smoke yeild from a seeded plant?


Well-Known Member
I got a plant in flower that; pollinated. How much smoke can i yeild from it u think after harvest?ty:fire:
I dont think you can yield smoke from a plant, it is the bud material at the top that is important :-o

The problem with a pollenated plant is that now all of the energy is going into seed development. But seriously, without knowing the size of the plant and alot more info it would be impossible to give you an accurate answer.


Well-Known Member
ueaj i got a pic having truble posting. I fig it hard. i gonna try to post pic, as it is wet on plant, the buds look like barley growing bowl size deals. Lol, first grow dont laugh, i learned a lot!


Well-Known Member
I was hoping for a "not any!" ir "almost as much" type of response. Pain or joy of some personal experience. LOl,


Well-Known Member
I just got the set up ready for a real grow now lol. Nah i just meditate in there, the plants fend for themselves


Well-Known Member
A seeded plant is going to give you half as much as normal. so if you weigh it wet, your gonna get 5-10% of that weight in usable bud.


Well-Known Member
I grew a hermie full term b4....It was SUBSTANTIALLY LESS than a true female....lets say if u were gonna get an oz off a female id say you get 1/2oz of a hermie of same size and less potent :(


Well-Known Member
Well next grow gonna be pimp, any recomendations on good nutes, I do have 4 ok clones that are doing well and i gonna order some seeds. I taking any recmendations there too. Seed companys, i mean. I hydro, prob gonns stay dwc, maybe aero. I am getting good at this despite what the plant looks like! This site rocks. I using stealth hydro nutes now and superthrive


Well-Known Member
Yes this site rocks its great you have found it useful and are not one oof those people who come on here to critisize other peoples plants


Well-Known Member
Well next grow gonna be pimp, any recomendations on good nutes, I do have 4 ok clones that are doing well and i gonna order some seeds. I taking any recmendations there too. Seed companys, i mean. I hydro, prob gonns stay dwc, maybe aero. I am getting good at this despite what the plant looks like! This site rocks. I using stealth hydro nutes now and superthrive

Hey eharmony420. I use DWC for my mothers because its stupid simple and works well, I have excellent results using Advanced Nutrients 2 part grow and bloom series. There are some strains out there that are much easier to grow indoors like Northern Lights, Big Bud, Skunk #1.... Most seeds I get are from other growers, but I have gotten seeds from Nirvana, they all germinated and worked well. Once you got a strain dialed in then you can start experimenting a bit with new strains IMO. I like to have all the basics down and have my yields maxxed before moving on.


Well-Known Member
Reps to all! I'll take your advice. Gotta love dwc, lol, i cud not get clones going at first so i took an airstone and pump stuck it ina coffe can and popped some holes in the lid. The i jammed some clones inside just floating. In a few days they all took off! I added a little superthrive and did one according to the bottle, also i cut the sterms underwater. 100% success, and i prob for real getting superthrive tattoo.


Well-Known Member
u might like this i wrote a harmless thread last night some dick butted in to call it pointless and why doest anybody read his, this was my response, hope i dont offend anyone but he called my post a waste, rofl,

wow, i just woke up but it looks like some dumb ass is treating this site like god damn he has a stake in world war 5. U dont. SHut the fuck up about what posts u think are relevant or not. I dont want to hear about my spelling either. We've all been to school, we all have jobs, we have all been living in a world that moves so freaking fast reading a fruit like you seems like i got some 50s MR WILSON from some Dennis THE MENACE trying to bitch that my kid Dennis wont let you suck his dick. Move on! I've seen all the posts. I dont get offended by reading, "WHAT will my yeild be?" Lol, I try and guess. U this frickin serious u gotta show up to a harmelss thread and bitch, hire yourself a gardener, or if you really this frickin retarded have your nurse hire you one. And no bitching like a 2 year olds abut my spelling. You have read enough to have some salt somewhere in you where you dont have to read it if, like it says in the title, is too stupid a question for you. By the way i'd at least guess the later half, maybe 4 weeks of flowering, concerning red hairs. But i am guessing! WOW! After, fricking all, flowering can sure be a god damned apprehensious time for a grower, except four you, and your new private gardner!


Well-Known Member
The plant wa stretcched the crap out of originally and transpanted from dirt to hydro bad, actually ost all roots but one, but it was in the bathroom and i was leaving the light on! It then got 2 cfls and a led panel where it stretched! Then i found this sight! I got the 400 going and it is 8 inches form the canopy. I might go lower but overall temps is always like 85 still. The plant is a survivor, her clones are rocking and i am thinking that they will do awesome with the tender loving care i am giving them now.


Active Member
The plant wa stretcched the crap out of originally and transpanted from dirt to hydro bad, actually ost all roots but one, but it was in the bathroom and i was leaving the light on! It then got 2 cfls and a led panel where it stretched! Then i found this sight! I got the 400 going and it is 8 inches form the canopy. I might go lower but overall temps is always like 85 still. The plant is a survivor, her clones are rocking and i am thinking that they will do awesome with the tender loving care i am giving them now.
Well that explains it. Your next grow should do MUCH better.
As for this plant's yield...I would say an 1/8th to a 1/4th