Here we go


Well-Known Member
Perhaps he has his own theory.

Some of us can see the forest for the trees rather clearly.

Where'd your Social Media stalker thread go Buck? Experiment over?
If anything I was probably correct and the Russians managed to deploy surface to air missiles to destroy them.

We don't want to admit they can do it, they don't need to admit it because no-one knows what happened.


Well-Known Member
i can't take anything you spew seriously considering what an idiot you are on so many other grounds.

for example, you claim that CO2 is not a climate driver. not even the nuttiest of climate denying fuckheads would claim this. even the climate deniers call that premise "nutty".

i don't build anything on top of a poor foundation.
What @heckler73 said in the recent post wasn't wrong.

That landing field was built with defense in mind. The missile strikes hardly damaged the air strip. Not because the missiles that did hit it were loaded with caps. The strip was hardened in anticipation of this very event. I'm guessing the field had other defenses to cause so many missiles to fail to reach target. A vision system array-blinding laser isn't out of the question. Also radar jamming and decoys are more likely than SAM.
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Well-Known Member
What @heckler73 said in the recent post wasn't wrong.

That landing field was built with defense in mind. The missile strikes hardly damaged the air strip. Not because the missiles that did hit it were loaded with caps. The strip was hardened in anticipation of this very event. I'm guessing the field had other defenses to cause so many missiles to fail to reach target. A vision system array-blinding laser isn't out of the question. Also radar jamming and decoys are more likely than SAM.
Tomahawk doesn't use radar, or GPS.

Do you think the Syrians/Russias have enough lasers to jam the optics of 23 seperate missiles simultaneously?


Well-Known Member
Tomahawk doesn't use radar, or GPS.

Do you think the Syrians/Russias have enough lasers to jam the optics of 23 seperate missiles simultaneously?
They actually do use GPS Global Positioning Satellite System, along with Inertial Navigation System, Terrain Contour Matching, and Digital Scene Matching Area Correlation... INS, TERCOM, DSMAC


Well-Known Member
They actually do use GPS Global Positioning Satellite System, along with Inertial Navigation System, Terrain Contour Matching, and Digital Scene Matching Area Correlation... INS, TERCOM, DSMAC
GPS is only active over water, the rest is optics and gyro measurements.


Well-Known Member
Just clearing up if the Tomahawk uses GPS. That answer would be yes
Yes, but only after initial launch where in practical terms it can't be GPS jammed.

I wonder what happened on the test launch before they realised using optics over the sea was unwise?



Well-Known Member
Yes, but only after initial launch where in practical terms it can't be GPS jammed.

I wonder what happened on the test launch before they realised using optics over the sea was unwise?

What makes the Tomahawk so hard to jam besides their anti jamming system is that they fly so freaking low. Raytheon are the kings when it comes to anti jamming technology coupled that with a low flying projector...well jamming is not really an option. A Tomahawk can still find its target without GPS, in fact it is only one of the navigation system it uses.
This Hit was a dud because Trump is an idiot. You don't tell Russia you are about to hit a location and where.


Well-Known Member
What makes the Tomahawk so hard to jam besides their anti jamming system is that they fly so freaking low. Raytheon are the kings when it comes to anti jamming technology coupled that with a low flying projector...well jamming is not really an option. A Tomahawk can still find its target without GPS, in fact it is only one of the navigation system it uses.
This Hit was a dud because Trump is an idiot. You don't tell Russia you are about to hit a location and where.
I like you but very little of that made sense.

Raytheon don't put magic technology in the Tomahawks, you sadly can't make RF unjammable.

Enough noise and that's that.


Well-Known Member
Forget the talking head pundits.

We needed to do something in Syria years ago. The Republican Congress stonewalled Obama. He could have tried harder, so I do blame him for not trying hard enough. But ultimately the Republican run Congress could have approved a strike.

Assad needs to die. Period. At this point, I don't care who does it or who claims responsibility.


Well-Known Member
What makes the Tomahawk so hard to jam besides their anti jamming system is that they fly so freaking low. Raytheon are the kings when it comes to anti jamming technology coupled that with a low flying projector...well jamming is not really an option. A Tomahawk can still find its target without GPS, in fact it is only one of the navigation system it uses.
This Hit was a dud because Trump is an idiot. You don't tell Russia you are about to hit a location and where.
so, if it wasn't jamming tech and there are no indications missiles were shot down (not that I've heard FWIW) then why did 20 some odd missiles fail to reach target? Did we launch junk missiles? Jamming seems like the most likely answer to me.


Well-Known Member
I know you own stock in them but don't buy the marketing bullshit.
so, if it wasn't jamming tech and there are no indications missiles were shot down (not that I've heard FWIW) then why did 20 some odd missiles fail to reach target? Did we launch junk missiles? Jamming seems like the most likely answer to me.

