WTF is wrong with California

Arguing with these people won't get you anywhere. They're blind and oblivious to the facts! All I want is personal responsibility and the laws enforced! If you disagree with a law CHANGE/REPEAL it! Everyone of us makes our own choices. They all have consequences and the only person to blame when those choices lead to LAW breaking is THEMSELVES.

I DONT CARE WHAT ANYONE SAYS. THEY BROKE THE LAW THE MOMENT THEY CROSSED THE BORDER. If THEY brought THEIR kids with them. Those kids have ONLY one place to point their fingers for their problems. AND THATS THEIR PARENTS! It was their parents who put them in the situation they're in. NOT THE USA!

The only way they maintain a LEGAL job is with FAKE IDs and SS#s. Which is another law being broke. Then they get arrested for anything and we are just supposed to forget they broke those laws. Their kids have been sucking money out of the school systems for decades. complicating the schools ability to actually teach kids that are of LEGAL citizens. There are schools where more than 100 languages are being used. There are many more issues but I won't get in to that. We are already 20 trillion in debt. We need to stop giving away our revenue to ILLEGALS in any way shape or form!

If the ILLEGALS children have problems I don't care. Let their parents take their personal responsibility for it! If you or I broke the law we'd be locked up. So as you've noted when an illegal gets charges dropped so ICE isn't called. Or judges let ILLEGALS exit courts out of staff exits so that ILLEGAL can avoid ICE officials. There certainly is a problem and it's with our elected officials who IGNORE the laws and the ILLEGALS breaking them and OUR bias local law enforcement.

I hear all this about how some nationalities believe cops target them unfairly. But I hear nothing about ILLEGALS getting preferential treatment. Why is that?

Choosing not to release the amounts of drugs a person has been caught with to avoid mandatory minimums. Or ignoring a DUI so officials need not involve ICE. Yes there's a huge problem with that. But you'll never convince the mob here of it.

Remember these are the same people who believed they could keep their doctor. As well as you can insure 30 million more people with no more doctors and at lower costs. You can take politics out of it and we all know that's completely impossible. We have a doctor shortage for gods sakes. So adding 30 million people without adding doctors does exactly what good? Pick any product and tell me how you get 30 million more of them at a lower total price?
Hey gold brick- maybe if we held the employers of illegal immigrants accountable for knowingly hiring them, we would severely curtail the flow of migrants.

So hold the right people accountable.
Hey gold brick- maybe if we held the employers of illegal immigrants accountable for knowingly hiring them, we would severely curtail the flow of migrants.

So hold the right people accountable.
I would love for congress to mandate and enforce E-verify however you know as well as I the Dems would never allow that to happen it would effect their voting block.
only 97% effective.

that means there are still 330,000 immigrants out there lined up and ready to do your job better than you can.
My solution would to issue SS cards that have your photo. I never understood why the SS card which if stolen would allow a thief to try and steal your identity is not more secure. It should have the magnetic strip/ chip and a photo on it. Instead it is a thin piece of paper that most places accept as a government form of id...
Anyone know which dirty sock this is? There is one wretched creature who always seems more concerned with what everyone else is doing -- how long they're logged in, time of day, giving and getting 'likes' etc. I believe this is that pathologically insecure shithead, but what do I know? They're all blending together into one giant gelatinous goo of stupidity at this point. They are adorable and great fun, though!
Perhaps they understand the upper limits of Capitalism better then you.

Another tax burden they avoid.
Abortion in China is legal and is a government service available on request for women

Much cheaper then feeding a Prison industry, and exhausting police/justice Budget.

But hey, if I did move would Boeing hire me?
china does understand the limits of capitalism would not allow them to control their economy/currency the way they do. and it wouldnt allow them to draft the top 10% of college graduates for government jobs every year. not sure what your other ramblings have anything to do with china requiring sams to be a union shop...according to you.

so, which gov do you prefer? china or us?
china does understand the limits of capitalism would not allow them to control their economy/currency the way they do. and it wouldnt allow them to draft the top 10% of college graduates for government jobs every year. not sure what your other ramblings have anything to do with china requiring sams to be a union shop...according to you.

so, which gov do you prefer? china or us?
As someone that has been to China a few times yea they have no idea what they are talking about China is about as corrupt as it gets only difference is if you do not agree with them there you go to jail.
As someone that has been to China a few times yea they have no idea what they are talking about China is about as corrupt as it gets only difference is if you do not agree with them there you go to jail.
i know a few folks from china, family still there, i've heard stories these RIU guys wouldnt believe. these guys in here have no clue
My solution would to issue SS cards that have your photo. I never understood why the SS card which if stolen would allow a thief to try and steal your identity is not more secure. It should have the magnetic strip/ chip and a photo on it. Instead it is a thin piece of paper that most places accept as a government form of id...
That would be because it was never intended to be a form of identification in the first place.

History. It's good to know so you don't keep sounding stupid in intelligent company.
i know a few folks from china, family still there, i've heard stories these RIU guys wouldnt believe. these guys in here have no clue
Not one bit they have never seen real racism in its worst forms. I have seen and been subject to it first hand. Japan: Many places have signs No whites allowed. Hong Kong: Told no Yankees allowed. Shanghai: Minding my own business drinking a beer kicked out of seat for a Chinese man. Qatar: Blah thats all i have to say about that Afghanistan slaves yea real ones being beaten on the street and not allowed to do anything. On base being taught to dehumanize Third country Nationals working on base. What i mean is we are instructed not to look at or talk to them and if they try to talk to you report it so the can be detained. Yea that our U.S Military. and many more examples. Ill take the good old U.S.A
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My solution would to issue SS cards that have your photo. I never understood why the SS card which if stolen would allow a thief to try and steal your identity is not more secure. It should have the magnetic strip/ chip and a photo on it. Instead it is a thin piece of paper that most places accept as a government form of id...
That would be called a national identity card. Repressive regimes use them to track and suppress their people. Fuck that.
That would be because it was never intended to be a form of identification in the first place.

History. It's good to know so you don't keep sounding stupid in intelligent company.
Well it may not have been intended for it however it is accepted by the government . So what if a long time ago that was not the intention. As soon as they started accepting it as Id they needed to upgrade the security. Intelligent? Sounds like your stuck in the past.
china does understand the limits of capitalism would not allow them to control their economy/currency the way they do. and it wouldnt allow them to draft the top 10% of college graduates for government jobs every year. not sure what your other ramblings have anything to do with china requiring sams to be a union shop...according to you.

so, which gov do you prefer? china or us?

trump and ivanka prefer china. especially their sweatshops.

screw those struggling midwesterners in desperate need of factory and textile jobs.