bernie sanders: regressive

Forcing somebody to purchase something against their will is similar to rape though.
remind us who is forcing you to stay in the US?

aren't you forcing your IP to allow you your 1st amendment rights by going on the internet and posting ad nauseum?
remind us who is forcing you to stay in the US?

aren't you forcing your IP to allow you your 1st amendment rights by going on the internet and posting ad nauseum?

Prove to me that "the USA" is anything but a legal fiction. Can you?
because when deadbeats like you who can't even afford a fridge get clobbered with medical expenses and can't pay, the hospitals and insurers just make the bill for the rest of us a little more expensive to recoup the costs of your mooching ass.

fucking mooch.

So, if a person can't pay for your service, are you obligated to provide it to them anyway ? How does that work?

If somebody forces you to serve somebody else on a nonconsensual basis, aren't you in some way enslaved ?
bernietards are arguing for mandatory ultrasounds now.

that's less of a tea party of the left and more of a tea party of the right kinda thing.
DEBUNKED. And yes I've already posted the link.

When will you Establishment Democratic Party loyalists wake up to the fact that Bernie is the only thing you've got going for yourselves?

Tom Perez isn't the one all those people going to Democratic rallies want to see; they want to see Bernie.

Shame him out of the party and you'll never see the wood paneling of an elected office again!
I know. It's patently irredeemable to refuse corporate campaign contributions and speak out in favor of the needs of the average citizen.

I didn't have you pegged as an elitist like Buck. I now realize my mistake.
I'm not a democrat like Bernard Sandwich though.
I'm not a democrat like Bernard Sandwich though.
No, you're an elitist like @UncleBuck

I'm going to support the candidacies of those who would help hardworking Americans struggling to remain in the middle class over those who want to continue taking advantage of them.

You see, this is enlightened self interest; a strong and thriving middle class is the engine that drove America during its greatest years of prosperity. I'd like that kind of universally accessible prosperity to return and it ain't happening with either establishment party as they now exist.

Bernie sandwich? Do you have anything of substance to spread on that white bread?
Bernard is an imperialist sheepdog and his inflatable movement was the biggest obstacle to the rise of a viable third party in more than one presidential election. His months of campaigning for Hillary Clinton and his decades of house voting along democrat party lines speak volumes about his partisanship.

All I needed to know was that he had antiwar protesters arrested for sitting in to talk to him. I could never support such a candidate, you see, I'm opposed to war.
Bernard is an imperialist sheepdog and his inflatable movement was the biggest obstacle to the rise of a viable third party in more than one presidential election. His months of campaigning for Hillary Clinton and his decades of house voting along democrat party lines speak volumes about his partisanship.

All I needed to know was that he had antiwar protesters arrested for sitting in to talk to him. I could never support such a candidate, you see, I'm opposed to war.
Do you oppose the 1st gulf war? Why/why not?
this is enlightened self interest; a strong and thriving middle class is the engine that drove America during its greatest years of prosperity. I'd like that kind of universally accessible prosperity to return

This makes me ask myself, when was the last time we had a truly robust economy nationwide? The '90's?

It helps to have a booming tax base, would help to increase the top tax rate that doesn't even kick in until you hit $413,000 and that earnings cap on SS has got to go.

If you're making millions a year, you should be proud to pay your fair share.

And the lowly wing nuts, struggling to get by will vote against it. Dumb bastards.