what are "identity politics" and why do they make you so angry?

No not at all, I'm sure none of that money compromised any of his positions. I mean, why would it, right?

Yeah, it's not like the country is complicated or anything.

But one thing isn't complicated. The Democrats have done more for the poor, more for unionism, more for the middle class, more for minorities, more for you and me, the the right ever fucking will.

Yeah, I liked Sanders more than any other candidate last year. But he didn't win the nomination and I (and 65 million other people) had no trouble voting for Clinton. And she won the popular vote by a fairly wide margin.

The Democrats won the popular vote in 4 of the last 5 elections.

So stand on your principles, hate the 'establishment', and support Trump by default.
Because that's what it ultimately comes down to.

I've said before, you have some good ideas but they're 20-50 years away.

Fake news is the new sheriff in town and we're going backwards. I did everything I could to prevent that.
We were battling Trump, RNC, fossile fuel lobby, Russia, right wing radio and the rest of that scum.

Did you help us in that endeavor?
Any governing body that tries to take away the rights and freedoms of a group of people is never going to get my vote.

I don't give a fuck if they will improve the economy and make gas cheaper and lower taxes. I'd rather pay higher taxes and know that my fellow citizens are protected from hate. I'd rather pay for social programs than see them dissolved.

If this is "identity politics" then I don't see it as a bad thing.
Yeah, it's not like the country is complicated or anything.

But one thing isn't complicated. The Democrats have done more for the poor, more for unionism, more for the middle class, more for minorities, more for you and me, the the right ever fucking will.

Yeah, I liked Sanders more than any other candidate last year. But he didn't win the nomination and I (and 65 million other people) had no trouble voting for Clinton. And she won the popular vote by a fairly wide margin.

The Democrats won the popular vote in 4 of the last 5 elections.

So stand on your principles, hate the 'establishment', and support Trump by default.
Because that's what it ultimately comes down to.

I've said before, you have some good ideas but they're 20-50 years away.

Fake news is the new sheriff in town and we're going backwards. I did everything I could to prevent that.
We were battling Trump, RNC, fossile fuel lobby, Russia, right wing radio and the rest of that scum.

Did you help us in that endeavor?

How does voting to raise the debt ceiling "help the poor" ?
i gave you a perfect opportunity to back up your inane assertions with facts and evidence, but you chose to come back with substance-free innuendo like a good little boy.

at some point i have no choice but to classify you every bit as reality-free as the trumptards.
Bernie bros are worse than useless, they are the biggest roadblock to progress. They have effectively co-opted most social movements and ran them into the ground.
Padawanbater is responsible for the likes of corporate leaning judges like Gorsuch.
Bernie hates you

People who are employed by governments and corporations both, by design, share individual immunity from their actions...so you could be drinking too much laundry detergent again if you think there's a significant difference in how they play the game.

Good to see you though.
There are too many interests against changing the status quo of the economy. Nobody cares about the poor enough to make a systemic change. Politians don't bite the hands that keep them elected and rich. It will literally take the near destitution of 50% of the nation before civil war breaks out, and politicians will do nothing even as we near that point. Fighting bigotry and ignorance is a lot easier and more clear cut than fighting the industries of oil, medicine/insurance, auto, education, military, tech, etc. Until there is blood in the streets the poor will be ignored.
The problem with fractionation[sic] by group identity is that...it's endless.There's no way of ensuring equality across groups because there's an infinite number of groups.You can fragment group identity all the way down to the the level of the individual...
The problem with fractionation[sic] by group identity is that...it's endless.There's no way of ensuring equality across groups because there's an infinite number of groups.You can fragment group identity all the way down to the the level of the individual...

nice youtube channel you chose there. other top videos include:

*martin shkreli OWNS two reporters!
*ben shapiro DESTROYS transgender kids!
*tucker carlson RUINS snooty liberal!
*best of tucker carlson ULTIMATE COMPILATION!
*milo is TOTALLY NOT! a pedophile

stick to your white identity politics, loser. that way you can feel all vindicated in constantly pissing your pants over that 1% of the population that are muslim. oh, and you can peddle retarded global warming theories about how CO2 is totally not a greenhouse gas.
nice youtube channel you chose there. other top videos include:

*martin shkreli OWNS two reporters!
*ben shapiro DESTROYS transgender kids!
*tucker carlson RUINS snooty liberal!
*best of tucker carlson ULTIMATE COMPILATION!
*milo is TOTALLY NOT! a pedophile

stick to your white identity politics, loser. that way you can feel all vindicated in constantly pissing your pants over that 1% of the population that are muslim. oh, and you can peddle retarded global warming theories about how CO2 is totally not a greenhouse gas.

you stupid racist fuck.

A decent example of identity politics. "I dont refute any of the content of that message but look at the channel its on."

"Thomas Sowell is a racist" is another personal favorite quote from op.