Nutrient Burn?


I went from seedling nutrients 1/4 tsp per gallon to mild vegetative 1tsp per gal with General Hydroponics, and the plant seems to be being nute burnt, so I flushed and lowered nutrients. I am growing in a 5 gallon dwc Bubbler filled with 3 gal of water now with about 1/2 tsp of flora micro, 1/2 tsp of flora grow, and 1/2 tsp flora bloom. Im growing in a tent with a 450 watt LED viparspectra and small fan blowing.
It seems like the plant is nutreient burnt, but IDK this is my first hydroponics grow. Any advice would be amazing!



Well-Known Member
2.5mL of each might be too much for only 3 gals water.

how do the roots look? healthy and white?


Well-Known Member
EC or ppm measures basically how strong or weak your nute solution is.

for a plant that size, i'd go for something like 0.3 to 0.5 EC.

and you also have to measure what your water EC is too. RO water is 0 EC but well or tap can be anywhere from 0 to 0.5 Ec which you have to factor in as well.


EC or ppm measures basically how strong or weak your nute solution is.

for a plant that size, i'd go for something like 0.3 to 0.5 EC.

and you also have to measure what your water EC is too. RO water is 0 EC but well or tap can be anywhere from 0 to 0.5 Ec which you have to factor in as well.
That could be the problem because I'm using tap water.


Well-Known Member
and maybe think of switching over to RO or distilled water for the time being. it makes hydro a lot easier if you know there is nothing in your water besides what you put in it.