sucks ass to see them all beat down like that, but only the strong go on. crazy thing though the one female that i picked to breed with out of all the plants is still standing and looks fairly good. lucky i transplanted the male i picked days before. really makes me reconsider the traits i was selecting for. all though fast and impressive looking the taller bigger plants just got wreaked and the shorter slower growing plants did a lot better with the winds.
so i haven't been able to take updated pics of the hoop house autos. been busy but will get some up next week.
looks like most the plant are still alive, had to steak some up to help them. they definitely have been growing still but seems like the wind shocked them and they stopped showing sex. they should start back up soon...i hope. any way heres some pics of some other plants i use to breed with to bump the thread. their photo plants but have made auto versions that i'm still working on. everyone is welcome to post in the thread as long as its relevant. 100_0826.JPG 100_1149.JPG
so the tallest sativa ak47 pheno is 32 inches. the Hindukush pheno is 26 inches. really don't won't them to get much taller. Want them to finish in the hoop house. Gave them some cal/mag and great white. Starting to see more plants show sex as well.
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looks like their just starting to flower. had to take the cover off the hoop house, the tallest plants are 45 inches tall.
shorter pheno is 37 inches tall. starting to smell too.
wont get much if any bud, i stunt them on purpose to keep them small. just looking to get like 10 + seeds per plant with these. im sure that sativa would get crazy tall if it had the root space.
Did they all go male outside? I did 20 many years ago real close together. They all went male. I figured the root systems kinda did a hive mind thing.
Did they all go male outside? I did 20 many years ago real close together. They all went male. I figured the root systems kinda did a hive mind thing.

That's weird you got all males.were did you get the seeds from and what strain?, never had that happen before. This line has a healthy female to male ratio IMO.
thinking about topping them to keep their height down, staiva pheno is 5 ft tall, Hindu pheno is 4 ft tall. there's some early phenos but the late males/females are barely starting to bloom.DSCN1526.JPG DSCN1527.JPG DSCN1528.JPG DSCN1529.JPG DSCN1530.JPG
group shot, sativa pheno and some cool base/root pictures. the tallest sativa pheno is 5 foot 5 inches and keeps growing!!DSCN1539.JPG DSCN1540.JPG DSCN1543.JPG DSCN1544.JPG DSCN1546.JPG