The fuck cats thread

My poem-writing skills wipe the floor with yours, Zarapecker ... even when I am too stoned to hold my beer. You telling teh MEEE to STFU is ... amusing.

Canna, he's a fucking pussy,
He's a girly girl,
Canna, he's a fucking sissy,
He's a pearly pearl.

Your turn.
No Canna, I was thinking more like this (I'm kicking your ass so far):

Polar bears are so like sissy,
They must squat to pee,
Canna he too loves to squat,
A polar bear he be.

Internet woman
with delusions of sentience
Don't look in the shorts

(to the bolded)

Hey, remember the last time you came back and forgot your own script?

We found that amusing.

No Tangie, I don't remember. I grow and smoke good stuff.

What I do remember is that Cannabineer used to have some poem writing skills, and now he seems to have none. Wow, decline can be sudden and swift, can't it?