Spider mites.

Has anyone completely, rid themselves of spider mites once u got them. If so how what stragities did u use and what products, is there anything that's safe all the way up to harvest..
there are a variety of ways to rid the spider mites.... my first recommendation is use ladybugs (you can get a bag of them cheap at almost any nursery) but if you are growing indoors, not good idea... you can use a garlic mixture, or diluted eco friendly dish soap spray... just make sure you get both the top and under leaf....
there are a variety of ways to rid the spider mites.... my first recommendation is use ladybugs (you can get a bag of them cheap at almost any nursery) but if you are growing indoors, not good idea... you can use a garlic mixture, or diluted eco friendly dish soap spray... just make sure you get both the top and under leaf....
Do u have a recipe for the garlic mixture, and I read something on here about a habenero mixture, you ever heard about it?
Do u have a recipe for the garlic mixture, and I read something on here about a habenero mixture, you ever heard about it?

*if you choose garlic mixture... mix olive oil, two to three cloves of garlic, dish soap, lemon juice, and water together. strain through a cheese cloth, and spray on 2-3times a week.

(note you can add hot sauce to the mixture if you like...)
Yep. Mites can be tracked in on your clothes or body. Whenever I go in my room I only wear boxers and a new shirt.

this is what I've heard but usually from someone who brought a clone in their room lol.

my lawn mowers, tractor, rototiller, used dirt, garden tools...all stored year round just feet from my grow room door in a barn. I dont wear new shirts and always have pants on in my room. I never had mites since 2008. I buy dirt, visit grow stores too. My dog walks around the grow room with me. I grow organic style.
I never had mites

the only diff I ever noticed was those who did.....from a clone.

put some pants on will ya:P

this is what I've heard but usually from someone who brought a clone in their room lol.

my lawn mowers, tractor, rototiller, used dirt, garden tools...all stored year round just feet from my grow room door in a barn. I dont wear new shirts and always have pants on in my room. I never had mites since 2008. I buy dirt, visit grow stores too. My dog walks around the grow room with me. I grow organic style.
I never had mites

the only diff I ever noticed was those who did.....from a clone.

put some pants on will ya:P

Be careful in my hood, the fence line and front line are one and the same.:cuss:
What I did was take SM-90, mixed and applied as directed(in res. as well). 3 days later mixed Spinozad, 3 days after that Azamax, as directed. I spray in my tent, clone room then hit the perimeter of the property each time.
I now do maintenance of once a week outside with the same rotation and hit the clone/mom room every other week.

Green Cleaner will work in flower but if you miss any in the 9 day killoff it will just make them stronger.
It's become easier for me to believe in preventative measures, like washing my hands.
there are a variety of ways to rid the spider mites.... my first recommendation is use ladybugs (you can get a bag of them cheap at almost any nursery) but if you are growing indoors, not good idea... you can use a garlic mixture, or diluted eco friendly dish soap spray... just make sure you get both the top and under leaf....
How diluted are we talking..
there are a variety of ways to rid the spider mites.... my first recommendation is use ladybugs (you can get a bag of them cheap at almost any nursery) but if you are growing indoors, not good idea... you can use a garlic mixture, or diluted eco friendly dish soap spray... just make sure you get both the top and under leaf....

This is a popular misconception! Lady bugs.....not very effective!

If you are going the predatory insect route. The best choice is predatory mites!

I have never been a fan of home made fix's or "essential oil" products for mites. Almost nobody understands the critical process of applying them so they even have a chance to work.

Dish soaps are not healthy for your plants.....This should be understood by everyone that grows. A stressed plant gives off a scent (pheromone) that attracts mites! Dish soap use (essential oils too) causes the plant some stress. Insecticide soaps are different - to a point.

How to even get close to getting home fix's to work.....You have to "brake" the life cycle of the bug! Most things your going to use are a contact killer. Most of them have little to no effect on eggs! Some, no effect on juvenile or larval stage's.... Then for the most part, your killing adults.

Making that work is a strict 4 week project in applying your chosen product. Once every 5 days and for 4 weeks (some say 3 but, do a 4th to be sure). Thing is, sometimes this doesn't work!

I could go on and on about how this or that works and how to apply it and for how many times at these many days apart.

Some folks don't like any chemical....Some will do anything to kill the bug and save a cpl of plants....

Want a single application and be done with them way? Get some FORBID 4F on ebay for a small affordable amount. Mix 8 drops of it in a gallon of water. LIGHTLY mist only the tops of the leaves. DONE!

Lets not get into a donnybrook over the safety of this chem - Look up the toxicology reports for it on line and decide for yourself if it's something to do. If you have an infestation that's not being controlled - This is the one that will knock it out.

On a safe and organic solution - Spinosad is said to work well and a member here (well respected) swears by Cpt Jack's!

Mitey Wash is a trace pyrethrin water that repel's them......

I like @Grandpapy (s) prevention idea. thing is. Make your own ultra-ultra low dose pyrethrin mix and use that (spray) at every crack and crevice - especially around doors and venting points (in the vent in the wall too)..Bimonthly for me...This repels the fuckers! I have been mite free for almost 7 years...

If you get Russet or broad mites. About the only thing that will kill them off, IS Forbid......nasty, nasty things russet mites. A viable Russet solution is to toss out and burn the whole run! SUPER clean the whole operation and then run bug bombs and spray around with more pyrethins and start over after 3 weeks of resting the area....And even then, be on the close watch for them to return!

Good luck on the method you choose! Mites are actually easy to get rid of, if you do it right!
I'm 25 stories up, have only grown from seed, and clean and sanitize regularly. Still got them. Wtf! I'm thinking cut flowers or a potted plant that was brought over duRing Easter but never came near my grow.
Anyway, tossed one plant in late flower, then sprayed with a combo of dr bronners peppermint and neem for the vegging plants. Great killer and preventative but careful with the amount of dr bronners as it can burn certain strains.
I'm 25 stories up, have only grown from seed, and clean and sanitize regularly. Still got them. Wtf! I'm thinking cut flowers or a potted plant that was brought over duRing Easter but never came near my grow.
Anyway, tossed one plant in late flower, then sprayed with a combo of dr bronners peppermint and neem for the vegging plants. Great killer and preventative but careful with the amount of dr bronners as it can burn certain strains.

the only time I saw a real live mite was when my lady brought home a house plant from a fund raiser. she noticed webbing I flipped out and went to work on experiments. Like oil, c02, fire finally. never had them on mj though fortunately.
That is still common Chemmy.

If you live near Pine tree's or certain farm crops.....More common then it should be.

funny you mention those, I am surrounded by 100 foot pine trees and outside of that is pure MI farmlands and homestead gardens.
Ima gonna stop though, as I feel like I'm daring the fuckers to visit me.....

I'm stickin with the clones though, because I dont do anything special, and even daring them in the barn space /garden equip storage area proximity. Of course house plants are always suspect, but I'd never bring one of those into my home anyways and since she never heard a mite rant from me prior........ didnt even think about it.