Am I wasting microbes?

For the last time, if you're not switching to soil then you should use inorganic nutrients designed for hydroponics (nitrate salts for N). This is the best advice you're going to get. It's your choice whether you want to take it or whether you want to fail.

I'm clearly not suggesting you switch to soil... I'm suggesting you ditch the idea of using organic nutes in hydro. You're the one who keeps on insisting you want to go organic, and the way to do that is to use soil.
Im just trying to clarify whether there are infact nutrient lines that are classed "organic" and you keep talking about soil. Im pretty sure there are hydro nutrients that are certified as organic and I was hoping some people here who knew more would chime in, clearly you do not know, so I don't know why you keep replying.
"Hydroponics is a technology for growing terrestrial plants with their roots in nutrient solutions (water with dissolved fertilizers) rather than soil. Hydroponic production is not mentioned in the Organic Foods Production Act (OFPA) of 1990; however, in 2010 the National Organic Standards Board formally recommended that hydroponic systems be prohibited from obtaining organic certification.

In direct contradiction to the Board’s recommendations, the USDA’s National Organic Program has sided with industry lobbyists pronouncing that hydroponics is allowed. And, despite the objections of many organic stakeholders, some accredited certifying agents are certifying hydroponic operations."
So an INTELLIGENT discussion would be, are they actually organic? Are they just saying they are so they can't class them as such and charge more? Do they use different ingredients making them organic? Do they work better with microbes as ive read Chem nutrients apparently kill off microbe colonies?
Save yourself the headache and do not use nutrients derived from organic materials inside if a reservoir.

Every grower will say the same... If you want to use organic nutrients then use soil, if you want to do hydro then use synthetic nutrients designed for hydro.
Edit: they won't let me link it but you can get the PDF from the above link

There's the direct link to a successful organic hydroponic study completed by NARO, I believe it was NASA sponsored. They were looking into feasibility of vegetable production on the ISS around then.
I'm not a botanist, or a microbiologist but as I understand it these nitrifying bacteria are naturally occurring in soil and do the same thing to "organic" (poop) fertilizers.
Save yourself the headache and do not use nutrients derived from organic materials inside if a reservoir.

Every grower will say the same... If you want to use organic nutrients then use soil, if you want to do hydro then use synthetic nutrients designed for hydro.

... I grow aquaponicly-organic. Lol

The majority of my aquaponic growing was hydroponics (soil-less). It works well. With that said, and from what I've read, there is nothing scientifically significant or superior of organically grown over non-organic. It's simply a federal or state classification. The plant doesn't see the difference in NO3 from a bottle or NO3 from the natural nitrification of ammonia.
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Most of us "organic-hydro" guys make our own nutrients, as opposed to buying pre-mixed bottled stuff. It's really not for ideal means to grow cannabis for the newer farmer.
My experience in hydro is that benies really help... till things go bad. The first round will blow your mind with the difference they make. However you have now introduced an eco-system into your sterile environment and with life comes death. With all these benies going thought their life cycles the body count will add up and will really fuck with your science project. Big wads of sludge and slime , blue green algae, and other yellow red and brown alges will grow everywhere. So then you have to add sugar to keep these benies happy, now all sorts of stuff starts to grow
... I grow aquaponicly-organic. Lol

The majority of my aquaponic growing was hydroponics (soil-less). It works well. With that said, and from what I've read, there is nothing scientifically significant or superior of organically grown over non-organic. It's simply a federal or state classification. The plant doesn't see the difference in NO3 from a bottle or NO3 from the natural nitrification of ammonia.
Yeah thats alot easier to maintain when you got fish lol..

i tell people that all the time, the only difference between organic and synthetic nutes (after broken down) is where they were made.

