bernie sanders: regressive

Berniebots are the alt-left, bitching about communists and idpol. It is basically the only thing worse than the alt-right, at least liberals embrace good praxis sometimes and are willing to support actual leftists, unlike Berniebots.

It's worse than that rash of Paulbots who came around spouting off about their lord and savior.
I like to think I'm about practical application vs pure theory.

You have good points, even if I don't agree with all of them.

I'm very anti Military Industrial Complex. Even General Mattis was quoted recently as saying that every dollar we don't spend on soft power is a dollar we need to spend on bullets. I agree.

With a family two generations deep in the State Department, I feel strongly that America has been spending far too much on bullets and bombs and nowhere near enough on soft power and just plain getting along with other nations in general.

From a 'praxis' standpoint however, the stark truth is that Bernie is the face of the Liberal Movement in America today. If we want to move our country to the left, we're not going to do ourselves any favors by denouncing him. Rather, we can and should keep pushing him AND the system to the left.
How does this conversation come to that fucked up conclusion?

Why are you still talking about the democratically nominated (in a landslide) ex-Democrat candidate that won the popular vote by a historical margin? (...and that you voted for)

hillary clinton: [breathes]

How does this conversation come to that fucked up conclusion?

Why are you still talking about the democratically nominated (in a landslide) ex-Democrat candidate that won the popular vote by a historical margin? (...and that you voted for)
Obama beat her in both of his elections. How is that historical?
Obama beat her in both of his elections. How is that historical?
That was a long time ago, in the most recent election she won the popular vote by a historically large margin for someone who still lost the election.

This is a matter of historical fact.

You're justifying Republican gerrymandering just because you're a Clinton hater...

Im not even a big Clinton fan, but she'd have brought stability and a vehicle for a massive progressive push within the Party.
How does this conversation come to that fucked up conclusion?

Why are you still talking about the democratically nominated (in a landslide) ex-Democrat candidate that won the popular vote by a historical margin? (...and that you voted for)

Da fuk you talking about, Willis?
That was a long time ago, in the most recent election she won the popular vote by a historically large margin for someone who still lost the election.

This is a matter of historical fact.

You're justifying Republican gerrymandering just because you're a Clinton hater...

Im not even a big Clinton fan, but she'd have brought stability and a vehicle for a massive progressive push within the Party.
Saying she would have made a better president than Herr Chumpster Fuhrer is like saying Twinkies will be a more popular snack with grade school kids than dogshit;

... It's a safe bet, but there are still choices much better than either of them.
Saying she would have made a better president than Herr Chumpster Fuhrer is like saying Twinkies will be a more popular snack with grade school kids than dogshit;

... It's a safe bet, but there are still choices much better than either of them.
If Hillary got elected there is a good chance Sanders would be running the Hubert H. Humphrey Building right now.
12.1% isn't a landslide in a 2 candidate race?

We can agree to disagree on the definition of an electoral landslide...but the numbers kind of speak for themselves.
I've heard that he got got 47% of the vote.

He won 22 states outright.

That's a squeaker. The very antithesis of a 'landslide'.

That he got so close while the DNC played shenanigans, the media ignored him and primaries were rigged is astounding.

We've discussed all this before. Mr Sanders has shown the way forward.

It's up to We the People to travel that road.

My question to you is what you're so afraid of that you have to keep defending a deeply unpopular candidate who FUCKING LOST to an even more unpopular opponent in the general?
I've heard that he got got 47% of the vote.

He won 22 states outright.

That's a squeaker. The very antithesis of a 'landslide'.

That he got so close while the DNC played shenanigans, the media ignored him and primaries were rigged is astounding.

We've discussed all this before. Mr Sanders has shown the way forward.

It's up to We the People to travel that road.

My question to you is what you're so afraid of that you have to keep defending a deeply unpopular candidate who FUCKING LOST to an even more unpopular opponent in the general?
Hillary Clinton: 16,914,722 55.2%
Bernie Sanders: 13,206,428 43.1%
Hillary Clinton: 16,914,722 55.2%
Bernie Sanders: 13,206,428 43.1%
Deny it all you want; he did extremely well for a third party candidate.

And he remains THE most popular politician in national office today, and the only one with a net favorable approval rating. Mrs Warren is number two, with a 48% approval rating.

Why are you stuck in the past to the exclusion of the present- nevermind the future- and what are you sooooooo afraid of about leftist liberal leadership in this country?