I herniated L5-S1 pretty hard about 8 years ago. I hit the pt as best I could and all issues kind of went away within a few months. About 5 years after that, I had stopped the pt and never really even bought about my back. I was moving some very heavy equipment by myself like a jackass, and wouldn't ya know I shot even more of the disc out. That time was bad, felt like I had a seriously bad pulled muscle all down my leg. Foot was on fire, all types of weird stuff. Ended up getting a microdisectomy and lamectomy a few months later. They said I'd be walking the nxt day, that was horse sh1t. Weeks before I could walk. All it seems to have done several years later is made my back weak, and painful, with occasional sciatica when I over do it on the dirt bike or something. I highly recommend avoiding getting surgery on your back at all costs. In hindsight, I would've rather had the leg pain still than have surgery and the whole new mess of problems it brings with it .
On an interesting side note, take a plane to a high altitude area if you can. I bet it will make your back stop hurting for at least several days. Something to do with gasses dissolving in solution at lower pressures. Worked for me. Pain came back a week later after I returned home though.
Best of luck to you brother. Take all advice with a grain of salt. Doctors included