How did 23 completely miss then with so many layers of redundancy?
This conversation has very little to do with me owning Raytheon stock. It started with me when it was incorrectly stated that the Tomahawk does not have GPS. They do.

I think the miss was more of Syria moving shit out the way and poor target choices made. Some of the targets hit seemed to be "double tapped". You still have 59 ares of visible damage shown on photos.
If it was so many missed then I'm sure Russia and Syria would have been showing us all these missed Tomahawk duds that would be laying about.
Trump did not shoot to decimate. If so that base would not be. Trump is an idiot who calls and warns his enemy that he is about to launch missiles at a certain base. Giving time for generation movement and the flight of aircraft away from said base.


Well-Known Member
This conversation has very little to do with me owning Raytheon stock. It started with me when it was incorrectly stated that the Tomahawk does not have GPS. They do.

I think the miss was more of Syria moving shit out the way and poor target choices made. Some of the targets hit seemed to be "double tapped". You still have 59 ares of visible damage shown on photos.
If it was so many missed then I'm sure Russia and Syria would have been showing us all these missed Tomahawk duds that would be laying about.
Trump did not shoot to decimate. If so that base would not be. Trump is an idiot who calls and warns his enemy that he is about to launch missiles at a certain base. Giving time for generation movement and the flight of aircraft away from said base.
Nah man, Trump fired 59 Tomahawks at a cost of 100mill and you're saying he didn't want to do heavy damage?

It is factual that Tomahawks don't use GPS unless over water, why do you always argue the tiniest of nitpick bullshit points?


Well-Known Member

On the morning of April 4th 2017, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, on the verge of a military victory against the terrorist insurgency in his country and on the eve of peace talks that would secure his position as president, decided to use chemical weapons he didn’t have against a target of no military significance in front of as many cameras as possible to cross the one red line that would insure his own government’s downfall.

Soon after, the Academy Award-winning White Helmets–noted for their Oscar-worthy performances, persistent proximity to Al Qaeda, and financial dependence on USAID–bravely risked their lives, handling Sarin victims barehanded against every protocol in the book.

Without presenting a shred of evidence, President Donald Trump boldly launched a military strike against Shayrat airfield because “national security interest,” promising to help the “beautiful children” (*offer does not apply to babies in Gaza, Yemen, Pakistan, or basically anywhere else).

That military strike, a volley of 59 Tomahawk land attack missiles of which 23 actually made it to their target, failed to take out a single runway or even keep the airbase from operating for even 24 hours, but was a complete success for ExxonMobil, Raytheon and Donald Trump.

No one could question the wisdom of striking Syria (except Donald Trump). And no one could oppose such a move (except Russia).

The Trump Train, still convinced by candidate Trump (“dropping bombs on Assad” and “look what happened after Gaddafi“) concluded that this was 7th dimensional backgammon to make China afraid of the US’ willingness to spend $100 million in a fearsome show of failing to destroy a single airfield.

Throughout the world people rejoice as a horrible secular regime in the Middle East is replaced by yet another peace-loving band of ragtag human rights campaigners and child beheaders motivated by a desire to subdue the armies of Rome in an apocalyptic confrontation in Dabiq. (*actual ISIS belief)

The chemicals for the previous “red line” attack in Syria have since been proven to come from Libya with US approval, but that’s probably not relevant to this case.

The CIA has released declassified report after declassified report showing that the plan to topple Syria’s government has been in the works for decades, but this just shows that they were right all along.

The mainstream media unquestioningly asserts that the story is true because the US government says so, but that’s OK because we all know the msm is full of unbiased truthtellers and dig hard to get the raw facts on every story. (“beauty of our weapons“)

Even members of congress think the story is a load of hogwash, but that’s OK because they’re probably crazy.

Meanwhile the White House has released a report on its intelligence about the chemical attack that refutes its own version of the story, but that’s OK because when has the White House ever lied people into war?

This man doesn’t exist, and if you think he does you’re an enemy of humanity who should apologize for having been born. Likewise him, her, her, him and him. And him and her.

This is the 100% true story of the #SyriaStrikes, and if you support sites like The Corbett Report that question it in any way you are a moonbeam fake news tyrant-loving hippy pinko Russian agent and should commit ritual suicide immediately.

If you love your country and/or liberty, NASCAR, supermodels, TV, water slides or your mother you will not question this story in any way. Ever.

This message has been brought to you by the Friends of the Brookings Institute, Raytheon, Genie Oil, Oded Yinon, I-CIA-SIS and The New York Times.



Well-Known Member

On the morning of April 4th 2017, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, on the verge of a military victory against the terrorist insurgency in his country and on the eve of peace talks that would secure his position as president, decided to use chemical weapons he didn’t have against a target of no military significance in front of as many cameras as possible to cross the one red line that would insure his own government’s downfall.

Soon after, the Academy Award-winning White Helmets–noted for their Oscar-worthy performances, persistent proximity to Al Qaeda, and financial dependence on USAID–bravely risked their lives, handling Sarin victims barehanded against every protocol in the book.

