Dead republicans make me happy

And we divert and make excuses for a desire to murder people. A jury wouldn't buy it. Neither do I.

Your colors are showing. Your ~real~ beliefs. Death to all that oppose you.
You are identical. I'll be the liberal shooting back, and shooting for the head.
Your colors are showing. Your ~real~ beliefs. Death to all that oppose you.
OOOOHHHH, all that and illiterate, too. Typical Trump sex partner.

You say that like it's a bad thing. The thing that's funny, is I'd be all for one peaceful solution: the secession of California from the US. Let you mouth-breathers in Flyoverville, Shittuckistan, starve without the billions you take from California. I renounce my American citizenship, I am a citizen of the California Republic.
OOOOHHHH, all that and illiterate, too. Typical Trump sex partner.

You say that like it's a bad thing. The thing that's funny, is I'd be all for one peaceful solution: the secession of California from the US. Let you mouth-breathers in Flyoverville, Shittuckistan, starve without the billions you take from California. I renounce my American citizenship, I am a citizen of the California Republic.

Murder is illegal there too btw.

"Just Saying"
You called for murder every day for eight years, when a black man was in the Oval. If you deny it, you're a liar.

Here's the thing. I'm not a democrat nor republican. You're so far off on my personal beliefs. It's a running joke. One thing for sure. I don't wish death on those that think differently then me. That's straight cRaZy.

Keep up the excuses, homie. Dig deep and realize you're a fascist. That's the first step.
Here's the thing. I'm not a democrat nor republican. You're so far off on my personal beliefs. It's a running joke. One thing for sure. I don't wish death on those that think differently then me. That's straight cRaZy.

Keep up the excuses, homie. Dig deep and realize you're a fascist. That's the first step.
Just remember: When the war starts, this godless commie will be shooting back.
Sounds pretty fascist to me, as does the title of this thread. Maybe we could change the name of the thread to Yay, murdering fascist haters thread
Or it could be just what it is - Dead Republicans Make Me Happy. Because they do. I celebrated the deaths of Ronald Reagan and Jerry Falwell for months! Joe Paterno, too.