Berkeley's Liberal Intolerance is about to bite them in the ass.

Anne Coulter was the other speaker in a two part series on immigration at Berkeley. She was denied equal access to facilities by the possibility of a Heckler's veto, which is unconstitutional and a clear violation of the first amendment.

Well established case law.

The same pattern has been observed with other conservative speakers at UCBerkeley while such high profile speakers as Bill Mahr, Vicente Fox and others enjoy full access to all the publicly funded facilities.

The lawsuit is already been started. Others to follow against the city of Berkeley and Berkeley PD.
She wasn't denied equal access to facilities, she was denied the right to deliberately put students at risk and disrupt finals week. The university quite responsibly counter-offered to schedule the event to occur at a time when students would not be at risk from a riot and free shuttle service to her speaking engagement. Coulter cancelled because speaking wasn't her objective. Right wingers don't understand that Berkeley is an educational institution, not a public forum for their political speeches.

Well established case law. LOL

Here's what the Chancellor at UC Berkeley said:

Contrary to some press reports and circulating narratives, the UC Berkeley administration did not cancel the Coulter event and has never prohibited Ms. Coulter from coming on campus. Instead, we received a request to provide a venue on one single day, chosen unilaterally by a student group without any prior consultation with campus administration or law enforcement. After substantial evaluation and planning by our law enforcement professionals, we were forced to inform the group that, in light of specific and serious security threats that UCPD’s intelligence had identified, there was no campus venue available at a time on that date where the event could be held safely and without disruption. We offered an alternative date for the event (which was rejected) and offered to work with the group to find dates in the future when the event could occur. Throughout this process our effort has been to support our students’ desire to hold their event safely and successfully.

Yet again, right wing radicals oppose education.
How much money on security should the city spend to make sure Coulter can come troll a bunch of far-left liberals?

You've got to be joking. Just because a bunch of criminals want to engage in criminal behavior every time someone of the other political point of view is invited to speak that about half of the country supports, you're saying that's cool.

You're saying a bunch of babies crying and breaking shit overrides the first amendment, they don't.

Its Berkeley PD and CalPD's job to keep students safe. Did you know its illegal to wear a mask at a protest in California? How much does that cost to enforce?
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She wasn't denied equal access to facilities, she was denied the right to deliberately put students at risk and disrupt finals week. The university quite responsibly counter-offered to schedule the event to occur at a time when students would not be at risk from a riot and free shuttle service to her speaking engagement. Coulter cancelled because speaking wasn't her objective. Right wingers don't understand that Berkeley is an educational institution, not a public forum for their political speeches.

Well established case law. LOL

Here's what the Chancellor at UC Berkeley said:

Contrary to some press reports and circulating narratives, the UC Berkeley administration did not cancel the Coulter event and has never prohibited Ms. Coulter from coming on campus. Instead, we received a request to provide a venue on one single day, chosen unilaterally by a student group without any prior consultation with campus administration or law enforcement. After substantial evaluation and planning by our law enforcement professionals, we were forced to inform the group that, in light of specific and serious security threats that UCPD’s intelligence had identified, there was no campus venue available at a time on that date where the event could be held safely and without disruption. We offered an alternative date for the event (which was rejected) and offered to work with the group to find dates in the future when the event could occur. Throughout this process our effort has been to support our students’ desire to hold their event safely and successfully.

Yet again, right wing radicals oppose education.

You support Heckler's veto, interesting.

Students at risk? That's Berkely PD and Cal police job. And Berkeley PD is paid above and beyond every time for security that it simply fails to establish. They won't even make the black bloc remove their masks, which is the black letter of the law.

Now we know that the mayor of Berkeley is pro-Antifa so its no wonder.

She was denied equal access to the facilities that the other speaker was in the series. Period.

If you are allowed to speak in an auditorium, with seats and microphones for a q&a style speech during prime time hours where most people can attend, and I am relegated to an outside public square with a megaphone during busy hours when noone can attend, that is not equal access nor is it really a facility. Its a public square and under a little different jurisdiction.
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Anne Coulter was the other speaker in a two part series on immigration at Berkeley. She was denied equal access to facilities by the possibility of a Heckler's veto, which is unconstitutional and a clear violation of the first amendment.

Well established case law.

The same pattern has been observed with other conservative speakers at UCBerkeley while such high profile speakers as Bill Mahr, Vicente Fox and others enjoy full access to all the publicly funded facilities.

The lawsuit is already been started. Others to follow against the city of Berkeley and Berkeley PD.


failed lawsuit, straight ahead.

ann cunter does not have protected speech.

Screenshot 2017-04-29 at 12.36.36 PM.png
You've got to be joking. Just because a bunch of criminals want to engage in criminal behavior every time someone of the other political point of view is invited to speak that about half of the country supports, you're saying that's cool.

You're saying a bunch of babies crying and breaking shit overrides the first amendment, they don't.

Its Berkeley PD and CalPD's job to keep students safe. Did you know its illegal to wear a mask at a protest in California? How much does that cost to enforce?

you realize that the only people who showed up were well-organized fascists and nazis who were bussed in from out of state, right?

the criminals you speak of are your own, you little pussy boy.
You support Heckler's veto, interesting.

Students at risk? That's Berkely PD and Cal police job. And Berkeley PD is paid above and beyond every time for security that it simply fails to establish. They won't even make the black bloc remove their masks, which is the black letter of the law.

Now we know that the mayor of Berkeley is pro-Antifa so its no wonder.

She was denied equal access to the facilities that the other speaker was in the series. Period.

If you are allowed to speak in an auditorium, with seats and microphones for a q&a style speech during prime time hours where most people can attend, and I am relegated to an outside public square with a megaphone during busy hours when noone can attend, that is not equal access nor is it really a facility. Its a public square and under a little different jurisdiction.

suck an entire bag of dicks you fucking crybaby.
You've got to be joking. Just because a bunch of criminals want to engage in criminal behavior every time someone of the other political point of view is invited to speak that about half of the country supports, you're saying that's cool.

You're saying a bunch of babies crying and breaking shit overrides the first amendment, they don't.

Its Berkeley PD and CalPD's job to keep students safe. Did you know its illegal to wear a mask at a protest in California? How much does that cost to enforce?
Coulter knows she'll sell more books by whipping her dumbass fanboys (like the sock here) into a frothy mix of retardation with the use of false indignation while at the same time gleefully orchestrating the events. Performance artist or grifter?
Coulter knows she'll sell more books by whipping her dumbass fanboys (like the sock here) into a frothy mix of retardation with the use of false indignation while at the same time gleefully orchestrating the events. Performance artist or grifter?

Someone who writes best sellers and currently has the #2 spot wants to promote their book?

You have a flair for the obvious, any more talents?
well, the bank doesn't assign me a special teller just so that i can buy a a thousand dollars worth of pennies to sort through and melt down in some federally illegal scheme, but i do have a knife sharpening business out of my trailer.

so maybe.

So the op is Berkeley and I was discussing Berkeley and you are on to mental instability.....have fun with that!