WTF is wrong with California


Well-Known Member

I understand them not wanting to turn illegals over for deportation however while reading this i hit this little tidbit :

"The Los Angeles Police Commission is considering a proposal to ignore crimes like loitering, graffiti, and sleeping in cars to counter immigrant fears that ICE will track police arrests, leading to their deportation for minor crimes. But opponents blame such policies for the rise in non-criminal immigrant arrests."

So let me get this right too shield people in this country illegally you want to adopt policies that ignore common sense law like loitering "pssst" that is where the drug dealers are.... Owe and it is OK to damage people property with graffiti now because you know we can not arrest any illegals because they might be deported. You might not like the source but i take real issue with the Los Angeles Police Commission's thought process.

I understand them not wanting to turn illegals over for deportation however while reading this i hit this little tidbit :

"The Los Angeles Police Commission is considering a proposal to ignore crimes like loitering, graffiti, and sleeping in cars to counter immigrant fears that ICE will track police arrests, leading to their deportation for minor crimes. But opponents blame such policies for the rise in non-criminal immigrant arrests."

So let me get this right too shield people in this country illegally you want to adopt policies that ignore common sense law like loitering "pssst" that is where the drug dealers are.... Owe and it is OK to damage people property with graffiti now because you know we can not arrest any illegals because they might be deported. You might not like the source but i take real issue with the Los Angeles Police Commission's thought process.
i hope you get raped and can't report it because you're an illegal.
i hope you get raped and can't report it because you're an illegal.
I have sympathy for them however, they made the choice to come here knowing very well what might happen. I am all for Dreamers being able to stay. Minors really did not have a choice. Grown ass adults though.should not be exempt from the law and our police should never drive narratives that oppose that law. If society no longer agrees with the current laws then elect people that will change them.
I have sympathy for them however, they made the choice to come here knowing very well what might happen. I am all for Dreamers being able to stay. Minors really did not have a choice. Grown ass adults though.should not be exempt from the law and our police should never drive narratives that oppose that law. If society no longer agrees with the current laws then elect people that will change them.

if migrant workers have to live in fear of being ripped awy from their family because they were raped, then the dreamers do too.

i would think an illegal like you would have more sympathy for their plight. guess not.

racism is just that important to you.
Not loitering that's the homeless, The Drug Dealers are in Washington.
Sorry dude i grew up in a really bad neighborhood. When you wanted some smoke or something a little harder you went to the dudes up by the gas station chilling. Or the dude selling coke down the alley by Winn Dixie. Under what L.A wants to do the police would not even stop them.
if migrant workers have to live in fear of being ripped awy from their family because they were raped, then the dreamers do too.

i would think an illegal like you would have more sympathy for their plight. guess not.

racism is just that important to you.
Dude do you know how much they are making these days? I promise you it is a lot more than you think. Maybe we should start a prison to farm program or help people in low income communities go to these jobs because i have to tell you its pretty dam good money.

Again it is their choice. Just like if i was a stupid and decided to take a trip to North Korea and was arrested I would have no one to blame but myself. Choices have consequences.

All the time's I have talked about Liberals wanting to govern with feeling instead of laws. This is a great example. The law is the law if you do not like it do something to change it.
Liberals wanting to govern with feeling instead of laws.


ALISYN CAMEROTA: Violent crime is down. The economy is ticking up.

NEWT GINGRICH: It is not down in the biggest cities.

CAMEROTA: Violent crime, murder rate is down. It is down.

GINGRICH: Then how come it's up in Chicago and up in Baltimore and up in Washington?

CAMEROTA: There are pockets where certainly we are not tackling murder.

GINGRICH: Your national capital, your third biggest city --

CAMEROTA: But violent crime across the country is down.

GINGRICH: The average American, I will bet you this morning, does not think crime is down, does not think they are safer.

CAMEROTA: But it is. We are safer and it is down.

GINGRICH: No, that's just your view.

CAMEROTA: It's a fact. These are the national FBI facts.

GINGRICH: But what I said is also a fact.
Sorry dude i grew up in a really bad neighborhood. When you wanted some smoke or something a little harder you went to the dudes up by the gas station chilling. Or the dude selling coke down the alley by Winn Dixie. Under what L.A wants to do the police would not even stop them.

A Winn Dixie?? High class hood. I bet you had a pubic park and pool.
Justice Dept. recommend stopping opium from Afghanistan?
Oxy sales in W.VA?

Things weren't this bad when the cartel was in control.

Why doesn't the gov like/support my local police instead of placing them under more pressure?

So Sad.
A Winn Dixie?? High class hood. I bet you had a pubic park and pool.
Justice Dept. recommend stopping opium from Afghanistan?
Oxy sales in W.VA?

Things weren't this bad when the cartel was in control.

Why doesn't the gov like/support my local police instead of placing them under more pressure?

So Sad.
There was a public park however i liked living so i never really went there. Pretty sad when your parents tell you not to go to the park. And no the high class areas have Publix. Winn Dixie was always in the lower income areas.
we should consider building the wall right up the east side of cali and give them to mexico :-D
Until the US stops making everyone's life south of the border hell with our illegal drug policy, enabling the drug cartels to become more powerful than the militaries and governments, what do you expect?

Either legalize and regulate all drugs here in America and cutoff the demand going into America from Mexico and other Central and South American countries or get used to the citizens of those countries being displaced into the US

So the options are legalize drugs and dramatically decrease illegal immigration or keep drugs illegal and ensure illegal immigration continues... Seems like a pretty obvious choice to me..
Until the US stops making everyone's life south of the border hell with our illegal drug policy, enabling the drug cartels to become more powerful than the militaries and governments, what do you expect?

Either legalize and regulate all drugs here in America and cutoff the demand going into America from Mexico and other Central and South American countries or get used to the citizens of those countries being displaced into the US

So the options are legalize drugs and dramatically decrease illegal immigration or keep drugs illegal and ensure illegal immigration continues... Seems like a pretty obvious choice to me..
I agree. Legalize everything. I'd even go far enough to say tax it.. use the tax money to help people trying to kick the shit