Analysis of a response from my representative in congress


Well-Known Member
A few days ago I sent my representative in congress a question asking if she would sign on to cosponsor rep. John Conyers HB676, the Expanded and Improved Medicare for All Act, this was her response;

"I share your support for ensuring that all Americans have access to high-quality, affordable health. While the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was a major step forward towards improving our health care system in several critical areas, we still have much work to do to ensure that all Americans have access to quality and affordable health care. Please be assured I will keep your support for H.R. 676 in mind as Congress debates federal health care policy.

I take the opinions of my constituents very seriously, and I appreciate that you took the time to contact me on this issue. As additional legislation is brought forward on this, or other topics of interest to you, I hope that you will continue to reach out to express your viewpoint."

She said she "shares my support" and she will "keep my support for HR676 in mind"...

She doesn't address my question as to whether or not she will sign on to Conyers bill as a cosponsor. She tactfully avoids answering the question just like any other politician.

Thoughts on this?


Well-Known Member
A few days ago I sent my representative in congress a question asking if she would sign on to cosponsor rep. John Conyers HB676, the Expanded and Improved Medicare for All Act, this was her response;

"I share your support for ensuring that all Americans have access to high-quality, affordable health. While the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was a major step forward towards improving our health care system in several critical areas, we still have much work to do to ensure that all Americans have access to quality and affordable health care. Please be assured I will keep your support for H.R. 676 in mind as Congress debates federal health care policy.

I take the opinions of my constituents very seriously, and I appreciate that you took the time to contact me on this issue. As additional legislation is brought forward on this, or other topics of interest to you, I hope that you will continue to reach out to express your viewpoint."

She said she "shares my support" and she will "keep my support for HR676 in mind"...

She doesn't address my question as to whether or not she will sign on to Conyers bill as a cosponsor. She tactfully avoids answering the question just like any other politician.

Thoughts on this?
20-50 yrs. into the future.

Your ideas. Grab a Snickers, you'll be there awhile.

And remember, if you ever get the reforms you see out of the Democrats, the other side will still be fighting against you with the current version of fake news.

Good Luck, though.

I'm not against it, I'm just more of a realist with my expectations.

I my lifetime, I'm thinking we peaked in the early mid '60's and it's been a struggle ever since. You lose 2 Kennedys and a King in 5 years, the ideals take a devastating hit. We live in a different world because of it.

And since Jan. 20th, we're going 180° in the opposite direction.


Well-Known Member
What leads you to believe this?
All those old people at those Trump rallies and inauguration will be gone.

As will be the vast majority of congress.

Each successive generation is more enlightened and tolerant.

There is a trend towards science, fake news will ultimately lose. Especially when coastal areas start to flood.

A western democracy can't go much further to the right and prosper over the next few decades.


Well-Known Member
All those old people at those Trump rallies and inauguration will be gone.

As will be the vast majority of congress.

Each successive generation is more enlightened and tolerant.

There is a trend towards science, fake news will ultimately lose. Especially when coastal areas start to flood.

A western democracy can't go much further to the right and prosper over the next few decades.
What you're essentially saying is we won't have it until enough people want it. Look at the poll I just posted from YouGov, most people do want it, right now. The only thing standing in the way of making it happen is establishment politicians who hold up progress because their donors don't want it. Look at the shameful response from my representative, she didn't even address my question. I will never vote for her again.

It's time to stand up and fight for what we all know is right, and it's well past time to get any politician out of office who doesn't actually represent your interests. If you support single payer and your representative doesn't, don't vote for them. Tell them if they want your vote, support a single payer healthcare system.


Well-Known Member
What you're essentially saying is we won't have it until enough people want it. Look at the poll I just posted from YouGov, most people do want it, right now. The only thing standing in the way of making it happen is establishment politicians who hold up progress because their donors don't want it. Look at the shameful response from my representative, she didn't even address my question. I will never vote for her again.

It's time to stand up and fight for what we all know is right, and it's well past time to get any politician out of office who doesn't actually represent your interests. If you support single payer and your representative doesn't, don't vote for them. Tell them if they want your vote, support a single payer healthcare system.
A majority support the legalization of cannabis, right now.

A majority supporting something doesn't guarantee it at all.

A majority (53.9%) didn't vote for Trump.


Well-Known Member
A majority support the legalization of cannabis, right now.

A majority supporting something doesn't guarantee it at all.

A majority (53.9%) didn't vote for Trump.
Most Americans support it, but our politicians don't (even the ones who claim to represent us)

Ask yourself why and please get back to me with your answer