Impeachment of Donald J Trump **Official Thread**

So, uhh.. Waterboard Trump?

View attachment 3944423
Trump doesn't think it's torture, so why not?

I can hear the inquisitor already:

zooe meester drumpf, ees eet drue that Melania's reenklez ahrr zo deep zat zey must be gleeened mit ah toootbrush?

Trump: no, they don't have to be cleaned with a toothbrush!

Inquisitor: doo eet poor zee vader

Trump: noooo, ahhhh bubble glub gasp

Zen delll us zee trut meeester drumpf

Trump: We use a firehose and blast the plaster from her face each night but don't tell Melania I snitched or she'll cut off what's left.

zat weel be all vor now meester drumpf. Tooomorrow veel ahsk about Ivanka's boops. How ees eet they ztarded to crow beeger wen she waas thurdy yeers oult?
O'Donnell's show a few minutes ago: "The leaks are coming in by the minute....I mean, you've got people lining up saying WHERE is the prosecutor, I want to tell them what I know!"

How about Ryan's "FAMILY"/Russians diatribe? (Audio released soon!)


Lol that guys funny but if the wiki is correct someone born in 80 could be a millenial. I always thought late 90s and up but in 80 some would be 37 now. I wouldnt count that as a millenial personaly but who decides these facts anyway?
Gen x goes to 82 according to a thing I watched on history.
so trump knew flynn was under FBI investigation, compromised, and a foreign agent. and he still OKs flynn's plan to not attack the ISIS capital, which favors turkey, who is paying flynn.

that's the clearest case of treasonous pay for play that you could ever draw. the money laundering and collusion and obstruction and revealing of classified intel is just icing on the cake.