BC seeds, GMO Cannabis?


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone,

I recently came accross these seeds from BC seeds and was wondering if anybody had any experience growing or even heard of any of these. the descriptions for some of them are kind of ridiculous and nevermind the price of the seeds. If anybody as any input that'd be great!
Haha. Some funny stats on elephant bud
Cost $5000
Yield 1500g/m2
Flowering 35-50 days
Thc 37.5
Sure, sure. Never entered in a competition, no grow links just trust us with your $5grand
one of those things....i hope thats a left over from the first of the month.....cause if it aint, i 'm not interested in any way, shape or form. i like weed, and that aint weed, thats something new, with new characteristics, and new potential health hazards....fuck it till they kill a few lab rats with it first
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Yes the never die is one of them. Also they have a perennial the say is capable of producing 25+ Lb's per year, and at 10 Years old stands at a height of 29'. Or there is a strain they claim is lab tested at 43% THC and 30+% CBD. I wouldn't consider trying them, I Am part of a licensed producer in canada and I was speaking with a co-worker about the possibilities of GMO Cannabis for Pwodery mildew resistance and other pests then came across these seeds and just wanted to know people thoughts.
Haha. Some funny stats on elephant bud
Cost $5000
Yield 1500g/m2
Flowering 35-50 days
Thc 37.5
Sure, sure. Never entered in a competition, no grow links just trust us with your $5grand


There's others with claim's like that! Can you say Pit Bull?
Yes the never die is one of them. Also they have a perennial the say is capable of producing 25+ Lb's per year, and at 10 Years old stands at a height of 29'. Or there is a strain they claim is lab tested at 43% THC and 30+% CBD. I wouldn't consider trying them, I Am part of a licensed producer in canada and I was speaking with a co-worker about the possibilities of GMO Cannabis for Pwodery mildew resistance and other pests then came across these seeds and just wanted to know people thoughts.



It doesnt clarify on quantity of seeds either. Imagine somebody paying $10,000 for seeds or worse a single seed and they dont germinate or something happens

Ahaha, my thoughts EXACTLY!


I've seen 20K paid for a cut......Damn rare one but, really?

There's others with claim's like that! Can you say Pit Bull?
back in the day . they were getting 3k for a clone of GSC, in the bay.. crazy
Have alink to share with the group? I want to see what you are talking about.
look up bc seeds . and look for the 100k plant said you can leave it to your grandchildren. and pulls 30 lbs a year. not even worth it,..
spend 100k on a whole bunch of plants , i get that much weight in 6 months then double that
I got a seed from a guy that said it was from JESUS , right from his holy garden.
Called The Four Horsemen .... You will Astral Project and see some fucked up shit. You will dance on buildings with your bros ... Like LA LA LAND but that's fucking gay .... Flavors are Murr and Frankincense with notes of cheeseburgers. Perfect for you erectile candyasses that can't get your dick up , it will give you a big black cock.

You can have it for a cool million ....

I take PayPal ...
God bless america ...... :blsmoke:
I got a seed from a guy that said it was from JESUS , right from his holy garden.
Called The Four Horsemen .... You will Astral Project and see some fucked up shit. You will dance on buildings with your bros ... Like LA LA LAND but that's fucking gay .... Flavors are Murr and Frankincense with notes of cheeseburgers. Perfect for you erectile candyasses that can't get your dick up , it will give you a big black cock.

You can have it for a cool million ....

I take PayPal ...
God bless america ...... :blsmoke:
lol no shit... real creative marketing firm they hired
i don't think this is true, and if it is, i hope they tank miserably and the entire company goes under.
get your motherfucking gmo shit the fuck away from me, and keep it there.
cannabis has been around since before our monkey ancestors were swinging through trees looking for the next banana.
it doesn't need you or your genetic manipulation. and just exactly how much safety testing have you done? have you been smoking this foul shit? cause till you smoke it yourself for a couple of years and have no ill effects, you're a criminal for selling a gmo product that hasn't been verified as safe.
there, thats almost how i really feel.....i decided to edit out a couple of cocksuckers and fucking stupid bastards......