White widow x big bud. Coco and scrog. Regular updates

Good morning gents hope you're all well today.

So I had a conversation with a guy you may know as DC Bob. And he told me that after leaves reach a certain point of decay/deficiency they utilise more energy trying to repair the damage than create new growth.
On these grounds I trimmed up the damaged leaves last night and this morning they seem to be thanking me.
@THCBrain this is the plant I'll be using as a control plant for my dodgy bodge semi organic nute mix. Keep an eye out for the red cable tie on the pot to know which one it is. Had the first feed just now. Will keep you all posted  DSC_0861.JPG
And finally ill be passing the hydro shop today to grab some AN ph perfect coco nutes. Safety first and all that as my ph meter will take a while to come and as much as I like helping out local hydro shops I'm not paying any cunt a 100% mark up out of courtesy
Thanks mate I'm also researching things we can out in to make it better. I'll post my findings here for you too see.
I've been doing exactly the same. I reckon to my mix of molasses and coffee. Some Epsom salts would work well too for the Magnesium. I have Nitrozyme which is basically a seaweed tonic but I think I'd wanna use actual seaweed just because the rest is all semi organic
I seen a 2.5kg box of epsom salts for £3.50 im thinking the only way in going to get the individual elements is to buy online, but my problem is I like to hold it in my hand whilst buying it, dunno what it is about it but hey everyone's different lol
This is what I'll be potting up into. No intermediate step. You might say it's a waste of nutes etc but I'm thinking it's less stress than repotting several times.

It's a 35l/7.7gal bin. Drilled some holes in the bottom. Considering doing a few on the sides to aid aeration but wanna hear a few peoples inputs before I do.

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Do it I did in 5 gallon buckets and your plants will love u for it
That's what I wanted to hear. Still gotta grab another 2. But if I'm considering using something I gotta buy one to try it for a fit first. Reckon they still need a couple of weeks to fill the pots then are in anyway. Gonna pot the HK and NL x chronic to 1 gals and put them back under led. (they are mothers so don't need rapid growth just nice steady and healthy will do)

Do you think I should put an inch or 2 of hydroton at the bottom to increase drainage?
What would you use those balls for?

As for those buckets I would drill more holes in it not big ones just little ones it'll be almost like an air pot I do this on small pots for seedlings I find it helps plus any that grow out will air prune themselves and make more roots in it's place
Ahhh drainage if they fill up with coco I can see it being a pain in the arse I'd just buy hydroton/clay pebbles I think it's 8 pound for a fair size bag at my local rip off merchants.
I've got a mate with a bag of canna pebbles spare anyway. It's not really the hydrating ones I'm after it's the ones that increase the air availability in the root zone. I will be drilling a few more holes in the sides too on people's advice