How long are people waiting to hear back from Health Canada ?


Active Member
If you get a decent tent and don't cheep out on your filter there shouldn't be any smells. ( As long as the tent is closed.) I cheeped out on my original filter and I ended up having to upgrade coz I could smell that sweet smell wafting out my basement window.:bigjoint:
Yeah I've been looking at tents a little bit. I'm a bit limited in the funding department to get started.. Was thinking of putting everything I can into lighting and not worry too much about the smell for now since its legal anyway.
I've used fluorescents and have access to a bunch of shoplights which ive seen used for vegging seemed to work alright.
Need something decent for flowering.. would like to have some kind of perpetual system going, so im thinking just veg with shoplights and spend the cash i can on some leds or something til I get going.. I know tents can be as cheap as $100 tho, but not really trying to buy garbage want some quality stuff i can use for a while


Well-Known Member
I'll likely be able to get some girls that are more or less flower ready when it comes in anyway.. and I wasn't planning on being too discrete.. I know I'll be getting a few questions when they start stinking up the place
After your crop gets jacked by the neighborhood kids when you are not home, you will rejigger this way of thinking. You are foolish to think that just because you are legal, you can flaunt your grow.


Active Member
After your crop gets jacked by the neighborhood kids when you are not home, you will rejigger this way of thinking. You are foolish to think that just because you are legal, you can flaunt your grow.
There are no neighbourhood kids here. I live on an old 50 acre farm. Also have video surveillance, an alarm and my grow is going to be indoors. But the owners use the property and theres another tenant. Questions will be asked but I don't feel it's a security risk for the grow, just for my freedom if my paperwork isn't in order lol


Well-Known Member
After your crop gets jacked by the neighborhood kids when you are not home, you will rejigger this way of thinking. You are foolish to think that just because you are legal, you can flaunt your grow.
watch it now.. he takes offence by inference...(:
There are no neighbourhood kids here. I live on an old 50 acre farm. Also have video surveillance, an alarm and my grow is going to be indoors. But the owners use the property and theres another tenant. Questions will be asked but I don't feel it's a security risk for the grow, just for my freedom if my paperwork isn't in order lol
doesnt like to learn either.

johny sunset

Well-Known Member
There are no neighbourhood kids here. I live on an old 50 acre farm. Also have video surveillance, an alarm and my grow is going to be indoors. But the owners use the property and theres another tenant. Questions will be asked but I don't feel it's a security risk for the grow, just for my freedom if my paperwork isn't in order lol
I wouldn't want to grow with out a filter. Even if there nobody near by The smell is incredibley strong...maybe if your garden is in a separate building not your house. Otherwise your house is gonna stink 24/7. Just my two cents.


Well-Known Member
3 pages of arguing and no mention on current wait times. Fuck this thread has been derailed.

On topic - I know of one app sent early feb that's still in processing.
Sorry about your shitty wait time, mine was 13 weeks but I got it back a few months ago now so that wait time is likely far shorter than current wait times.


Active Member
watch it now.. he takes offence by inference...(:

doesnt like to learn either.
You should probably look up the definition of inference. Since you are so passionate about learning and being 100% correct with the things you say.

Also, how does already considering factors relevant to my situation and setting priorities based on those factors indicate I don't like learning?

Please don't actually answer that.. your thought process is so flawed I really don't care to know how you came to that conclusion, not that you're even going to understand what I'm saying anyway.

There is not even any need to make an inference.. With so many fine distinctions to be made in life, I would be personally alarmed if I failed to recognize such glaring ones


Active Member
I wouldn't want to grow with out a filter. Even if there nobody near by The smell is incredibley strong...maybe if your garden is in a separate building not your house. Otherwise your house is gonna stink 24/7. Just my two cents.
Ya I'm gonna have some basic ventilation and a filter but I just don't have to be overly concerned. I have a plethora of building materials at my disposal, its nothing to build a couple boxes and duct them outside or thru a filter.. thats all free and relatively workable just not 100% discrete


Well-Known Member
There are no neighbourhood kids here. I live on an old 50 acre farm. Also have video surveillance, an alarm and my grow is going to be indoors. But the owners use the property and theres another tenant. Questions will be asked but I don't feel it's a security risk for the grow, just for my freedom if my paperwork isn't in order lol
You should probably look up the definition of inference. Since you are so passionate about learning and being 100% correct with the things you say.

Also, how does already considering factors relevant to my situation and setting priorities based on those factors indicate I don't like learning?

Please don't actually answer that.. your thought process is so flawed I really don't care to know how you came to that conclusion, not that you're even going to understand what I'm saying anyway.

There is not even any need to make an inference.. With so many fine distinctions to be made in life, I would be personally alarmed if I failed to recognize such glaring ones
no need to look it up
you just have to understand how Im using it I guess..who zoomin who here(:

you keep being told that it will stiNk but cant think of situations where it could run you into problems
but hey what do we all know

cheers oh not wanting to learn ears


Active Member
no need to look it up
you just have to understand how Im using it I guess..who zoomin who here(:

you keep being told that it will stiNk but cant think of situations where it could run you into problems
but hey what do we all know

cheers oh not wanting to learn ears
You were using it in reference to him directly stating I was foolish for an explicitly stated reason. He was not inferring anything.

