What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I've been backpacking/fishing a lot since I last bugged you guys. Bought a scale and weighed myself today (first time in 3 months) and apparently lost 25lbs, and 4 inches off of my waist. I've been such a lazy cunt these last couple years, so I am super proud of myself.

I'm saving up and training to hike the entire Pacific Coast Trail this fall. Still a ways to go, but excited nonetheless.
You're the only 'newbie' whose first post in TnT fills me with delight. Good to see you and happy to hear you are doing good. Make sure you don't lose any of your weight from that immense peen of yours!


Well-Known Member
I've been backpacking/fishing a lot since I last bugged you guys. Bought a scale and weighed myself today (first time in 3 months) and apparently lost 25lbs, and 4 inches off of my waist. I've been such a lazy cunt these last couple years, so I am super proud of myself.

I'm saving up and training to hike the entire Pacific Coast Trail this fall. Still a ways to go, but excited nonetheless.
tc tonight


Well-Known Member
dumped the old gas out of the tiller, mixed up a new blend of two-stroke, filled her up, and she started on the first pull.

like i said, all you dumbasses with lawn equipment that won't start need jesus. he is a small engine mechanic and does excellent work.
Jesus literally lives down the street from me. He helped me do an acre of limbing just last week. Gladly accepted a pound for trade, and out of the kindness of his heart, taught me how to build an emergency bushcraft shelter with pine limbs, a 9" Gerber Knife and some 550 Paracord. So fucking badass. I bet he looks amazing naked.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
I get out of work and I end up going to walmart. Tired as fuck, on the way out the security asked for my receipt. I'm tired so I hand it to him, he then asks me if he can look inside my bag. That shit instantly pissed me off. I grab my bag and said," fuck no, you accusing me of stealing"? He said no. Then I asked him if I can look threw his pocket, He said no and I walked away. He works nights, so I'm going to show up every night and not show him my receipt. I'm going to ask him if he wants to see it then tell him he can't.


Well-Known Member
Worked a security gig at wal mart ...but some asshole denied showing me inside his bags....and then had the nerve to ask to see what was in my pockets.....so I quit and followed him home...he appears to be a shopping cart thief ((shruggs))

Good night guys/gals ...il be up bright and early to check my rat traps and plant more.



Well-Known Member
Added two 2' tubes to my germination/vegging box. to spread the light a bit.
Still haven't broken my daughter, 1 day of babysitting done.

I now have to go play rock star, as in some crappy game she will make up wich would include her singing and drumming on boxes. Strange how genes work. She never knew my dad, he was a drummer for 25 years,
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Well-Known Member
Funny story, the other day my wife cooked some bacon and when she opens the package she cuts it in half to make it shorter and easier to manage. She cooks it puts it on a plate , I come in and noticed that half the bacon is shaped like a penis , about 8 pieces . My wife doesn't do things like this on purpose so I made sure to arrange the bacon and eggs in a embarrassing way.
I got a laugh out of her , and that ain't easy.