Dead republicans make me happy

Oh, in regards to shedavey's attempted doxxing? Yeahhhh, it's what slugs like him do for kicks - any attempt to live vicariously through someone of vastly better means is a shot worth taking, right? Thankfully, he only hacked/wormed his way into one of my channels (pretty slimy, eh? Now keep in mind this loser cop is in his 50s, lol.), a hobby-related and not family/personal-related channel. I've experienced jealousy and envy backlash before, but davey and pooey take it to new heights!

Again, though, it should come as no surprise; it's Psychology 101: Trailer dwellers, broke, failures, fat/homely/nagging 'wives', bitter/racist, miserable existence, red state cowards, etc.etc. regularly reading the posts of a guy with his own (paid for) large home, multiple vehicles, hot young wife, loving pets, financial freedom, stress-free lifestyle, possessions and cash assets beyond their capacity to fathom, etc.etc. -- It's why I don't ever really 'fault' the poor losers for their barrage of envy-based postings.....poor dears....

Excellent meltdown. :clap:
like you, he also did not grow and spammed us constantly with neo-nazi propaganda. he also listed a cop training school on his other internet accounts.

any old time you feel like it just show me liking something saying he is leo and or racist like you claimed you could, thanks.
@Fender Super and @UncleBuck want these people dead.

We know you are, just proved it logically........You singled out a loose ideological group for death, which is fasciously insane and then you proceeded to separate them by skin color, which is really racist........ now loop out over and over and over about it in a sort of idiot fashion

Got old the first day bruh. Even the leftys on here call out your stupid shit on the regular.
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We know you are, just proved it loop out over and over and over about it in a sort of idiot fashion, got old the first day bruh. Even the leftys on here call out your stupid shit on the regular.

Don't bring me into this Two Nuts!

Just because I called somebody on an poorly thought out post doesn't mean that you have a brain.
Don't bring me into this Two Nuts!

Just because I called somebody on an poorly thought out post doesn't mean that you have a brain.

You have one other lenghty post in this thread.......are you attempting to imply you've already covered my simple sentiment above in that one post? I'm afraid you would be mistaken about that.
Damn, you really are jealous, I kind of suspected it when I saw how passionate you became when talking about aviation... it must really suck to be you. Hey, at least you can sit back and relive it with Big Rocks Long Props, if you haven't got some of those DVDs you ain't no bushy... and for sure check out PopsDory on Youtube, that nigga cray cray in a good way, and they're all doing stuff you'll never do again

Oh and I bet you play Microsoft Flight Sim (as you admitted to doing on Monday at 12:54PM) every day while sucking back Mountain Dew and smoking Pall Mall's... imagining what it would be like to actually pilot the Queen across the NATs or PACOTs... so here's one more for ya... a nice sunrise over the Atlantic.
Damn, you really are illiterate. I do NOT use MFS because I am a Mac person. Windows is for illiterate losers like you. I've seen the sunset over the pacific at the same time as the full moon was rising in the east. I've seen fireworks from above. I've seen rainbows below me. I've seen how destructive clear-cutting is and how utterly inept human attempts were at reforestation of clear cuts (looked like a fucking Xmas tree farm). I've landed on rough, inhospitable strips, and done maintenance on aircraft, miles from any FBO. You don't even know what an AN bolt is. I hope no one will sell you a share in a light aircraft because you're the type of guy who'd do anything to get out of the maintenance costs.

I DO use X-Plane, though I don't like it very much. I miss flying, but I don't envy a bus driver like you. You'd probably drag a doctor off a flight like those barbarians at United did. Hell, you probably fly for that airline. You also rape flight attendants of both genders.

You are a rapist.
Better than being dumb as shit! not really racist

so you harbor homicidal rage at immigrants, are seething with anger that there is no 'whites only' job program at mcdonalds, you support rawn pawl (who had his very own section on stormfront), and you threatened to move to australia over 'obamacare socialism' (even though they have socialist universal health care there), because you are totally not racist?

the only people buying that are just as dumb and racist as you are, boy.
any old time you feel like it just show me liking something saying he is leo and or racist like you claimed you could, thanks.

wait, are you claiming that desert dude is not racist?


i suppose you're gonna claim that despite your repeated use of racial slurs against obama, support of the stormfront candidate rawn pawl, and avowed hatred of civil rights that you as well are not a racist.
wait, are you claiming that desert dude is not racist?


i suppose you're gonna claim that despite your repeated use of racial slurs against obama, support of the stormfront candidate rawn pawl, and avowed hatred of civil rights that you as well are not a racist.
Yet you now publicly support that candidates foreign policy.
Nice troll post sister. I can't claim a member is racist unless I observe said racism, I'm afraid your word doesn't mean much these days.

So the claim was yours quite obviously. My claim was that he doxxed you. I have a screenshot of that. So the burden is still on you as usual.
Yet you now publicly support that candidates foreign policy.
Nice troll post sister. I can't claim a member is racist unless I observe said racism, I'm afraid your word doesn't mean much these days.

So the claim was yours quite obviously. My claim was that he doxxed you. I have a screenshot of that. So the burden is still on you as usual.


you guys both supported a candidate with his own section of devoted followers at stormfront, both of you oppose civil rights, and both of you are claiming to be totally not racist?

only a real dumb racist would buy that. or a paid neo-nazi spammer.

you guys both supported a candidate with his own section of devoted followers at stormfront, both of you oppose civil rights, and both of you are claiming to be totally not racist?

only a real dumb racist would buy that. or a paid neo-nazi spammer.

Can't solidify a standalone argument, went searching.....UncleBuck is active on stormfront......33 white male, sound familiar?

Paid spammers lulzy can you point me to the rnc Wikileaks confirming that? Fantastic. Loving your fact filled dialoge here.
Can't solidify a standalone argument, went searching.....UncleBuck is active on stormfront......33 white male, sound familiar?

Paid spammers lulzy can you point me to the rnc Wikileaks confirming that? Fantastic. Loving your fact filled dialoge here.

you don't grow and all you do is post neo-nazi conspiracy theories and spam.

you are a dumb racist who lives in a trailer.