Bernie Sanders is the most popular politician in the US

Increasing the minimum wage to a living wage and indexing it to inflation. Single payer healthcare. Paid maternity leave. Paid vacation time. Tax reform. Campaign finance reform. Financial reform to name a handful. All of which would help poor and middle-class people of all colors and genders

What do you have?

the same except we also don't just ignore the systemic and institutional racism and sexism that hurts the very backbone of the democratic party.

i want fairness, not just unfairness in a higher tax bracket.
the same except we also don't just ignore the systemic and institutional racism and sexism that hurts the very backbone of the democratic party.

i want fairness, not just unfairness in a higher tax bracket.
Increasing the minimum wage to a living wage and indexing it to inflation, enacting a single payer healthcare system, adopting paid maternity leave and paid vacation time and enacting tax, campaign finance, and financial reform addresses the systemic and institutional racism and sexism that exists.

Other than the policy positions I outlined, what do you have? Why is your platform better than my platform? HOW WILL YOU ADDRESS the systemic and institutional racism and sexism that exists?

we just voted on that here and it failed 80-20. you sure about that?
Why do most voters support single payer healthcare? (60%, including 46% of Republicans)
you just keep repeating yourself in the face of demonstrable facts to the contrary.

it was put to a vote in a fairly liberal state. it lost 80-20.

60% of Americans support single payer, including 46% of Republicans

the same except we also don't just ignore the systemic and institutional racism and sexism that hurts the very backbone of the democratic party.

i want fairness, not just unfairness in a higher tax bracket.
I don't disagree, but let's not turn down progress just because it fails to meet all of your criteria.

Art of compromise and all that.
"Is the DNC on board with medicare for all, Tom?"

"Well, ya know, we wanna make sure healthcare is a right it's not a privilege and that's why we fought for the Affordable Care Act, that's why we wanna continue to expand it. We wanna make sure that everybody, and the Affordable Care Act has made tremendous progress. We have more work to do. And I think that the unity, Chris, that we've shown in the recent efforts by uh, Trump, to repeal the Affordable Care Act have been an energizing force for Democrats, Independents, others who share the values of inclusion and opportunity, and, and, healthcare is absolutely a right in this country, or should be, uh, it shouldn't be a privilege and ugh, ugh, it obviously we believe that as Democrats, Republicans don't appear to believe that."


i'm not the one proposing purity tests here.
If you don't support single payer, you're not a progressive

The Heritage Foundation supported the ACA, it was implemented by Mitt Romney in Massachusetts. It's effectively "Romneycare"

That's fine if you don't, but don't label yourself a Democrat unless you want the next actual progressive candidate who comes along to upseat you.
If you don't support single payer, you're not a progressive

The Heritage Foundation supported the ACA, it was implemented by Mitt Romney in Massachusetts. It's effectively "Romneycare"

That's fine if you don't, but don't label yourself a Democrat unless you want the next actual progressive candidate who comes along to upseat you.

your boy is out there campaigning for a guy who wants mandatory ultrasounds and abortion bans at 20 weeks.

if you actually knew how women's bodies work you'd know why you're not a progressive.

and i do support single payer, but it failed 80-20 when put to a vote.

your boy is out there campaigning for a guy who wants mandatory ultrasounds and abortion bans at 20 weeks.

if you actually knew how women's bodies work you'd know why you're not a progressive.

and i do support single payer, but it failed 80-20 when put to a vote.

No, that's a mischaracterization.

Why are you working so hard at smearing your best ally?

If the Democratic Party Establishment is so strong, why are they sucking hind tit so badly?
it's not about me, it's about the women and people of color who make up the backbone of the democratic party.

abandon them to cater to white men at your peril.
I'm not doing that. Your excessively high standards are doing it.

Free college for all is extremely progressive, especially as implemented by New York just a week ago.

Yet you smear it.

Double standard much?