IMHO, its the proper nutrient timing & the correct nutes that makes a good harvest synthetic or not which is something organic growers dont need to worry about much & because of this (newer) growers will claim better results over the synthetic nutes.
To me, organic is more than simply the source of the fertiliser, but indeed the symbiotic interaction between microorganisms and plant.
The plant can even talk to them by dropping terpenes on the soil. A good organic soil farmer would, for instance, add sugars in the last part of lowering, as the plant is no longer sending any down to the roots for the organisms there, as the job is about done.
JD one answer you were looking for is yes there is organic hydro nutes that are organics but its not worth it ,its a money making scheme , run synthetic it will be much easier for you. if you have a great understanding and knowledge of hydro and organics you can mix the to in a hydro system with ease and without issues, the guys that fail at it is because they don't have the knowledge and no how to do so. hydro goes all the way back to the hanging gardens of Babylon they weren't using synthetic then lol .the problem today is people think if you take the best from both worlds you can make it better by putting it in one . , well its just don't work that way. I don't care what people say but it doesn't matter what method you use hydro or organics if both are done to there highest level the end product will be the same the problem is those people are getting less and less and there is inferior product being produced from both sides and both trying to claim theres is better. if you want to run a hydro system start with the basics , search on line (google) etc you can get better info sometimes from there then on these sites . don't waste your time with will these new fangled systems, these flood tables that you fill every few hours and drain etc there all junk , shit not worth time , money and effort if you want to do it right.yes there a form of hydro but not proper, basic , res. 45 gallon min., container system, feed from top return from bottom. none stop cycling. that will out preform any other hydro system hands down. learn how to mix your own nutes , this stuff from stores is all shit no matter brand, if you learn how to do that these systems run for pennies cheaper then anything else soil, organic etc. they are faster by far , and gives bigger crops especially tomatoes, peppers etc. and yes the flavor is the same as any well grown organic..remember when nutes are dissolved into water, dissociate into ions ready for immediate uptake by plants. This is what allows for such rapid and balanced plant growth. The plants never have to starve or wait for nutrient ions to become available. to add to this process run enzymes as well, not store bought ones. the enzymes stick to and cover your root system which gives you a barrier between the roots and if there is something bad in your water..they also eat all the dead stuff as well like roots etc,keeping your system clean and eating all the food source for the bad bacteria to live. but most importantly the enzymes help breakdown the Ions even further and help your plants uptake a higher amount of nutrients at a faster rate. also remember in general , sulphate trace elements, such as iron sulphate, copper sulphate, zinc sulphate, manganese sulphate and magnesium sulphate (Epsom salt), are allowed under organic production . one more thing if anyone has to run hydro guard or any of that shit or feels they have to run bleach or H2O2 ask yourself WHY. because the WHY is something your doing wrong or not right and when you figure that out you will not have to run any of that stuff. keep everything clean , clean ,clean , don't put your hands in the water , touch the root balls etc .
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JD one answer you were looking for is yes there is organic hydro nutes that are organics but its not worth it ,its a money making scheme , run synthetic it will be much easier for you. if you have a great understanding and knowledge of hydro and organics you can mix the to in a hydro system with ease and without issues, the guys that fail at it is because they don't have the knowledge and no how to do so. hydro goes all the way back to the hanging gardens of Babylon they weren't using synthetic then lol .the problem today is people think if you take the best from both worlds you can make it better by putting it in one . , well its just don't work that way. I don't care what people say but it doesn't matter what method you use hydro or organics if both are done to there highest level the end product will be the same the problem is those people are getting less and less and there is inferior product being produced from both sides and both trying to claim theres is better. if you want to run a hydro system start with the basics , search on line (google) etc you can get better info sometimes from there then on these sites . don't waste your time with will these new fangled systems, these flood tables that you fill every few hours and drain etc there all junk , shit not worth time , money and effort if you want to do it right.yes there a form of hydro but not proper, basic , res. 45 gallon min., container system, feed from top return from bottom. none stop cycling. that will out preform any other hydro system hands down. learn how to mix your own nutes , this stuff from stores is all shit no matter brand, if you learn how to do that these systems run for pennies cheaper then anything else soil, organic etc. they are faster by far , and gives bigger crops especially tomatoes, peppers etc. and yes the flavor is the same as any well grown organic..remember when nutes are dissolved into water, dissociate into ions ready for immediate uptake by plants. This is what allows for such rapid and balanced plant growth. The plants never have to starve or wait for nutrient ions to become available. to add to this process run enzymes as well, not store bought ones. the enzymes stick to and cover your root system which gives you a barrier between the roots and if there is something bad in your water..they also eat all the dead stuff as well like roots etc,keeping your system clean and eating all the food source for the bad bacteria to live. but most importantly the enzymes help breakdown the Ions even further and help your plants uptake a higher amount of nutrients at a faster rate. also remember in general , sulphate trace elements, such as iron sulphate, copper sulphate, zinc sulphate, manganese sulphate and magnesium sulphate (Epsom salt), are allowed under organic production . one more thing if anyone has to run hydro guard or any of that shit or feels they have to run bleach or H2O2 ask yourself WHY. because the WHY is something your doing wrong or not right and when you figure that out you will not have to run any of that stuff. keep everything clean , clean ,clean , don't put your hands in the water , touch the root balls etc .
.. and for the love of god don't let the light touch the nutes
absolutely correct LOS I think I said it earlier in the conversation but yes no light period, use proper containers , hoses etc keep your water light tight. but it more them all this keep the area very clean , keep the area ,around clean, use clean equipment , etc use a 45 gallon res. or bigger that helps in many ears. keep bugs out, a good supply of fresh air , helps keep the area from going stale, but your plants need fresh air and it helps a lot with flavor building as does proper lighting. if you have a properly built hydro set up you do not need to inject air in the water via air stones, but if you are make sure its a clean fresh supply because adding air to your water this way can cause a lot of problems. thats just some basic stuff but no matter if its hydro or organic a lot of these steps should followed.