Do you think the Dem party should move more right, left or stay the same to win future elections?

Should Democrats move right, left, or stay the same?

  • Total voters
i'm not familiar what you're talking about.
"Correct the Record was a super PAC founded by David Brock. It supported Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign. The super PAC aimed to find and confront social media users who posted unflattering messages about Clinton"

"The organization was created in May 2015 when it spun off from American Bridge 21st Century, another Democratic Super PAC. It coordinated with Clinton's 2016 U.S. presidential campaign via a loophole in campaign finance law that it says permits coordination with digital campaigns.

"In April 2016, Correct the Record announced that it would be spending $1 million to find and confront social media users who post unflattering messages about Clinton. The organization's president, Brad Woodhouse, said they had "about a dozen people engaged in [producing] nothing but positive content on Hillary Clinton" and had a team distributing information "particularly of interest to women"."
"Correct the Record was a super PAC founded by David Brock. It supported Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign. The super PAC aimed to find and confront social media users who posted unflattering messages about Clinton"

"The organization was created in May 2015 when it spun off from American Bridge 21st Century, another Democratic Super PAC. It coordinated with Clinton's 2016 U.S. presidential campaign via a loophole in campaign finance law that it says permits coordination with digital campaigns.

"In April 2016, Correct the Record announced that it would be spending $1 million to find and confront social media users who post unflattering messages about Clinton. The organization's president, Brad Woodhouse, said they had "about a dozen people engaged in [producing] nothing but positive content on Hillary Clinton" and had a team distributing information "particularly of interest to women"."

sounds perfectly legal to me.

let me know when we find out that hillary clinton had hostile foreign agents actively spreading propaganda and fake news by the thousands.
People want the party to shift left, but they won't vote left?

You're not making sense..

Are you saying you don't believe the poll?

Then you voted that the Democratic party should just keep doing what they've been doing, right?
They make pills small and easy to swallow for a reason, a desire for a general shift to the left doesn't imply people will be able to swallow "hard left" all at once.
It needs to be left but not to the point of being the freedom caucus corollary, it must sometimes still accept the good over perfect. We must do so with strenghth and conviction and message not with the pure political antics and party wins over all else ways of the radical right just in opposite position. Basically be liberal as hell all while always being the adult in the room.
In other words, focus on issues rather than the politics of identity?

I fully agree.
They make pills small and easy to swallow for a reason, a desire for a general shift to the left doesn't imply people will be able to swallow "hard left" all at once.
I agree with this. No one wants communism. Bernie isn't a socialist, he's a centrist. He only looks like a leftie by comparison to the corporate vetted and sponsored right wingers who (over)populate both main parties in this country.

From Wikipedia;
The Overton window, also known as the window of discourse, is the range of ideas the public will accept. It is used by media pundits.[1][2] The term is derived from its originator, Joseph P. Overton (1960–2003),[3]a former vice president of the Mackinac Center for Public Policy,[4] who in his description of his window claimed that an idea's political viability depends mainly on whether it falls within the window, rather than on politicians' individual preferences.[5]According to Overton's description, his window includes a range of policies considered politically acceptable in the current climate of public opinion, which a politician can recommend without being considered too extreme to gain or keep public office.
I agree with this. No one wants communism. Bernie isn't a socialist, he's a centrist. He only looks like a leftie by comparison to the corporate vetted and sponsored right wingers who (over)populate both main parties in this country.

From Wikipedia;
The Overton window, also known as the window of discourse, is the range of ideas the public will accept. It is used by media pundits.[1][2] The term is derived from its originator, Joseph P. Overton (1960–2003),[3]a former vice president of the Mackinac Center for Public Policy,[4] who in his description of his window claimed that an idea's political viability depends mainly on whether it falls within the window, rather than on politicians' individual preferences.[5]According to Overton's description, his window includes a range of policies considered politically acceptable in the current climate of public opinion, which a politician can recommend without being considered too extreme to gain or keep public office.
I'll agree with that too but it's a long time til 2020. Hopefully Trump doesn't get good at being President, if he keeps fucking up we might have a unique opportunity in history to shift far further to the left than most people would now think possible.

If I was a Republican I'd be shitting myself, their base might not like the sound of leftist ideas but they certainly like their ACA coverage, all they need is a little taste.
I'll agree with that too but it's a long time til 2020. Hopefully Trump doesn't get good at being President, if he keeps fucking up we might have a unique opportunity in history to shift far further to the left than most people would now think possible.

If I was a Republican I'd be shitting myself, their base might not like the sound of leftist ideas but they certainly like their ACA coverage, all they need is a little taste.
Many Republicans already regularly shit themselves as it is.
people are stupid, and if you can successfully predict what they're going to means you understand stupidity a little too well.
what should happen is that people who feel the need to vote should pay attention to the voting records of sitting politicians, and vote for the ones that support the things they like, and vote out the ones that support things they don't like. not really that complicated, except it requires people to do a little "work" and to think a small amount. so that ain't happening.
any "cosmetic" changes are just bullshit. why even encourage it? why not encourage people to get the fuck off their lazy asses and read, talk to each other, actually learn what the people they're voting for stand for? instead of camouflaging the shit pile, clean it up
"Correct the Record was a super PAC founded by David Brock. It supported Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign. The super PAC aimed to find and confront social media users who posted unflattering messages about Clinton"

"The organization was created in May 2015 when it spun off from American Bridge 21st Century, another Democratic Super PAC. It coordinated with Clinton's 2016 U.S. presidential campaign via a loophole in campaign finance law that it says permits coordination with digital campaigns.

"In April 2016, Correct the Record announced that it would be spending $1 million to find and confront social media users who post unflattering messages about Clinton. The organization's president, Brad Woodhouse, said they had "about a dozen people engaged in [producing] nothing but positive content on Hillary Clinton" and had a team distributing information "particularly of interest to women"."
sounds perfectly legal to me.

let me know when we find out that hillary clinton had hostile foreign agents actively spreading propaganda and fake news by the thousands.

How Dare Clinton's team take legal and generally acceptable (from men) measures to confront the fake news that has been pumped out against her for 25 years. A proper woman is supposed to rise above slander and smile with grace and beauty.

Nobody can say Paddy is a misogynist for demanding proper behavior by the women in government. Republicans do this all the time, why not a morally proper and didactic liberal? It would be playing the identity politics card to point out that a double standard is being applied here. So I won't say that.
You just bitched about Republican policy positions always being wrong, so what do you believe Democrats should compromise with moderates and conservatives on?
This is a rhetorical question right now. Nothing is on the table for this kind of discussion.

An example from the past:

The ACA was a compromise that helped provide health care coverage to more than ten million families who didn't have it before. My preference is universal health care coverage. Passage of a universal health care bill wasn't going to happen within the time frame that Obama had a filibuster-proof majority.

You can criticize it but the passage of the ACA has done much good.