Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

I'm a little further south than DB. I live in a very rural area with mostly low income home owners. We don't have much, but we do have pride in our property and everyone for the most part looks after each other. We're mostly old hippies who smoke pot, eat shrooms, and mind our own business., I moved down here in 2003, right ahead of Hurricane Charley. We got some minor damage, but the worst hit was the recession which cost us our big house in town on the water. We had bought this place to store hubby's construction equipment since it wasn't allowed in the ritzy neighborhood. It was actually the best thing that ever happened. I'm much happier here in hippy heaven.
Actually it sounds ideal. Neighbors make or break a place.
Yes, they do, and I have some great family. My oldest daughter loved the neighborhood so much she bought a place about 1/4 mile away. It's pretty cheap living here too if you own your own place. Fishing is good too.

fishing all day and smoking all night sounds like heaven to me... just have to throw away the corporate cuffs..... as soon as kid'o is out of cullige.....
fishing all day and smoking all night sounds like heaven to me... just have to throw away the corporate cuffs..... as soon as kid'o is out of cullige.....
My oldest son is 42 and chained to corporate life also. I told him the other day he needs to invest in some property down here. For one thing you never know when the shit is going to hit the to have a home paid for, no matter how humble. At least I can grow most of what I eat and all of what I smoke right here.
My oldest son is 42 and chained to corporate life also. I told him the other day he needs to invest in some property down here. For one thing you never know when the shit is going to hit the to have a home paid for, no matter how humble. At least I can grow most of what I eat and all of what I smoke right here.
How high above sea level is your property? I was under the impression that a several foot sea level rise would be a catastrophic event for much of South Florida.

When I talked to my friends and family back in Colorado, my favorite joke about Deerfield Beach was that if I ever found myself more than ten feet above sea level I had to be on the second floor of SOMETHING!

A ten foot elevation change in Colorado is trivial. Down there it's significant, and rare.
My oldest son is 42 and chained to corporate life also. I told him the other day he needs to invest in some property down here. For one thing you never know when the shit is going to hit the to have a home paid for, no matter how humble. At least I can grow most of what I eat and all of what I smoke right here.
so, you don't really worry too much about hurricanes/storm surge? just figure what happens, happens? that's the big reason i couldn't get myself to retire there.
LOL I googled 'Weather here"

Saint Petersburg, Russia 5 Day Weather
11:07 am MSK
Day Description High / Low Precip Wind Humidity
MAY 11 PM Showers
WNW 13 mph 50%
MAY 12 Partly Cloudy
WNW 15 mph

I should go back to bed.
so, you don't really worry too much about hurricanes/storm surge? just figure what happens, happens? that's the big reason i couldn't get myself to retire there.
Hurricane Charley was the first hurricane to hit here since 1960, and we've had nothing since. Several family members still live in Arkansas where I'm from. My youngest brother and his wife were killed 6 years ago in a tornado there. At least with hurricanes, you have ample warning before it hits. I see the flooding, earthquakes, wildfires, drought, etc. all over the country. The weather here is great. During the Winter it's damn near perfect and even in the Summer, it's often cooler here than it is much further north.
Hurricane Charley was the first hurricane to hit here since 1960, and we've had nothing since. Several family members still live in Arkansas where I'm from. My youngest brother and his wife were killed 6 years ago in a tornado there. At least with hurricanes, you have ample warning before it hits. I see the flooding, earthquakes, wildfires, drought, etc. all over the country. The weather here is great. During the Winter it's damn near perfect and even in the Summer, it's often cooler here than it is much further north.
I lived in Little Rock, Arkansas for three years and on three different occasions tornadoes touched down and did damage within a mile of my house... Which of course was on a slab, as basements are rare there.

Fuck that place.
How high above sea level is your property? I was under the impression that a several foot sea level rise would be a catastrophic event for much of South Florida.

When I talked to my friends and family back in Colorado, my favorite joke about Deerfield Beach was that if I ever found myself more than ten feet above sea level I had to be on the second floor of SOMETHING!

A ten foot elevation change in Colorado is trivial. Down there it's significant, and rare.
My property is 14 feet above sea level. Global warming does concern me, that's for sure, but I feel safer here than I would many other places. There has only been 2 major storms here in the last 60 years. My youngest daughter just moved back to Colorado. She sends me pics and begs me to consider moving there. I plan to make a visit, but I would never survive a Winter there. It's also cooler here here in the Summer than it is there in many cases. I'm in my 60's, so with any luck I'll be dead of old age before the big flood! lol
That doesn't sound like a monsoon season. Different climate than SoFla?
June, July and August are my big three as far as rainfall. Over 7 inches a month. September is about 4.5 inches, then it drops to 3 for October and November. But last year we did not get a drop in October or November. I lost a good quarter of my plants in the Darwin Dope patches.
My oldest son is 42 and chained to corporate life also. I told him the other day he needs to invest in some property down here. For one thing you never know when the shit is going to hit the to have a home paid for, no matter how humble. At least I can grow most of what I eat and all of what I smoke right here.
I made a passing remark to some of my Tampa cousins about them getting up here and buying land. I just said, "they ain't making no more dirt."

About a year later my cousin said her husband talks about that all the time. About how they have got to get out of the city and get their own piece of dirt. Yet they continue to live above their income, so I figure talk is all it will be for a while.
June, July and August are my big three as far as rainfall. Over 7 inches a month. September is about 4.5 inches, then it drops to 3 for October and November. But last year we did not get a drop in October or November. I lost a good quarter of my plants in the Darwin Dope patches.
June, July and August are also my hottest months. With the average high/low of 91/69, 92/72 and 92/72.
I made a passing remark to some of my Tampa cousins about them getting up here and buying land. I just said, "they ain't making no more dirt."

About a year later my cousin said her husband talks about that all the time. About how they have got to get out of the city and get their own piece of dirt. Yet they continue to live above their income, so I figure talk is all it will be for a while.
I've always stressed the importance of home ownership to my kids. I'm not talking about saddling yourself with a 30 year mortgage either. I have never financed anything over 15 years, and I sold that and paid cash for my properties. Unless the Gulf of Mexico washes me away, I will always have a home, no matter how humble.
It was a little cooler in Larry Land today. At 1620 it's partly cloudy, 85F with 39% humidity. Our high was 88F, and tonight's forecast calls for a low of 65F with 20% chance of rain.