Why is it necessary to put 3 inch seedlings under 18/6 ?


Well-Known Member
Why cannot 3 inch seedlings be placed outdoors receiving sunlight , just as in mother nature? Why am I reading that it is optimal to place seedlings under 18/6?
If growing outdoors in Norcal common sense tells me to place in sun outdoors maybe slightly shaded sun until seedlings get stronger? Taking inside at night maybe.
Have greenhouse but my clones that flowered way too soon ( cuz i procured early April...too early) are getting extra light and nitrogen in hopes of re-veg
Answer much appreciated.
I guess my question was stupid. I am very OCD and anxiously cautious about everything to do with my plants. All my seeds are going outdoors into a half sun/half shade area. I'm bringing inside cuz nights are kinda cool. Norcal this year just doesn't want to let go of the rainy cold season.
As far as all the clones I procured way too early....I won't ever do that again! I'm still feeding straight nitrogen and supplementing light in greenhouse. Doing this for I think 3 weeks now . Clones seem to have stopped flowering but from what I have read clones going into flower too soon will affect quality and quantity...lesson learned.
From here on I will only grow from seed. Have extreme satisfaction, results and lots of pride during harvest!
Are you asking why the clones flowered? Right now and especially last month outside daylight time was 12, increasing to 13.5 hours. That will trigger weed to flower, no matter if it is a clone or 6 month old plant. Under 18/6 artificial light they don't get confused about flowering, and have many more hours of light to use daily.
I understand why the clones went into flower too early my question was on my seeds that I germinated. They are now about three - four inches high and I was advised to put them under 18/6. I wanted to ask why is it necessary to put seedlings under 18/6 when they are going outdoors.
This doesn't help answer the question, but I give 24hrs light to seedlings for the first few days to help prevent stretching. I then decrease light cycle an hour a day till they're at 18/6, say within a week of breaking ground.
Wow, this is frustrating..

Photoperiod... reduced daylight hours send weed into flower. keeping them at 18/6 they will veg. you could probably do 14/10.
Wow, this is frustrating..

Photoperiod... reduced daylight hours send weed into flower. keeping them at 18/6 they will veg. you could probably do 14/10.
seedlings will not go into flower.
I guess my question was stupid. I am very OCD and anxiously cautious about everything to do with my plants. All my seeds are going outdoors into a half sun/half shade area. I'm bringing inside cuz nights are kinda cool. Norcal this year just doesn't want to let go of the rainy cold season.
As far as all the clones I procured way too early....I won't ever do that again! I'm still feeding straight nitrogen and supplementing light in greenhouse. Doing this for I think 3 weeks now . Clones seem to have stopped flowering but from what I have read clones going into flower too soon will affect quality and quantity...lesson learned.
From here on I will only grow from seed. Have extreme satisfaction, results and lots of pride during harvest!
it isn't necessary at all. outside in the spring they only get 12-13 hours sunlight. thay will not flower until mature enough. clones are obviously different. giving them more light makes them grow faster though.
Lastly.......ARE YOU INSANE! Never ever ever ever bring a plant that's been outside into your indoor garden! Just Thursday a guy came into my shop that I had given a seedling 2 weeks before. by seedling I mean a month old plant that I had been mainlining with 8 tops. when he cane in he told me how he had been taking it outside in the day for sunlight since it was better than his 200 watt led. now his entire garden is infested with aphids and spidermites. when I sold him his set up as I do with every new costomer I stress the importance of not going near your garden after having been outside. allways shower and change your cloths first. I wanted to slap him lol
seedlings will not go into flower.

it isn't necessary at all. outside in the spring they only get 12-13 hours sunlight. thay will not flower until mature enough. clones are obviously different. giving them more light makes them grow faster though.
Lastly.......ARE YOU INSANE! Never ever ever ever bring a plant that's been outside into your indoor garden! Just Thursday a guy came into my shop that I had given a seedling 2 weeks before. by seedling I mean a month old plant that I had been mainlining with 8 tops. when he cane in he told me how he had been taking it outside in the day for sunlight since it was better than his 200 watt led. now his entire garden is infested with aphids and spidermites. when I sold him his set up as I do with every new costomer I stress the importance of not going near your garden after having been outside. allways shower and change your cloths first. I wanted to slap him lol
I learned a valuable lesson.
^ its not. if you can, do just what you said, put them out in pots for about a week to ten days, starting for 2 or 3 hours a day then working up to all day. when you get to all day, plant em.
That is what I am doing. Except i am bringing into my greenhouse to accept gradually sun. All my seedlings, 2 batches, started weeks apart, are doing fantastically. The first batch just stay in greenhouse, don't move them at all. This is my third grow and i can definately say growing a monster plant from seed is very satisfying!!
So if I have week-10day old seedlings do I need to slowly acclimate them to the sunlight? Or can I just plant em outside next weekend?
Theyre under T-5s now
3 day seedling.... newbee have 4 23 watt cfl. Just started lights to be honest just had by my window. Seeds were blue dream. I plan on putting on deck. Any pointers


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