Hey old farts..how many over 50 yrs?

we are supposed to get 1-2 feet of sleet and snow. yummy spring mix. Good thing I work from home when I'm not on assignment somewhere. Don't have to even put pantalones on.

probably screw up the damn apple trees again though. This happened around this time last year and it killed the fruit tree season statewide.
Wow, that's a name i haven't heard in a while. my very first bow was a Pearson and when I shot competetively as a kid (mid-late 60's) (thank you, YMCA) I used a Wing bow. (These were simple recurve bows back then)
Haha I had the one that had the wheels mid way down the limbs :). I still shoot in a few 3D tournaments with my Mathews conquest. Have 3 hoyts and a PSE as well IMG_2003.JPG
My dad smoked fish for us and friends for years. We always had a freezer full of trout and salmon, suckers and white bass and even a carp or two. Carp from clean water were one of the best! Still warm smoked carp steak and homemade bread fresh from the oven is heaven!
Most carp can totally dominate an ecosystem, and some lakes and rivers have mostly carp and some get poisoned and restocked and some just remain. Our predators can't keep up.

My old buddy worked with people from the Philippines and Asia and they wanted the whole fish not cleaned. Drum and carp are familiar to them and they make use of the whole fish or pig!
Anybody ever fish for Grinnel, or Bowfin, as the yankees call 'em? I used to fish for these with my grandparents. Pa would cut them up into steaks and fry them.
I guess I should try them as I may like them ...... but how the hell do you scale them lol. I was also thinking they would make a good compost if you could keep the animals out and somehow stop them from stinking up the place :)
Anybody ever fish for Grinnel, or Bowfin, as the yankees call 'em? I used to fish for these with my grandparents. Pa would cut them up into steaks and fry them.
Nice! Yes we used to shoot bowfin (we call em dogfish) but not allowed to bow hunt for them here now. They are an amazing fighter on a rod :).
You guys and your fancy stoves. This is very similar to what we had

Most of the lakes are still frozen but its first day of fishing here. (they're calling for another 5-10" of snow. :cuss:

But soon smelts will be running up the St Croix and then the white perch. :grin:

Oh...yeah...I'm kinda oldish too. First car was a 75 Dodge Dart. Drove it all through high school til couple yrs later when I bought a 74 plymouth roadrunner :fire:
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Fish, old stoves and weather. Where has this thread been all this time? I do a little fresh water fishing down here in NW Florida. Bream and bass mostly, but I do get out at night once in awhile and worry the catfish.

It's sunny, 65F with 79% humidity. Forecast high/low of 86/56F with no chance of rain.
