White widow x big bud. Coco and scrog. Regular updates


Well-Known Member
Will be amending my coco this evening. Will post detailed descriptions of what I'm doing plus photos. Hope to see you along for the ride folks. Check back after 7pm this evening for the first update. And pics (will only be of me amending my coco don't get too excited yet)
4ml Nitrozyme. (this stuff is all round dynamite. Acts as a tonic for heat stressed plants. And aids nutrient uptake loads too. Can be used as a foliar spray which I'd highly recommend but smells a bit like the ocean) DSC_0433.JPG
4 pots ready. Will start the wwxbb beans next Friday in small peat pots. Add some Mycorrhizal fungi about 2 inches below the coco in these pots from the off and hopefully get a decent symbiosis between the mj and the mycorrhizae and an explosion in the root zoneDSC_0440.JPG
Lookin good bro. I didn't realize you ran soil-less. Ever get problems with gnats?
I don't usually mate. It's usually soil but had enough of piss poor drainage lol. Never had gnats myself so I will be no help there bro. I'm gonna see how I fair with coco this run cos why not lol
Makes sense. My hydro store acquaintance got me two bags of Happy frog, and after I use these two bags up i'll probably be going full hydro unless I am blown away by the taste/quality of smoke.
Makes sense. My hydro store acquaintance got me two bags of Happy frog, and after I use these two bags up i'll probably be going full hydro unless I am blown away by the taste/quality of smoke.
I literally used diy store compost and top soil with perlite for the ones In my tent now. But coco is definitely appealing to me this time. Found some willow shoots so I'm gonna make some root stim up soon. I considered hydro but too much water and bare electrics for me. I'll keep it simple haha
I picked up some Coco bricks today, expands to 8L. I think i'm going to play with those. I also picked up 4x 3 gallon rubbermaid totes. Not sure what I'm going to use them for yet lol. Found on my trip these cool clear storage cubes (probably about 1 gallon size) Yep. I've def got a container addiction.
I picked up some Coco bricks today, expands to 8L. I think i'm going to play with those. I also picked up 4x 3 gallon rubbermaid totes. Not sure what I'm going to use them for yet lol. Found on my trip these cool clear storage cubes (probably about 1 gallon size) Yep. I've def got a container addiction.
try not to pot a plant in the clear containers dude. Roots don't like direct light. (could be a myth but I'd proceed with caution) told my Mrs what you said about a container addiction. We have travelled round shops with a tape measure getting dimensions of tupperware to house my electrics for diy projects. For example a thermo relay that runs a bar heater and a fan depending on temps set.... Cost me 15 quid and has the capability of running a light switch manually. Put a timer on that my peanuts box would pretty much regulate a small mother tent/veg box DSC_0140.JPG DSC_0146.JPG DSC_0146.JPG
After a trip to the magic bean shop. Rock wool is soaking in PH 5.5 water now. The coco I potted up the other day is having the shit flushed out of it as we speak. Then will PH some more water and add a small dose of magne-cal and Nitrozyme. Forgot mycorrhizae whilst I was out today though. If needs be I will water it in. DSC_0544.JPG