Yep this is exactly what im trying to preach. Anyone who has their space discovered by smell has severely f'd up. It should be the easiest thing in the world to control and the absolutely last thing to ever get you caught. To be incredibly blunt the only way smell is an issue is if you are just lazy or stupid. Its a relatively inexpensive thing to do as well and in my mind is equally important as providing the right nutrients and light to the girls.
I would have to strongly agree with haze010. $160 dollars for peace of mind that no smell or leakage of smell to my neighbors or even guests in my house is priceless. You will have a horrible smell during flowering and I don't care what anyone says but no product including ONA GEL will eliminate the smell 100% that your plants give off during flowering. I can tell you that prior to about 4 weeks ago I didn't have a carbon filter and every time I would walk into my place "smack" right in the face. I couldn't have guests over or anything. It also creates great airflow in your tent and removes a lot of unwanted things from your tent like mold spores. If you're looking into a nice carbon filter system I'd be happy to share what I bought and know works.