I did not realize Obamacare cost increases over the last few years were all Trumps Fault

Be careful to. If they don't like what you say here they'll ban your account! And I don't mean people who visit the site. I mean the powers behind the site.

I was told by a mod that they were tired of reading my posts. So apparently if your views aren't shared they "report" you. Which I guess leads to the mods reading your posts. So when I told the mod that they probably have the wrong job if they're tired of reading posts. Since obviously it's a big part of their job. I guess that was offensive because I got banned.

So here's another returning banned member, who just cannot post without offending multiple members, and then complains about how he was mistreated! This is really great stuff! :lol:

I'm glad that you decided to make a new account here. I see that you're so proud of your IQ that you included it in your user name. You didn't have to bother, we all knew that already.

You are barking up the wrong tree here. Facts don't matter here. Since the blame BUSH was getting old and Os out of office. They can't go back to the BUSH playbook. So now yes that idiot did blame TRUMP for costs rising to a plan that went into effect years before TRUMP ran for president. Of course it's his fault!

Be careful to. If they don't like what you say here they'll ban your account! And I don't mean people who visit the site. I mean the powers behind the site.

I was told by a mod that they were tired of reading my posts. So apparently if your views aren't shared they "report" you. Which I guess leads to the mods reading your posts. So when I told the mod that they probably have the wrong job if they're tired of reading posts. Since obviously it's a big part of their job. I guess that was offensive because I got banned.

You can't exchange views with the snowflakes without offending them. And if they're offended your speech must be stifled. Because only people with views that oppose theirs shouldn't have the right to speak. Because now they're trying to say any view other than theirs is offensive.

Sorry that's not how it works. Free speech means you're going to hear plenty of things you disagree with. And unless that speech leads to violence or danger. Hurt feels and or disagree doesn't even come close to hate speech. But shortly any thing other than liberal views will be considered hate speech. Better find the safe zone. And don't exercise your right to free speech any place but the free speech zone.

Sorry this whole nation is a free speech zone. I'm forced to listen to the silly libs.

They all complain about Trump this or Trump that. They'll tell you how awful he is. Their candidate got destroyed in the elector college. Not because of Russia. Not because of the head of the FBI. No they lost because as bad of a candidate as Trump was their candidate was far worse. Trump didn't blame a video for Benghazi. Trump and his side kick didn't use a private server to pass highly classified material. He didn't send those classified files to WIENER to print out at home without clearance. Trump didn't hide the fact that he had a private server. No Hillary did! Then she hands the FBI paper copies of email that she decided to hand over. Then she wants to complain about how long it took to read them.

WOULDN'T IT HAVE BEEN EASIER TO JUST HAND OVER THE HARD DRIVE? Which other sec of state had to destroy phones and laptops with HAMMERS?

Look at the government regulations. She doesn't get to decide what is and what isn't kept by the government. The government decides! That's the whole reason she needed the private server! It was the only way to circumvent the system. Who in their right mind really thinks setting up a private server in their house is easier than using a system already set up by the government to protect our secrets! I mean how can anyone say with a straight face that the server was the easiest way?! She should have been locked up for lying about Benghazi and hiding the secret server with classified info.

And if I were a dem I'd be appalled with how their system was used against Bernie! And believe me I don't agree with that clown either. But to have the party he's actively running on their ticket is conspiring against him! The media is giving her answers to debate questions before the debate and she still can't win.

So no matter how much you libs want to say Trump was a bad candidate. You've got to realize that Hillary was that much worse. She lost to him! And the FBI and Russia had zero to do with it!

Trump wasn't who I wanted to head the ticket. But I'll tell you what the only vote Hillary is getting from me is a vote to send her to jail! Where she should be.
So here's another returning banned member, who just cannot post without offending multiple members, and then complains about how he was mistreated! This is really great stuff! :lol:

I'm glad that you decided to make a new account here. I see that you're so proud of your IQ that you included it in your user name. You didn't have to bother, we all knew that already.

At least it can spell. Not even punctuation errors.

As for the text, well, it's completely understandable that right wing consumertives should focus on the past as recently re-written in newspeak by the brotherhood. The present day actions of a US government that is completely dominated Republicans leaves right wingers without words in their defense.

You are barking up the wrong tree here. Facts don't matter here. Since the blame BUSH was getting old and Os out of office. They can't go back to the BUSH playbook. So now yes that idiot did blame TRUMP for costs rising to a plan that went into effect years before TRUMP ran for president. Of course it's his fault!

blah blah blah Benghazi, blah blah criminal Hillary, blah blah UNFAIR, blah blah blah
No you are not. Those two terms are incompatible. But whatever, let emotion into it. Did you ever look up Project SHAD, and realize how much the government has fucked vets?
Incompatible? Anarchy and Minarchy are two subdivisions of Libertarianism. You just made yourself look really unknowledgeable.
So here's another returning banned member, who just cannot post without offending multiple members, and then complains about how he was mistreated! This is really great stuff! :lol:

I'm glad that you decided to make a new account here. I see that you're so proud of your IQ that you included it in your user name. You didn't have to bother, we all knew that already.

