hey reddan, if it's really your birthday today, then happy birthday man!

Sometimes your little fake stories make me want to laugh hard, other times.. like, cringing that grebs like you exist.
He's a mixed bag. He has a boyish charm and while his stories aren't spellbinding, they can be amusing at times. I think he's even beginning to work on his grammar, adult-education or something.

Too bad he can't get over his imaginary rivalry with you. He has a real negative vibe about the whole thing. Repeatedly posting your pictures, like 100's of images, demonstrates the level of his mysterious obsession and questionable ethics.
I was on Facebook the other day( shoot me) and I came acrossed a flat earth post...
This flat earth shit is spreading like the plague. Lol.

I remember no one from my youth who believed that shit.

It's something new from the fake news era.

And if somebody wants to be stupid, that's fine. What really irks me is the utter nonsense that we didn't go to the moon.

I guess Gus Grissom, Ed White and Roger Chaffee just decided to commit suicide in a fire that horrible day in 1967.


People should show a little respect for those brave explorers who died trying to get there.

I despise science deniers.

So sue me.
Apollo 1 test launch accidental fire, Jan. 1967.

That tragedy led to the successful launch/mission of Apollo 7, with the back up crew for Apollo 1, in October 1968. It was the first live televised, manned, American space flight.

I still remember in elementary school how we all marched down to the TV room to watch Project Mercury and Gemini launches.

That was a big thing back then. I could have sworn some Gemini flights were televised though inside the cabin.

Maybe it was Apollo though, it was a while back. Lol.
I remember no one from my youth who believed that shit.

It's something new from the fake news era.

And if somebody wants to be stupid, that's fine. What really irks me is the utter nonsense that we didn't go to the moon.

I guess Gus Grissom, Ed White and Roger Chaffee just decided to commit suicide in a fire that horrible day in 1967.

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People should show a little respect for those brave explorers who died trying to get there.

I despise science deniers.

So sue me.

Thomas Ronald Baron was a safety inspector in Apollo 1’s construction. After the fire, Baron testified before Congress that the Apollo program was in such disarray that the United States would never make it to the moon. He claimed his opinions made him a target, and on 21 April 1967 reported on camera to news reporters that he and his wife had been harassed at home. As part of his testimony Baron submitted a 500 page report detailing his findings. Exactly one week after he testified, Baron’s car was struck by a train and he, his wife and his stepdaughter were all killed instantly.

The Apollo program continued, and so did the string of untimely deaths. Between the years of 1964 and 1967 a total of 10 astronauts lost their lives in freak accidents. These deaths accounted for an astonishing 15% of NASA’s astronaut corps.
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Grissom was also an outspoken critic of the program.
Among his last words before he died, when there was a communications failure with the capsule just prior to the fire, were: “How are we going to get to the moon when we can’t communicate between two buildings?”.

Grissom’s wife and son both believe that the Apollo 1 fire was no accident, and that the truth is being covered up. They have evidence that such a notion might be true, and Grissom’s son Scott is calling for an official investigation into the matter as of 2002. Grissom was critical of NASA, hanging a lemon on a NASA simulator before he died.

People associated with the Apollo 1 simulation on the day of the fire remarked on the strange atmosphere that prevailed. Grissom told his wife that if somebody died in an “accident,” it would likely be him, and not because he was accident prone. Straight-talking Grissom apparently made the NASA brass uneasy with his observations. During the Apollo 1 simulation, just before he died, the communications with the Command Module completely broke down, and Grissom said in exasperation, “How are we going to get to the moon if we can’t talk between two buildings?”

Shouldn't some respect be shown to the astronauts families @tangerinegreen555 ?
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Thomas Ronald Baron was a safety inspector in Apollo 1’s construction. After the fire, Baron testified before Congress that the Apollo program was in such disarray that the United States would never make it to the moon. He claimed his opinions made him a target, and on 21 April 1967 reported on camera to news reporters that he and his wife had been harassed at home. As part of his testimony Baron submitted a 500 page report detailing his findings. Exactly one week after he testified, Baron’s car was struck by a train and he, his wife and his stepdaughter were all killed instantly. Baron’s report mysteriously disappeared, and to this day it has never been found.

The Apollo program continued, and so did the string of untimely deaths. Between the years of 1964 and 1967 a total of 10 astronauts lost their lives in freak accidents. These deaths accounted for an astonishing 15% of NASA’s astronaut corps.

Inferring Baron was assassinated? Perhaps his real name was Foma Baronov and he was a Soviet mole
Let's get to the Science.
Prior to mans endeavours into space, what actual evidence supported the heliocentric world view? This is where most stop researching. This is the science part. There is no demonstrable scientific evidence to support heliocentric dogma.
Tales of Eratosthenes with his sticks in the sands, which is absolutely laughable as 'evidence', because if you actually wanted to view his handwriting you couldn't, there is no physical proof.
What else have you got to support this belief that you fight so strongly for..... More sophistry and hearsay, that is all you have.
I'm not defensive or upset and anything you have to say about me and reddan is as important as a fart in the wind ((standing upwind)) of course.
For a guy who brags about not smoking herb all day, until the evening, you come across as a grandiose daytime drunk with your incessant shit talk. There's no way you'll get a handle on your literacy with that type of effort.
Abe you tried the grammar angle before
It's not an angle, it's a simple observation. You lack (the) objectivity to recognize that you come across as one of the least educated people to ever attention whore TnT. And you're right about one thing, nobody cares if circus monkeys have good grammar. Wonder if you'll ever figure out how you're getting used by senior members of this section of the forum, just like farmer did. But whittle you, eats-up the stroking and virtual attention. You're perfectly happy being a blissfully ignorant clown.

Inda, the only reason someone would perpetually fantasize about being someone's "king" is to compensate for their own feelings of inadequacy. Now do you understand what I meant when I said, you're "winning"?
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For a guy who brags about not smoking herb all day, until the evening, you come across as a grandiose daytime drunk with your incessant shit talk. There's no way you'll get a handle on your literacy with that type of effort.
It's not an angle, it's a simple observation. You lack to objectivity to recognize that you come across as one of the least educated people to ever attention whore TnT. And you're right about one thing, nobody cares if circus monkeys have good grammar. Wonder if you'll ever figure out how you're getting used by senior members of this section of the forum, just like farmer did. But whittle you, eats-up the stroking and virtual attention. You're perfectly happy being a blissfully ignorant clown.

Inda, the only reason someone would perpetually fantasize about being someone's "king" is to compensate for their own feelings of inadequacy. Now do you understand what I meant when I said, you're "winning"?
Literacy???!! "Your lack to objectively recognize" FIFY, Professor
Literacy???!! "Your lack to objectively recognize" FIFY, Professor
I humbly accept your stab at a correction, however my intention was to write "to" where my spell check added "the". A grave error indeed.

Just like farmer did?
Abe I don't mind you, but if you keep using me in your reference to people being used by senior members I'll will be forced to troll you.

If I wanted to refer to you I'd of said, farmerfischer. It's funny that you fell into that, it was all the grammar talk wasn't it.

I've only been incredibly cool to you since you joined, so thanks for letting me know you "don't mind me". And thanks for the unnecessary threat, dick.