Update with a few nug shots. The best smoke so far turned out to be the Ghost Cure followed by the DJam's #3 & #5, the Rudeboi is good on the flavors as well as the Irene but the high is kinda boring. I need to take a quick tolerance brake so I can really gauge the high's but so far the Ghost Cure is the keeper I wouldnt want to lose out of everything right now. At same time I dont want to cull plants

but I must make more room!
The Ghost cure has the best flavor as well & it dried much quicker than all the others. It's a nice lemon OG flavor that lingers in the mouth for a few minutes. I thought I would like the piney OG's better but the lemon from the Ghost is just right! The buzz is active & up beat with a good head buzz & ends with a nap if possible.
The DJam's are uplifting without anxiety/paranoia, not to strong but has some good legs to the high. #4 doesnt have to much smell #3 smells like kali mist & #5 smells like the fruit cherryish candy cane smells from early on.
DJam # 3
View attachment 3891506
DJam #4
View attachment 3891505
DJam #5
View attachment 3891509
Pure Irene
View attachment 3891510
Rudeboi #1
View attachment 3891512
Rudeboi #2
View attachment 3891517
Ghost Cure
View attachment 3891519