Archive Seed Bank

It's cookies hybrids. Are there phenos that will yield, of course, but high yield will be a genetic crapshoot in any of it, not a consistent trait in any line using cookies. Any line using cookies will also have some instances of hermaphrodites as well. Inherently. It's impossible to use cookie parent lines and not have that trait persist once you've gone through populations to see that.

I don't make flower rosin, I find the flavor generally tainted by the plant material it's filtered through. we only make bubble hash rosin so I can't help you on the flower rosin tip.

Pretty much my results working with the cookie.
Seemed to have some lower balls around week 4ish, and a few bananas at the end, but pollen not that fertile.

Also ran your Code Blue.
Now only had one lady.
She was extremely frosty, but was not much for flavor or smell.
Have you had that issue with this strain before?
Didn't realize preorder with SHN was gonna be at 3am my time lol missed out oh well will snag at one of the few places that's getting drops. I only want f2

hey I have a few phenos of the sweeties going and want to know what I should be looking for in keepers right now my C pheno is phenomenal in every way except smell but it's only the end of week 3 so it seems like it going to turn a light purple (calyxes are changing at the tips ) and stretched nice and looks like it could stack up nice with the right pruning does this sound like a possible keeper what should I look for in the days and weeks to come View attachment 3916898I think this is day 19 give or take

You won't know if it's a keeper till you smoke it. It can grow nice but end product is what's gonna determine that but a keeper is different to everyone. What's good to me may not be for you so all up to you bro but the end result is mostly gonna determine but good things to look for is resin output plus node spacing structure smell ease of growth
Didn't realize preorder with SHN was gonna be at 3am my time lol missed out oh well will snag at one of the few places that's getting drops. I only want f2

You won't know if it's a keeper till you smoke it. It can grow nice but end product is what's gonna determine that but a keeper is different to everyone. What's good to me may not be for you so all up to you bro but the end result is mostly gonna determine but good things to look for is resin output plus node spacing structure smell ease of growth
I realize u never know till the end but that being said I've guessed right a bunch of time around week 5-6 usually by then I know wether it's in the running I just wanted to know from his experience what things he may have noticed early on tight now I have good growth structure nice resin production decent node spacing with zero training or pruning slight color change on tips of calyx and that's what's standing out about it it is definitely the most pleaseing to the senses at this and tho I've been surprised a couple times with how heavy a high is at this stage I'm looking for something that kinda checks all the boxes and so far this sweeties pheno is lookin like she got the right stuff
yes Monday

I'm in.


Not looking to hijack the Archive thread, but I'm a little surprised at the lack of "WTF!" to SHN threatening to rat out purchasers. Seriously.
As soon as I seen their rant about that I about shit my pants... I understand wanting to protect their business,but threatening prison time for stealing a pack of seeds is immoral,as is stealing seeds.........One of my concerns is what if some fluke happens with a persons CC and they turn in an innocent man suffering from Murphy's law......My gut tells me it's all a bluff to scare the beejezzus out of potential scammers and I bet it's working.
@Hemphill420 "Murphy's Law", that was my thought. That, and what if they compile and share your info with LE (enforcement), but later realize "oops, we ratted out the wrong guy. here's some shit freebies for your troubles".

The mere threat of turning someone in is beyond taboo. Fuck the rippers/scammers, but involving the authorities is inappropriate, considering that "souvenir" sales aren't "legal". Also, why threaten every patron? I have made a number of "hiccup" free purchases, so why threaten someone like me? Keep that shit for first timers and "jumbo" purchases.
They are threatening to turn people into their local police department if they attempt a back charge on their seed pirchase
These dudes pussy. All he doing is making dudes do it on purpose becuase he can't becuase his dumb ass will be admitting to a crime as well. Shipping seeds across state lines is a felony. I don't think some of these dudes can think above a third grade level.
Why would anybody i their right mind wanna buy from them after that rant. Wow I can't believe what comes from these dudes daily on IG. I guess they all went to the same school Archive, SHN, and greenline.
Yo I wouldn't spend a dollar over there fam. Dude just really cost hisself so much business because he's threatening to rat. But what he don't know his dumbass is going down too. I wish he would try that with my state they gonna send his dumb ass to the moon.

When I got this as my confirmation page, I was like "fuck these fools", but they got my money. Need to "wipe" my account with them, this is some bull shit.

"Hey bro, nice doing business with you, but I told some scandalous fools about your shit and I might just rat your ass out to the Man if shit goes South, Peace". Fuck SHN from the back, no grease.
I had just found out about SHN and US banks in general and have been like a kid in a candy store,very excited,but now I just cannot support these guys.Threatening to have someone kidnapped and thrown in a cage over charge backs is unforgivable...... I haven't tried OES yet, looks like they're getting my money next.
Not a single dude that came from the streets wouldn't dare make a statement like he did. You only do shit like that when you're a money hungry SOB that can't handle a 200$ lose.
When I got this as my confirmation page, I was like "fuck these fools", but they got my money. Need to "wipe" my account with them, this is some bull shit.

"Hey bro, nice doing business with you, but I told some scandalous fools about your shit and I might just rat your ass out to the Man if shit goes South, Peace". Fuck SHN from the back, no grease.
But all he's doing is opening hisself up to get scammed even more watch.