Am I wasting microbes?


Well-Known Member
So im using xtreme gardening mykos, azos, and just recently some hydro guard.

Just reading and found that chemical ferts kill them, and im using GH floranova which is not organic as far as ive read?

Do I need to switch to an organic line like canna, to get the most out of my bennies?
To clarify im growing in rockwool which is a hydroponic set up, a lot of people use hydroguard and benefitial bacteria to help with that, so im just doing what people on this site already promote. Just wasn't sure how much harm my nutrients were doing to my method.
To clarify im growing in rockwool which is a hydroponic set up, a lot of people use hydroguard and benefitial bacteria to help with that, so im just doing what people on this site already promote. Just wasn't sure how much harm my nutrients were doing to my method.

It's not nutrients doing the harm... If you want to use organic nutes, you should be growing in soil or a lime fortified potting mix. (so stop looking to switch to organic nutes, or stop growing hydro)
It's not nutrients doing the harm... If you want to use organic nutes, you should be growing in soil or a lime fortified potting mix.
Arent there organic nutrients out there for hydro? I thought canna did those. Maybe that's where my confusion came from.

Im only growing indoors this way, I have an allotment plot where everything is organic and once ive built a suitable soil I'll use that, for now it's just too damn messy to have soil in my home.
if I could have located an organic hydro food that actually functioned well I prolly would have stuck with hydro, I dunno. sure glad I didnt though, now I save cash every month, produce what patients demand and enjoy more flavorful and complex effects
if I could have located an organic hydro food that actually functioned well I prolly would have stuck with hydro, I dunno. sure glad I didnt though, now I save cash every month, produce what patients demand and enjoy more flavorful and complex effects
I don't disagree that organic is definitely the way to go, how long did it take for you to create your soil and work out your amendments? Is yours a no till/just add water style?
I don't disagree that organic is definitely the way to go, how long did it take for you to create your soil and work out your amendments? Is yours a no till/just add water style?

about ten minutes, I had to slice the bag of pro mix open carefully for the strange folds. Then with a shovel I ad a couple of scoops to five gallon buckets with holes in the bottom. I toss a shot of fish concentrate powder into the bucket and put the transplant on top of the powder and back fill with more pro mix, about four gallons total. I work a scoop of composted Organicare fertilizer into the topsoil and add about a gallon of water. I add another gallon when the bucket is empty again, working another scoop of ferts into the topsoil per package directions. I use the soil again outdoors and in my greenhouse for veggies, requiring new each time for my medical garden. I dont over think this.
@chemphlegm , why are you even trolling this section? Are there a lot of hydro growers in the organic section posting about how much better hydro is than organics? (you won't see me doing it)
@chemphlegm , why are you even trolling this section? Are there a lot of hydro growers in the organic section posting about how much better hydro is than organics? (you won't see me doing it)

cuz me and JD are friends, and he asked me a question. Be rude not to answer my bud aye
and organic is better, theres no denyin it, hydro is funner, jd knows this, he's having fun, are you?
cuz me and JD are friends, and he asked me a question. Be rude not to answer my bud aye
and organic is better, theres no denyin it, hydro is funner, jd knows this, he's having fun, are you?

There's nothing inherently better about organically grown weed over hydroponically grown. It all has to do with how it's grown. There's nothing wrong with organically grown weed, but the growers tend to be pretentious doosh bags. Again, do you think it would be productive for primarily hydroponic growers to go into the organics section talking about how organic growing produces an inferior product?
There's nothing inherently better about organically grown weed over hydroponically grown. It all has to do with how it's grown. There's nothing wrong with organically grown weed, but the growers tend to be pretentious doosh bags. Again, do you think it would be productive for primarily hydroponic growers to go into the organics section talking about how organic growing produces an inferior product?

inferior is subjective, just like better or potency.

are you the new hall monitor here? give it a rest aye, enjoy the day, smoke some herb, settle down. I'm not going to hide my experience while answering questions here, feel free to post wherever you wish for whatever reason you may have
good day
Both have their merits, my personal yields and most people's yields will be higher in hydro, I grow in rockwool for that reason, it's tidier and cleaner inside my place, but it's worse on the environment which is something I care about, more expensive too.

I still am not sure whether to change nutrient lines from GH to another brand, finding a good hydro brand that's organic and available here is proving hard. And im still unsure whether what im using is potentially killing microbes. Ive definitely read chemical nutrients kill microbes, but is that true of organic chemical nutrients? Hopefully somebody has the answer.
Both have their merits, my personal yields and most people's yields will be higher in hydro, I grow in rockwool for that reason, it's tidier and cleaner inside my place, but it's worse on the environment which is something I care about, more expensive too.

I still am not sure whether to change nutrient lines from GH to another brand, finding a good hydro brand that's organic and available here is proving hard. And im still unsure whether what im using is potentially killing microbes. Ive definitely read chemical nutrients kill microbes, but is that true of organic chemical nutrients? Hopefully somebody has the answer.

you have 2 guys now telling you to use soil if you're going to use organic.

As for hydro being worse for the environment.... that's an interesting theory you have.
you have 2 guys now telling you to use soil if you're going to use organic.

As for hydro being worse for the environment.... that's an interesting theory you have.
Well it's not really a theory rockwool isn't biodegradable and im talking about my hydro method.

And im not switching to soil indoors which ive already said so if you've got nothing intelligent to add then im not going to respond further.
Well it's not really a theory rockwool isn't biodegradable and im talking about my hydro method.

And im not switching to soil indoors which ive already said so if you've got nothing intelligent to add then im not going to respond further.

For the last time, if you're not switching to soil then you should use inorganic nutrients designed for hydroponics (nitrate salts for N). This is the best advice you're going to get. It's your choice whether you want to take it or whether you want to fail.

I'm clearly not suggesting you switch to soil... I'm suggesting you ditch the idea of using organic nutes in hydro. You're the one who keeps on insisting you want to go organic, and the way to do that is to use soil.
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I love seeing these arguments over hydro and organic ( lol not really ) it reminds me of the democrats and the republicans fighting, in many of years I can say this a lot of smart people were made to look like complete fools after shooting there face off about which was better and then they couldn't accurately tell which was which in a taste test. both methods can produce shitty or some of the best stuff you ever had, its knowledge people not method.
JD not sure if I can be of any help because I have no idea of your setup and if its anywhere close to ideal, but if your water is anywhere from 62 to 66 there should be no reason to run hydroguard or any of that shit, if your buying nutes from a store close your eyes and pick a brand its all shit so it don't matter. whether you use chem or not run enzymes in with it even em-1 if you want. make your enzymes don't buy them. for future all I can say is search and learn how to make your own nutes, keep it light tight and clean.