Well-Known Member
Good.there's literally zero evidence of that.
Good.there's literally zero evidence of that.
Clear Channel owns a lot of radio stations, often including several in a single market.Doesn't Clear Channel own them all? That is my understanding.
He's got everyone's personal info.He's a snitch, looking for snitchy stuff.
yep still digging........dig in while u can.are you still digging? you have to be halfway to china now
So the OP is interesting, and here's a historical perspective of television news:
I think the OP should also address newspapers, websites, and blogs. Are these now MSM outlets? Or does just television news count as the MSM?
Lots of Americans in the so-called "heartland"--you know, the "bubba" states like Texas, Kansas, Alabama, Iowa, etc.--get their news from an old timey weekly newspaper in print (that's mailed to subscribers). Those newspapers tend to have archconservative viewpoints, and attempt to sway readers to vote for very conservative local and state candidates.
TV history is good to know for where we've come from, it does not predict where we're going.So the OP is interesting, and here's a historical perspective of television news:
I think the OP should also address newspapers, websites, and blogs. Are these now MSM outlets? Or does just television news count as the MSM?
Lots of Americans in the so-called "heartland"--you know, the "bubba" states like Texas, Kansas, Alabama, Iowa, etc.--get their news from an old timey weekly newspaper in print (that's mailed to subscribers). Those newspapers tend to have archconservative viewpoints, and attempt to sway readers to vote for very conservative local and state candidates.
TV history is good to know for where we've come from, it does not predict where we're going.
You'll notice that most of the major news outlet have large and thriving websites, making your question less relevant. You can get CBS News on the TV or on the Internet, but you can get it- if you choose it.
The notion that 'bubba' or 'flyover' states still get their news printed on dead trees is wildly incorrect. Newspapers nationwide have been dropping like mayflies for 20 years now.
Most people across the country, coasties and heartlanders alike, get their news from television and internet sources. Sadly, this isn't progress; the shift has eliminated hundreds of thousands of journalism jobs, to the point where marketers now outnumber journalists.
This trend has led to 'profitable news', which seems only to entertain rather than truly inform and has little patience and less room in the budget for expensive need gathering apparatus like overseas bureaus.
As you might guess, 'modern' news has become much less heterogeneous, less diverse, less informative and much more easily manipulated.
This explains the rise in influence of fringe reporting like Breitbart and Infowars, and the incredible influence of opinion dissemination like Rush Limbaugh or Democracy Now.
If readers don't feel they are receiving good information they will quit reading or turn the channel. so they provide content that gives viewers reason to read/watch their channel. If people aren't tuning in, sponsors will people create their own "fake news" reality by what they watch, ie Fox & Friends & O'Riely factorTelevision and Internet are similar in that they are advertising delivery vehicles. When television became more popular around 1955-1956, people believed it would become a crucial educational tool--for both traditional education and adult education. But what became more popular were game shows and The Honeymooners. REad the link. Edward R. Murrow's hard hitting news show had to be tempered with soft stories, feel good stories. And eventually it was cancelled because of ratings.
The internet operates on clicks. Shit online is considered no good if it doesn't get enough clicks. And when the Internets was relatively new in the 1990s, people considered it a huge tool for education, educators, students, and adult education. It was even called "the information superhighway." This was before there was ad one on the internet (although many corporations that created early websites in the 1990s considered the whole site to be an ad).
Today, television and the internet are both just ad delivery vehicles--and guess what? Newspapers likewise have always been advertising delivery vehicles.
What you say is true about national newspapers like the NYT and LAT. However, weeklies across the country have held their subscription rates with mid-1990s numbers. The average weekly newspaper reader is over 55 years of age, and they live in a "bubba" state. These papers are still very influential. And folks over 55 in "bubba" states are ardent voters.
Your analysis furthermore doesn't consider how television is losing to streaming, and there'll be fewer cable subscribers next year than currently.
As for "profitable news" why doesn't your analysis consider the same facet to American news media that was ongoing in the early 1990s before high speed internet service was available in most of the nation? In the 1990s, high level commentators like Robert Reich, Michael Moore, Ted Koppel, and many others bemoaned "infotainment" editorial produced by most television news outlets. How is that any different from today?
As for the homogeneity of the news, that's a problem that the consumer can easily solve. Just consume more information. Consider BBC, C-SPAN, government websites where information can mostly be found in the raw. NPR, Canadian news, and the St. Petersburg Times are still viable news sources (until Trump gets rid of public broadcasting). There's also the Christian Science Monitor and other publications such as the National Review, the Republic, and Atlantic Monthly that have an entirely different news model than the one you suggest is monolithically applied to all news media. And like I suggested in a previous post, broaden your analysis to consider blog sites and the young people's news like Vice and Gawker and related sites.
in short, news is never perfect, and has always operated on a for profit model in the United States. Their goals for the most part are to make money, and not to keep folks informed.
Why/why not?
I don't trust the information I get from mainstream media sources because I know they operate as a business, their goal is ratings which equates to advertisement revenue, not objective information.
I think it's evident FOX represents the Republican party, MSNBC represents the Democratic party and CNN holds a neutrality bias, which means they act like both sides [Democrats & Republicans] are equal, and they leave you, the viewer to make up your own mind.
I believe the media has a responsibility to hold elected officials accountable. At this, they have failed.
You're part right.
When I was a kid, there were 3 networks plus PBS. Nobody tried to turn a profit, the news was a public service to the viewers.
It was 'off limits' to report certain things like marital infidelities and affairs.
American news has always been about profits.
But they had title sponsors. Read the link, the Power and the Profits. Geritol, for example, was the title sponsor for a lot of network news in the 1950s and early 1960s.Wrong. Period.
They didn't even have commercials back when it was 15 minutes. I remember.
But they had title sponsors. Read the link, the Power and the Profits. Geritol, for example, was the title sponsor for a lot of network news in the 1950s and early 1960s.
The first newspapers that were created in England in the 1600s were all about generating a profit, too.
It's wishful thinking if you believe news isn't about profits. And you'll likely condemn NPR and PBS as MSM, but they are the last non-profit news channels (along with C-SPAN) that exist in this country.
Were you even alive in 1955 or 1960?
No, but there are nifty things called historical primary source documents. At any large sized university library, you can watch old news reels, and see old newspapers on microfilm. They're working on digitizing this stuff.
Again, read the 1976 David Halberstam article. It's a secondary source, but he cites primary sources.
OMG, Hearst and Pulitzer made up fake news stories to push for their agendas--more than 100 years ago!! GASP!! That cannot be so, right? Fake news is only part of current American culture. Yeah, right.