Greenpoint seeds!!

It could be that as a retailer Greenpoint had a pre-established $ amount budgeted to the sale and when that amount is reached, the sale ends. It would be like a planned markdown on the books.

Regardless, reverse auctions are a constant on the site and all that's required is to check in. And those auctions often have other gear that Gu has.

Dynamite Diesel and Knight Rider are in the house!
The first post in this thread had a huge list of Gu's crosses and testers
I havent seen most of em
What's the new stuff he was talking about, is the question on my mind
Suspense is killing me lol
From what I've read chem wasn't selling to the organic/natural crowd so it was renamed diesel
diesel is 91 sk va I believe
Hard to say
But my favorite smoke ever in Minneapolis was simply called diesel
Smelled like the exaust from an old freightliner, really messed you up in a good way

Morg, this might help clear some of that up for ya

"Original Diesel' (AKA Diesel #1, Headband, Daywrecker Diesel, Underdawg) came from a cross of '91 Chemdawg x (Mass Super Skunk x Sensi's Northern Lights) done by ‘weasel’."

"Sour Diesel' aka ECSD came from an accidental cross of ('91 Chemdawg x Mass Super Skunk/NL)x DNL after the DNL hermed and seeded the room. The DNL's lineage is NL/Shiva x Hawaiian."

"OG Kush' (the original cut) came from an s1 in a bag of '91 Chemdawg in the Lake Tahoe area in 1996."

Credit goes to Chemdog and orgogliodiprovi for helping H&L sort through the facts to lay out the story.

The 91 Skunk Va is a cut from a grower on Overgrow (I think it was OverGrow) and his user name was SkunkVa or VAskunk.
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Morg, this might help clear some of that up for ya

"Original Diesel' (AKA Diesel #1, Headband, Daywrecker Diesel, Underdawg) came from a cross of '91 Chemdawg x (Mass Super Skunk x Sensi's Northern Lights) done by ‘weasel’."

"Sour Diesel' aka ECSD came from an accidental cross of ('91 Chemdawg x Mass Super Skunk/NL)x DNL after the DNL hermed and seeded the room. The DNL's lineage is NL/Shiva x Hawaiian."

"OG Kush' (the original cut) came from an s1 in a bag of '91 Chemdawg in the Lake Tahoe area in 1996."

Credit goes to Chemdog and orgogliodiprovi for helping H&L sort through the facts to lay out the story.

The 91 Skunk Va is a cut from a grower on Overgrow (I think it was OverGrow) and his user name was SkunkVa or VAskunk.
So ecsd is Nl bred
Onycd is super skunk bred
Clears it up good enough for me, thanks man!
The stufF I got in Minnesota was probably onycd from the Bag smell , still remember that scent nearly 18 years later !
@Tangerine, what of the Lemon Thai we see in the lineage of the OG lines. In time we will have DNA results and lineage information that is definitive. The Hindu Kush seems to figure prominently as an historic home of potent plants.

I'm not really sure and wouldnt dare speculate further, but you're absolutely right.

Right now, we only have eseedfinder for citing lineage.

No one really knows for sure what the lineage of the original chem is other than it came from some "cowboy/construction worker" types and they called it "dawg/dog". Wonka/JB thought it tasted "chemmy" and thus the name was born.

The rest of the details were sorted out and pieced together by H&L with the help of Wonka/JB, Chem, JJ, orgogliodiprovi.

But yeah, until the DNA sequencing is used and proven, the original chem lineage will continue to be speculated...much like the whereabouts of Jimmy Hoffa. :P

So the Afghani in stardawg looks like it was used as a medium to get males back in the line, which I think is fair considering it was probably what saved the chem line
Xx Xx only gets you so far before stuff falls apart.
By my estimation copper is as pure as it gets
But I have to say outbreeding to Skunk, Nl, dnl, intentional or not disqualifies any diesel from the chem designation,
Diesel becomes it's own awesome strain
Just like kush, nice!
So in black gold and dynamite we have either the ultimate diesel strains or the beginning of the ultimate diesel strain
Good guests and info but can the host ever stop talking over his guests? What is with the bong sound and call in crazies? Can't watch him, even with someone like Bodhi! Or maybe especially with someone of such high rep. A little more attention to production quality and audio?
The third episode of the Kush Show is without Adam and it's prolly the best one.

I agree completely. That Bodhi episode was unwatchable, you could skip through it 100 times and it was Adam talking, the focus needs to be on the guests to be a good host you need to ask questions and listen to the answers.

They need to write down the questions they think of instead of interrupting guests.

Production quality is a joke considering how long the shows been on, this kush shit is from season one, I think the production has gotten worse lol

listening to his stance and ignorance regarding pesticides and antifungals during the LA PLATA episode is just shocking to me... maybe I'm taking this the wrong way but he doesn't seem to realize why it's so important to have such strong regulation. He needs to smoke some Canadian LP pot covered in mold that lets off Hydrogen Cyanide because of the shit sprayed on it during growth. If rules aren't in place profits will dictate policy.
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It could be that as a retailer Greenpoint had a pre-established $ amount budgeted to the sale and when that amount is reached, the sale ends. It would be like a planned markdown on the books.

Regardless, reverse auctions are a constant on the site and all that's required is to check in. And those auctions often have other gear that Gu has.

Dynamite Diesel and Knight Rider are in the house!

I think he's on a planned vacation
I expect KR to be king in a few months here.