Coughing brown stuff from weed?

Hey all! Long time lurker first time poster here. My name is Frank and im a medical marijuana patient in the state of California. So ive been smoking regularly for over 5 years now. Just the other day i was taking bong hits as usual and i had to cough. For some reason i had a napkin on me so i decided to spit/cough phlegm into the napkin and to my horror there was tiny little bits of brown stuff in it! They were very very small bits but still. To me personally it looks like the resin that coats the insides of pipes but im not an expert. I was absolutely mortified by this as i dont know how long this has been going on, most of the time i dont examine what i cough up. Now i want to say a few things. i cant go to the doctor. Its too expensive, period. So thats out of the question. Now i understand you are all normal people and not doctors so im not expecting a diagnosis or anything but really guys any help or insight at all would be greatly appreciated (my anxiety over this is literally debilitating). Now on to some specifics about myself: i used to smoke cigarettes but havent in 3 years, Ive noticed i only cough the weird stuff after taking fat bong rips. Yesterday i didnt smoke at all and was constantly checking my phlegm, it was almost completely clear with only a little tiny spot of brown here and there. I tried looking it up online but that just made me more paranoid. So my question is have any of you had this happen? My personal and uneducated theory is that i burst a blood vessel in my lungs from violent coughing (looked into it, coughing hard enough will hurt the lungs) because the day this happened i coughed like a madman. Guys help me out here, im freaking out that i might have some horrible lung disease. The good part is i dont seem to be having any other symptoms other than mild heartburn. Anyone know what this could be? Are my lungs just clearing out tar? And i dont wanna hear any crap about weed being harmless. I know cannabis is one of the safest drugs on planet earth but the smoke itself cant be too good on the lungs. Finally, i want to ask you all a huge favor: next time you take a fat bong rip that makes you cough alot, spit that phlegm onto a white napkin and see if theres anythingg in it, maybe this is more common than i think? Because i didnt even realize i was coughing this stuff up till i saw it on a napkin. Cheers to you all, i really hope you guys can help me
not to put too fine a point on it
I know youre trying to be funny but the fact that i cant afford to see a doctor shouldnt be a joke to you. Come on man im sincerly asking for advice here
You can always afford a doctor. I live in the same state. I am on a smallish fixed income at this time, and I make just that bit too much to get MediCal. You can get MediCal to supplement your Medicare if you truly cannot afford a doctor.

Thus my advice stands.
Consider the weed was pulled too soon, and you're just freaking a little, otherwise stop smoking, remove all other forms of "brown stuff" in your O2 exchange and get to a Dr.

Oh, and drink more water, it will cause the phlegm to thin, you'll end up swallowing most of the brown stuff and it will be off your mind.
If the worry from this is causing you the point "its debilitating" the only advice is to see a doctor asap.
I doubt you'll get the answer you seek by asking readers to hack loogies into a napkin and report back with results o_O

"Our respiratory system makes mucus naturally. It keeps our tissues moist and traps dust, pollen, and other foreign particles that shouldn’t be there. We excrete excess mucus through the nose and mouth. Unfortunately, some people seem to have more than their fair share due to allergies or acid reflux or simply just the way they are.

Mucus is a normal body function. If what you are coughing up is yellow or green, you probably have an infection. If what you are coughing up is brown or black, you are most likely a heavy smoker."

Of course the most sensible theory for most would - you're reaching the age where "big fat bong rips" should be left to the youngins with iron lungs.

Edit: I see you're only 19. Rip awaay
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If it makes you feel better i have been coughing up brown stuff for 20 years and im fine - when i switched to joints from blunts i noticed i cough up a lot less, looks and feels like jelly a little
that is actually a huge relief to hear. You may not realize it but you probably just saved me a LOT of unnecessary anxiety. That being said i will still see a doctor when i can, i want to have my lungs x rayed to see how theyre holding up. Thank you very much for your input
Consider the weed was pulled too soon, and you're just freaking a little, otherwise stop smoking, remove all other forms of "brown stuff" in your O2 exchange and get to a Dr.

Oh, and drink more water, it will cause the phlegm to thin, you'll end up swallowing most of the brown stuff and it will be off your mind.
Thank you very much for your input. Since im on a budget, i almost always smoke the cheapest weed i can find at the clinics. Most of the time this means the weed smokes weird or has a bad aftertaste. I guess ill just have to start getting some better quality stuff
i had to give up on smoking regularly, i then used vaporized hash for a while and i felt like it broke up the tar from smoking but both gave me a chronic cough. now i only smoke every so often and feel much better. lungs are one of the slowest organs to heal so, although the whole lung cancer myth around marijuana being safe, you will still collect tar and that can lead to coughing. if you only consume the plant by edibles or patches you will feel better very soon but your lungs could take 10-15 years to heal completely after habitual smoking.
Absolutely. Water filtration is something i take very seriously, in fact i put more water than most people in my bong, i always wanna make sure theres at least some filtration happening. As far as the tea bag paper should i wrap some around the mouthpiece of the bong?
That would work but it will get wet and weak and tear with you mouthing it. Also, how is your 'nad sack? How they hangin? Lung disorders frequently manifest in changes of sack character. That's a major reason the Drs always fondle them while telling you to cough, not just a hernia check