Without presenting a shred of evidence, President Donald Trump boldly launched a military strike against Shayrat airfield because “national security interest,” promising to help the “beautiful children” (*offer does not apply to babies in Gaza, Yemen, Pakistan, or basically anywhere else).

That military strike, a volley of 59 Tomahawk land attack missiles of which 23 actually made it to their target, failed to take out a single runway or even keep the airbase from operating for even 24 hours, but was a complete success for ExxonMobil, Raytheon and Donald Trump.

No one could question the wisdom of striking Syria (except Donald Trump). And no one could oppose such a move (except Russia).

The Trump Train, still convinced by candidate Trump (“dropping bombs on Assad” and “look what happened after Gaddafi“) concluded that this was 7th dimensional backgammon to make China afraid of the US’ willingness to spend $100 million in a fearsome show of failing to destroy a single airfield.

Throughout the world people rejoice as a horrible secular regime in the Middle East is replaced by yet another peace-loving band of ragtag human rights campaigners and child beheaders motivated by a desire to subdue the armies of Rome in an apocalyptic confrontation in Dabiq. (*actual ISIS belief)

The chemicals for the previous “red line” attack in Syria have since been proven to come from Libya with US approval, but that’s probably not relevant to this case.

The CIA has released declassified report after declassified report showing that the plan to topple Syria’s government has been in the works for decades, but this just shows that they were right all along.

The mainstream media unquestioningly asserts that the story is true because the US government says so, but that’s OK because we all know the msm is full of unbiased truthtellers and dig hard to get the raw facts on every story. (“beauty of our weapons“)

Even members of congress think the story is a load of hogwash, but that’s OK because they’re probably crazy.

Meanwhile the White House has released a report on its intelligence about the chemical attack that refutes its own version of the story, but that’s OK because when has the White House ever lied people into war?

This man doesn’t exist, and if you think he does you’re an enemy of humanity who should apologize for having been born. Likewise him, her, her, him and him. And him and her.

This is the 100% true story of the #SyriaStrikes, and if you support sites like The Corbett Report that question it in any way you are a moonbeam fake news tyrant-loving hippy pinko Russian agent and should commit ritual suicide immediately.

If you love your country and/or liberty, NASCAR, supermodels, TV, water slides or your mother you will not question this story in any way. Ever.

This message has been brought to you by the Friends of the Brookings Institute, Raytheon, Genie Oil, Oded Yinon, I-CIA-SIS and The New York Times.


if you're gonna parrot retarded crap from the corbet report, at least have the balls to say so, you pants-pissing, muslim-hating bigot.


Well-Known Member
Nah man, Trump fired 59 Tomahawks at a cost of 100mill and you're saying he didn't want to do heavy damage?

It is factual that Tomahawks don't use GPS unless over water, why do you always argue the tiniest of nitpick bullshit points?
I'm still asking why 59 missiles fired and that runway is still operational. I say Trump just wanted a fire work show. Trump is an idiot. You don't warn of a incoming strike on a missile base if you want heavy damage.

arguing nitpick bullshit points ???? Guy you made a comment how the Tomahawk DOES NOT use GPS. You were corrected for your misinformation. Why is it so hard for you to just say "I was wrong " ???

Now you come with " well they only use it over water".
You do realize that Tomahawks are primarily Navy tools. They shoot from ships or the fucking water. The GPS also does not cut off over land it is still used as a supplyment with the DsMac system and TerCom as well as INS.
To reroute a course in flight guess which system is used to do so....GP FUCKING S

Now do you want to continue debating something that I have shown to be and know to be fact ?? or can we just drop this and move on to other shit.


Well-Known Member
I'm still asking why 59 missiles fired and that runway is still operational. I say Trump just wanted a fire work show. Trump is an idiot. You don't warn of a incoming strike on a missile base if you want heavy damage.

arguing nitpick bullshit points ???? Guy you made a comment how the Tomahawk DOES NOT use GPS. You were corrected for your misinformation. Why is it so hard for you to just say "I was wrong " ???

Now you come with " well they only use it over water".
You do realize that Tomahawks are primarily Navy tools. They shoot from ships or the fucking water. The GPS also does not cut off over land it is still used as a supplyment with the DsMac system and TerCom as well as INS.
To reroute a course in flight guess which system is used to do so....GP FUCKING S

Now do you want to continue debating something that I have shown to be and know to be fact ?? or can we just drop this and move on to other shit.
They don't use GPS as their main targeting/navigation system, its only used after initial launch when over water so if anything it should be considered a launch system.

We were talking about how you could potentially jam them, yes it was technically inaccurate to say they "don't use it" but the point being made in context was that they don't use it on approach/for targeting.

But to save argument, you were correct, ok?

The whole thing I was saying was they use a pretty intelligent optical system and because of it I don't think they could be jammed, only intercepted.
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