No need to be so coy and mysterious, or pretend we're speaking 2 different languages. You just keep fucking up and looking more stupid each time...

The only one who is not learning is you. You're the dumb dog who keeps getting disciplined but never learns the lesson and just keeps coming back for more punishment.. At some point it is just pathetic and you gotta question what issues are really at play here..

You're not presenting some complex illustration of your grand understanding of the english language while cleverly taking digs at me kiddo..
While trying to pretend you're on some other level you've only proved one thing... You're just not on mine buddy


Active Member
its no illusion dude man..we all know why you re here..

cheers all knowing ears (:
I don't know a lot of things man dude bro

Like when I'm ever gonna get my registration back from Health Canada

Or how much or what issues I will actually face from the smell.. but its funny you say i can't think of issues that will arise.. but yet I'm not growing until I get my certificate which is something you keep saying I should do without having even the smallest inkling of my situation or personal history...

But I do know you are an arrogant condescending bitter person who is fighting the wrong people

I guess the memo I got about the acmpr structure being temporary was fake news

And the decisions I've made based purely on the smell are because I think there are no issues surrounding the smell

You need to stop. You're not hurting me, only yourself. Well your credibility anyway. Clearly you get some kind of stupid enjoyment out of being the canadian patient mj forum troll.. Such a strange thing to aspire to...

Sometimes it's easy to forget the sentiment can be all right but the message can be all wrong


Active Member
its no illusion dude man..we all know why you re here..

cheers all knowing ears (:
"The (ACMPR) are an interim measure only: Health Canada has expressly noted that these regulations “are designed to provide an immediate solution” to the imminent demise of the MMPR. "

"The ACMPR also resurrect the ability of patients to grow their own cannabis plants. Home growing represents a tidy solution to the accessibility problems of the MMPR, but is not a constitutional right in itself. However, if patients responsibly manage this privilege, they may have a chance at keeping home growing in the longer term. Other jurisdictions such as Colorado, Washington and Oregon allow for home-based personal production alongside commercialized medical and recreational marijuana regimes."


Active Member
its no illusion dude man..we all know why you re here..

cheers all knowing ears (:
Better arguments have to be made than the ones you are making now.
Your arrogant misrepresentation so abrasively delivered is the absolute last thing home med growers need to advocate for their future. Big business will fix accessibility issues and lobby the government for a differently written law to protect their monopoly.. And if all you've got is what you're saying now I sure as hell hope there's someone else to fight for us cause we are Fing screwed otherwise lmao
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Well-Known Member
no argument here ..just tellin ya how it is

as it all stands
MMAR will be grandfathered for life (:
they figure the rest are all rec wanna be sick wanna bes....... if you are so UP on everything, you would know that as well

yer always so nasty and bitter... :idea:


Active Member
yer always so nasty and bitter... :idea:
You reap what you sow bud, as a grower you'd think you would know that :roll:

Regardless of my supposed UP status, I'm not going to sit here and pretend I know how every politician thinks and what every judge will decide...

Any lawyer that's worth their salt will tell you there's no such thing as a sure thing.. Unless they're looking to take your money


Well-Known Member
i said sorry and havent called you any names since...:-D

"Any lawyer that's worth their salt will tell you there's no such thing as a sure thing.. Unless they're looking to take your money"

really are quite young with that comment lol


Active Member
"Any lawyer that's worth their salt will tell you there's no such thing as a sure thing.. Unless they're looking to take your money"

really are quite young with that comment lol

A little ideological too.

But to be clear, I'm not here pushing for obedience to ignorant laws or bureaucracies.. especially at the cost to one's personal health.. I am aware that civil disobedience got us here and Health Canada fucking sucks.

I just don't think it wise for the wrong person without resources to set precedent in court. Maybe I just can't afford the lawyers that can guarantee a win lol..

You seriously rub me the wrong way.. learn how I like it k?

i said sorry and havent called you any names since...:-D
You're right.. and then I went and called ya a loser... but it's only cause your friend hippy showed up late to the party and attacked me
So I am sorry for that one too

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
You're right.. and then I went and called ya a loser... but it's only cause your friend hippy showed up late to the party and attacked me
So I am sorry for that one too
Hey leave me out of it..I gave up on ya case ya didn't whatever you want as it matters none to me.
Unless you start praising up LP's..then I will relentlessly attack that crap. Otherwise...make whatever mistakes you care to.
Other growers here are giving you good advise...listen.


Well-Known Member
Any lawyer that's worth their salt will tell you there's no such thing as a sure thing.. Unless they're looking to take your money

A little ideological too.

But to be clear, I'm not here pushing for obedience to ignorant laws or bureaucracies.. especially at the cost to one's personal health.. I am aware that civil disobedience got us here and Health Canada fucking sucks.

I just don't think it wise for the wrong person without resources to set precedent in court. Maybe I just can't afford the lawyers that can guarantee a win lol..

You seriously rub me the wrong way.. learn how I like it k?

You're right.. and then I went and called ya a loser... but it's only cause your friend hippy showed up late to the party and attacked me
So I am sorry for that one too
ya see..

everything will be fixed and all challenges will make it will take about 25 years for rec is all..
I dont even have to call you names..
The inference is still there though...

cheers not knowing ears