Dead republicans make me happy

So everyone you disagree with is a Nazi cop eh? Was turnabout fair play in Berkeley recently when Antifa had their asses handed to them?
Oh, you mean when the big bad Nazi sucker punched a 105 pound woman? Yeah right, real brave there. When are YOU going to stop hitting women?
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Oh, you mean when the big bad Nazi sucker punched a 105 pound woman? Yeah right, real brave there. When are YOU going to stop hitting women?

That was an incident, yes. She went for "100 Nazi scaps". Free speech women have taken hits in Berkeley from fists, weapons and pepper spray. I don't think any of them were paid to protest or do porn though, like scalp lady.

Avoid the question again: was that turnabout fair play? According to you it was.

I know you're really stupid, but this is a simple concept I thought even you could grasp.
That was an incident, yes. She went for "100 Nazi scaps". Free speech women have taken hits in Berkeley from fists, weapons and pepper spray. I don't think any of them were paid to protest or do porn though, like scalp lady.

Avoid the question again: was that turnabout fair play? According to you it was.

I know you're really stupid, but this is a simple concept I thought even you could grasp.
Killing and doing experiments on modern-day Nazis (like you) is revenge for the Holocaust. Of course, you're a Holocaust denier. Because you're a pig. Death to pigs.
Killing modern-day Nazis (like you) is revenge for the Holocaust. Of course, you're a Holocaust denier. Because you're a pig.

Oh so you hate hate and pose to fight the hate with bigger hate, and violence; and of course tiny little humming bird egg sized internet balls.

Its working.

I had family in concentration camps back then. How about you?
An eye for an eye makes you and me blind. Look you have nothing to gain from fighting with strangers on the internet. It is just not worth it, wrong or right.
Rather light a spliff and try to feel a bit of the One love, for everyone everywhere.
An eye for an eye makes you and me blind. Look you have nothing to gain from fighting with strangers on the internet. It is just not worth it, wrong or right.
Rather light a spliff and try to feel a bit of the One love, for everyone everywhere.
I do not love Nazis. All right-wingers deserve nothing but slow, painful death.
So everyone you disagree with is a Nazi cop eh? Was turnabout fair play in Berkeley recently when Antifa had their asses handed to them?
Not everyone, but certainly you, Adam-12.
Next time there's a Nazi rally in Berkeley, I might have to get me some Nazi to lay up in the freezer. Good dry rub, lump charcoal, cherry for smoke, that's good eatin'.
Why are there so many bacon haters here?

Buck is jewish and even he loves bacon. What is wrong with you people?
I love bacon. I hate mercenaries for Trump. Cops are mercenaries for Trump. All cops are mercenaries for Trump so when events like what happened in Dallas take place, I load the vape with high-test and dance naked around the house singing "Have you seen the little piggies, stirring up the dirt?" Cops taking dirt naps are fine by me.
I love bacon. I hate mercenaries for Trump. Cops are mercenaries for Trump. All cops are mercenaries for Trump so when events like what happened in Dallas take place, I load the vape with high-test and dance naked around the house singing "Have you seen the little piggies, stirring up the dirt?" Cops taking dirt naps are fine by me.

dallas was hilarious.

some goddamn hero goes out there and mows down 5 cops at random and one of them turns out to actually be a fucking nazi, iron cross tattoos and everything.

if that doesn't tell us all we need to know about the nazi pigs trying to parade themselves around as those who 'protect and serve', i don't know what will.
Oh, you mean when the big bad Nazi sucker punched a 105 pound woman? Yeah right, real brave there. When are YOU going to stop hitting women?

That wasn't a sucker punch. That was a direct hit. A sucker punch is when you run up out of nowhere from the side or back, hit them, then run away.
That wasn't a sucker punch. That was a direct hit. A sucker punch is when you run up out of nowhere from the side or back, hit them, then run away.
Shut the fuck up, pig. You deserve to be put on a rack, stretched to the breaking point and then chopped to pieces with a chain saw.