MeanWell LED Drivers: 3 in 1 Dimming Function.

i have a HLG 185 c1400 B for a 4 cxb 3070

i need to buy a potentiometer, today i connect a 50 Kohm resistor between the dimmer wires.

Thats right, the light down 50% intensity. But its a resistor .

Only need a 100Kohm resistor?

I have in my house a pwm. This is the datasheet :
Operating Voltage: DC3V-35V
Control Power: 90W (maximum)
Quiescent Current: 0.015A (standby)
PWM Duty Cycle: 1% -100%
PWM Frequency: 10khz

Can connect this pwm in the dimmer output?

Thanks all"!
potentiometer is 100k and a 10k resistor on the incoming leg and tap the center for the output. regarding your pwm 10v required for meanwell drivers frequency you will have to compare to auduino pwm frequency. For dimming no resistor is ok also. connect dimmer wires PWM to Dim- and GND to Dim+ to close the circuit
potentiometer is 100k and a 10k resistor on the incoming leg and tap the center for the output. regarding your pwm 10v required for meanwell drivers frequency you will have to compare to auduino pwm frequency. For dimming no resistor is ok also. connect dimmer wires PWM to Dim- and GND to Dim+ to close the circuit

tHX VegasWinner. The potentiometer was understand.

About the pwm not understand all.

About my PWM (DC3V-35V) can work with the Meanweell?
I have an arduino nano, but i dont know what meaning your words "you will have to compare to auduino pwm frequency. "

In the datasheet of my PWM can read : "PWM Frequency: 10khz"

this is my pwm :

have 2 inputs and 2 ouputs. I dont know how connect with the meanwell wires.
I would think the output would connect with Dim+ & Dim- What is on the input? The input should be your arduino pwm pin and ground pin, PWM to + GRND to -
Hey guys. I purchased a cased potentiometer from rapidled to dim my hlg185c-1400b driver. The description on rapid doesn't say how many ohm the pot is, except for the sku # which says "350k-pot". Is it compatible with my driver and what kind of resistor would I need to wire in? Also, would the same pot work for a bigger driver, like the hlg320? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
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tHX VegasWinner. The potentiometer was understand.

About the pwm not understand all.

About my PWM (DC3V-35V) can work with the Meanweell?
I have an arduino nano, but i dont know what meaning your words "you will have to compare to auduino pwm frequency. "

In the datasheet of my PWM can read : "PWM Frequency: 10khz"

this is my pwm :

have 2 inputs and 2 ouputs. I dont know how connect with the meanwell wires.
That PWM module should work if you connect a 10-12v DC source to the input and the DIM wires to the output... I think. Anyone else know?
Hey guys. I purchased a cased potentiometer from rapidled to dim my hlg185c-1400b driver. The description on rapid doesn't say how many ohm the pot is, except for the sku # which says "350k-pot". Is it compatible with my driver and what kind of resistor would I need to wire in? Also, would the same pot work for a bigger driver, like the hlg320? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
If that is really a 0-350k ohm pot then it will work, but you will get full power from the driver at 1/3 of a turn. Not very precise at that level. Email Rapid for the full specs. Usually a 10k ohm resistor is recommended to keep the driver at minimum 10% because the HLGs cannot dim to off.
What is best way to control both the dimming, and the ON / OFF of a HLG-185H-C1400B, with an Arduino Uno?

I read the most of / the whole thread but I am a noob so its still unclear. The main thing I couldnt get is can the ON / OFF be done without controlling an outlet? Is there a reason people don't want to use the inbuiilt dimming 0-100% to do it? If no, how do you do that?

I have a bunch of random components sitting around by the way that were given to me:
Warning some of links in Chinese... really sorry about this. I figure if anyone feels like a challenge they can have a look. Otherwise I don't mind buying anything I need

Sorry I cant post links so I put the links here:
pste (dot) eu (slash) p (slash) BAi5 (dot) html
... thanks all.. it looks dodgy but its just a html list lol
not sure how else to get around it
What is best way to control both the dimming, and the ON / OFF of a HLG-185H-C1400B, with an Arduino Uno?

I read the most of / the whole thread but I am a noob so its still unclear. The main thing I couldnt get is can the ON / OFF be done without controlling an outlet? Is there a reason people don't want to use the inbuiilt dimming 0-100% to do it? If no, how do you do that?

I have a bunch of random components sitting around by the way that were given to me:
Warning some of links in Chinese... really sorry about this. I figure if anyone feels like a challenge they can have a look. Otherwise I don't mind buying anything I need

Sorry I cant post links so I put the links here:
pste (dot) eu (slash) p (slash) BAi5 (dot) html
... thanks all.. it looks dodgy but its just a html list lol
not sure how else to get around it
You can use this outlet relay with your arduiino for the on/off
for dimming you can read thru the thread.
What is best way to control both the dimming, and the ON / OFF of a HLG-185H-C1400B, with an Arduino Uno?