I'd just like to know why it is you even get to comment on your staff account about politics? Offending multiple people huh? Have you read the names I've been called? I haven't called anyone anything! I just gave my point of view. And if that offends the snowflakes. I couldn't care. This is the USA we have free speech. Those who don't like what I wrote can simply choose not to read it. But instead they come to a thread that clearly isn't in their viewpoint just to try and chase people out of here and giving their opinion. Meanwhile these are supposed to be the caring kind people. Isn't that what all libs think. And all we conservatives simply want to do is kill grandma and grandpa. What a load of crap. I don't mind paying for MY insurance. I do mind having to pay more for because some people rather not take responsibility of themselves. Then to top it off I'm also supposed to be OK with paying higher taxes to cover the losses incurred by their plan that doesn't work.

So to recap my rates went up to help others. Then more of my tax money pays for insurance losses. And I can't even keep my freaking doctor and I'm just supposed to cool with that. I don't think so!!
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So here's another returning banned member, who just cannot post without offending multiple members, and then complains about how he was mistreated! This is really great stuff! :lol:

I'm glad that you decided to make a new account here. I see that you're so proud of your IQ that you included it in your user name. You didn't have to bother, we all knew that already.


You are full of it. Would you rather ban all conservatives and help contribute to the liberal group polarization on this site? Just because liberals get offended at everything doesn't mean that a lot of what he says isn't true. If you are offended by the truth then you are a snowflake; but it DOESN'T call for banning the voice on the other side. Besides, you are putting your head in the sand if you allow liberals to call names and say VERY offensive things, yet complain about offensive conservatives. Even YOU are making references to him having an IQ of 71 which is borderline retarded. There's two sides to every argument and he happens to be on the conservative side.
I'd just like to know why it is you even get to comment on your staff account about politics? Offending multiple people huh? Have you read the names I've been called? I haven't called anyone anything! I just gave my point of view. And if that offends the snowflakes. I couldn't care. This is the USA we have free speech. Those who don't like what I wrote can simply choose not to read it. But instead they come to a thread that clearly isn't in their viewpoint just to try and chase people out of here and giving their opinion. Meanwhile these are supposed to be the caring kind people. Isn't that what all libs think. And all we conservatives simply want to do is kill grandma and grandpa. What a load of crap. I don't mind paying for MY insurance. I do mind having to pay more for because some people rather not take responsibility of themselves. Then to top it off I'm also supposed to be OK with paying higher taxes to cover the losses incurred by their plan that doesn't work.

So to recap my rates went up to help others. Then more of my tax money pays for insurance losses. And I can't even keep my freaking doctor and I'm just supposed to cool with that. I don't think so!!
Pathetic how you come creeping back to a place that nobody likes you or wants you around. Even your doctor won't take your money because he would rather help people other than a bitter old dipwad.
You are full of it. Would you rather ban all conservatives and help contribute to the liberal group polarization on this site? Just because liberals get offended at everything doesn't mean that a lot of what he says isn't true. If you are offended by the truth then you are a snowflake; but it DOESN'T call for banning the voice on the other side. Besides, you are putting your head in the sand if you allow liberals to call names and say VERY offensive things, yet complain about offensive conservatives. Even YOU are making references to him having an IQ of 71 which is borderline retarded. There's two sides to every argument and he happens to be on the conservative side.

Still here I see, my little twinkie. Still having that reoccurring dream where you are tossing Jesus' salad for hours until he finally pops off in your face?

"You must be at least 18 to be a member of this forum."

Reported. You should head over to grasscity, you'd fit right in. Think of it as 'Breitbart lite' for alt-right Jesus freaks like yourself.
There was nothing new put out yesterday

yep, it was just made official that both obama and sally yates warned trump not to hire a compromised foreign agent, but he did so anyway, and exposed all of our most top secret and confidential information to a compromised foreign agent who was being blackmailed by russia.

we knew it all along, and yesterday it was made official.
So to recap my rates went up to help others. Then more of my tax money pays for insurance losses. And I can't even keep my freaking doctor and I'm just supposed to cool with that. I don't think so!!

insurance rates went up slower under obamacare than at any other time in history, 99.9% of people were able to keep their doctor, and the only ones that weren't were the ones who had junk plans that did not cover anything.

besides, the map clearly shows that 65% of all GDP in this nation comes from blue counties, who cover the brokedick, opioid-addicted, disability-dependent red counties who only contribute 35% of GDP n this nation.

quit trying to lie about who is taking care of who in this nation, you inveterate liar and scummy piece of filth.
yep, it was just made official that both obama and sally yates warned trump not to hire a compromised foreign agent, but he did so anyway, and exposed all of our most top secret and confidential information to a compromised foreign agent who was being blackmailed by russia.

we knew it all along, and yesterday it was made official.
You make it sound as if it was all on Flynn. Trump and Flynn were practically joined at the hip during the election cycle. What did Trump know and when did he know it?

a) Collusion with Russia, trading Russia's help for lifting sanctions as well as US recognition of Russian control of Crimea and Ukraine.
b) from the beginning of the campaign