Religious ironies


Well-Known Member
One of them, for me, was that I was taught to understand that we WILL see our dead relatives when we die...We will all meet up in Heaven and all that....But, my Dad died when I was really young, and I've already lived longer than he, then...when I die and go up to Heaven and meet up with everyone, then when I see my dad again, I will be a lot older than him....which isn't how I remember him! LOL!

Another one is how Jesus had to be born and go through being a baby, toddler, adolescent, teen...and FINALLY, after 33 years, he just hit the scene like a rock star....I mean, why couldn't he save all that rigamarole and just walk out of the desert a fully-grown "man" (really a God in disguise as a man) without having to put poor Mary and Joseph through all that turmoil and pain?

Seems like Jesus could have spread his word a lot more effectively if he would have performed a miraculous escape from the crucifix -right in front of everyone so there would be no disputing the miracle. Instead, he "dies" and then, when no one is looking, he comes back to life and rolls a giant boulder out of his way! How did doing that benefit anyone? All the people who loved him were crying their asses off at the horror....Jesus was really like, "psssst...PSYCHE!!!" Man, I would be pissed off if I would have been one of Jesus' pals after putting me through all that. I would have wanted to smash him in the face or something!

If Heaven is so much better, then why doesn't anyone WANT to die?

And that's NEW Testament stuff! Old Testament stuff is like 1000X crazier and more ironic!
Another one is how Jesus had to be born and go through being a baby, toddler, adolescent, teen...and FINALLY, after 33 years, he just hit the scene like a rock star....I mean, why couldn't he save all that rigamarole and just walk out of the desert a fully-grown "man" (really a God in disguise as a man) without having to put poor Mary and Joseph through all that turmoil and pain?

That's how the first Gospel (not of tradition) Mark goes. The later Matthew, and Luke Gospels invent nativity narratives.
One of them, for me, was that I was taught to understand that we WILL see our dead relatives when we die...We will all meet up in Heaven and all that....But, my Dad died when I was really young, and I've already lived longer than he, then...when I die and go up to Heaven and meet up with everyone, then when I see my dad again, I will be a lot older than him....which isn't how I remember him! LOL!

Another one is how Jesus had to be born and go through being a baby, toddler, adolescent, teen...and FINALLY, after 33 years, he just hit the scene like a rock star....I mean, why couldn't he save all that rigamarole and just walk out of the desert a fully-grown "man" (really a God in disguise as a man) without having to put poor Mary and Joseph through all that turmoil and pain?

Seems like Jesus could have spread his word a lot more effectively if he would have performed a miraculous escape from the crucifix -right in front of everyone so there would be no disputing the miracle. Instead, he "dies" and then, when no one is looking, he comes back to life and rolls a giant boulder out of his way! How did doing that benefit anyone? All the people who loved him were crying their asses off at the horror....Jesus was really like, "psssst...PSYCHE!!!" Man, I would be pissed off if I would have been one of Jesus' pals after putting me through all that. I would have wanted to smash him in the face or something!

If Heaven is so much better, then why doesn't anyone WANT to die?

And that's NEW Testament stuff! Old Testament stuff is like 1000X crazier and more ironic!
I remember hearing that in heaven everybody is around thirty years old. So you'll be thirty, your dad will be the same age and I guess so will all the little kids that died at a young age. Unless they stay as little kids.
I really really hope I get to see some of my family again. Some more than others.
Sometimes I think I'm ready to go. Sometimes I wish I could just go. There's stuff I just want to do first. So really, I'm not ready, I'm just tired. What's that phrase? Miles to go before I sleep?
The Biggest irony that I saw when I was a young man and now that while professing to hold the 'keys to the kingdom' mainstream religions and their bastardized IDEAS have been behind the deaths of so many MILLIONs of people. They don't even believe their OWN 'holy books'. I seriously doubt that most Christians have read the whole Bible much less the Koran (if we are to understand our enemies).

So how can Christians believe " ..we WILL see our dead relatives when we die...We will all meet up in Heaven and all that..." When the Bible clearly states that 'the dead are DEAD and know nothing' but await the resurrection. Look that up in STRONG'S Exhaustive Concordance, if you doubt.
There is no god so relax and make the best of the short life you have.

Jesus was just the first Jesus freak. No better and no worse than any other delusional prophet.