I read the most of / the whole thread but I am a noob so its still unclear. The main thing I couldnt get is can the ON / OFF be done without controlling an outlet? Is there a reason people don't want to use the inbuiilt dimming 0-100% to do it? If no, how do you do that?

I have a bunch of random components sitting around by the way that were given to me:
Warning some of links in Chinese... really sorry about this. I figure if anyone feels like a challenge they can have a look. Otherwise I don't mind buying anything I need

Sorry I cant post links so I put the links here:
pste (dot) eu (slash) p (slash) BAi5 (dot) html
... thanks all.. it looks dodgy but its just a html list lol
not sure how else to get around it
The simplest way to do it would be to use one of the PWM pins on the Arduino in combo with a transistor and resistor for dimming and one of the analog pins to control a solid-state relay for the on/off. This will only work with the B model, though I guess you could rig up a servo and a screwdriver bit to work with the A, but that's a whole other topic...
If that is really a 0-350k ohm pot then it will work, but you will get full power from the driver at 1/3 of a turn. Not very precise at that level. Email Rapid for the full specs. Usually a 10k ohm resistor is recommended to keep the driver at minimum 10% because the HLGs cannot dim to off.
newer hlgs can, at least the big ones (320 and up)
here is my link from earlier btw

do you mind going into more detail on how to control the solid state relay for on/off?
dimming to 0% doesn't equal off?
can I use the SSR

I'm also planning to control some 2 pin 5v and 4pin 12v fans later
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newer hlgs can, at least the big ones (320 and up)
Thanks for the heads-up, I wasn't aware. That's great to know, opens up some options for me.
here is my link from earlier btw

do you mind going into more detail on how to control the solid state relay for on/off?
dimming to 0% doesn't equal off?
can I use the SSR

I'm also planning to control some 2 pin 5v and 4pin 12v fans later
The load side of the relay gets tied into the AC line-in for the driver, the switch side gets tied to the output/ground pins on the Arduino. Boom, you no longer need an external timer. As @CobKits mentioned, apparently you can dim the larger HLG's to 0 and skip the relay all together.

@CobKits does MW's recommendation not to power the driver without a load apply to these dim-to-off versions?
@CobKits does MW's recommendation not to power the driver without a load apply to these dim-to-off versions?
I think thats different because in the dim-to-off case there is a load of proper resistance on there, but the current is just reduced to zero. thats almost the exact opposite of the open circuit scenario
I can't link it but you can find the data sheet very easily

The HLG-185H-C1400B data sheet indicates that it is only dimmable to 10%. Or 0% using a relay correct?
Does this indicate the ground goes direct into the power supply and bypasses the relay? then what is going to the ground in the relay?
Also, I have read some stuff about SSRs being prone to fail and needing heatsink, etc etc burning houses down. Would that not be as big of a deal in this case since it only uses 1400ma?
For example I was thinking to follow this guide,
but instead of having an outlet, I was just gonna have the SSR betweenthe power and the HLG, is that safe.

There are some varying opinions of whether this guide is safe or not haha
I can't link it but you can find the data sheet very easily

The HLG-185H-C1400B data sheet indicates that it is only dimmable to 10%. Or 0% using a relay correct?
Does this indicate the ground goes direct into the power supply and bypasses the relay? then what is going to the ground in the relay?
Yes, ground and neutral bypass the relay. The relay is only there to make or break a connection with the "line" (hot) connection. The other side of the relay is tied to an output pin and the ground pin on the arduino to make a complete control circuit. Think of the arduino as the "switch" and "adjuster" in the diagram above.
Also, I have read some stuff about SSRs being prone to fail and needing heatsink, etc etc burning houses down. Would that not be as big of a deal in this case since it only uses 1400ma?
As long as you pick the correct SSR you will have no problems. They can become very hot and require a heatsink if they are switched on/off rapidly, which doesn't happen in our applications. Still might be a good idea to use a heatsink, couldn't hurt. There is a SSR available through Sparkfun that is perfectly suited to our needs. Link:
For example I was thinking to follow this guide,
but instead of having an outlet, I was just gonna have the SSR betweenthe power and the HLG, is that safe.

There are some varying opinions of whether this guide is safe or not haha

Check out Sparkfun for tons of tutorials on how to best utilize arduino.

Edit: the video you posted is an exact guide for what we are talking about here, just taking it a step further by controlling the whole outlet instead of just one component.