Obama's people are starting to leak.

since you can't respond with anything intelligent, you claim we melted down?

trump playbook i see.

Anyone who has to post 3 times in a row with nothing but deflection from the topic of the tread is having a meltdown....

why did the WH attempt to stifle AGYates testimony?
Trump had a salad with RUSSIAN dressing according to Spicey. that's the extent of his ties.
I learned that from Trump. Why investigate my dealings with Russia? You should be looking at Hillary.

She sold all our uranium to the Russians right?
Stage 2 of liberal attack name calling called this earlier Post #5 :

"Probably as soon as you stop trying to deflect I see you have the DNC playbook in hand. Name calling next followed by labels of racism and bigotry after.."

Try having an original thought.
Jackass,youve been labeled as a half wit from day one. "Name calling" is an irrelevant defense of your idiotic logic and laughable beliefs and commitments. Continuously regurgitating "name calling" as if it offers a plausible defense of your confirmed stupidity is the action of a clueless ass. Accept those hurtful names, process them. Youve earned every bit of this derision with your repugnant juvenile ignorance and pitiable attempts at cogency.

*Trump is a traitorous narcissist.....Not name calling but an informative characterization.

*cool2burn is a harmless imbecile....ditto
"The Washington Post newspaper broke the story, and Fox News now confirms the Justice Department sent a warning to the former acting attorney general, Sally Yates," Smith said. "Fox News obtained the letters showing the department told Yates earlier this month that she could not discuss a great deal of her possible testimony without permission from the White House."

Cut the strings, you're just a Trump puppet.

How's that 36% approval rating working out?
At least that NIXON guy was not trump. That's all i got. Trump is bad every fucking way you look.
Nixon started the EPA. Nixon did not get us into the nam war. Ran on getting us out, took him a bit, but he did. Everything else about that nixon fellar can suck my dick, but there's not even a way to compare these first 70days of trump to any other president