Bernie Sanders is the most popular politician in the US

You and Paddy are.

The difference is in the act. Bribes are given with an up front agreement -- "I'll give you this if you'll do that".

Definition of bribe: money or favor given or promised in order to influence the judgment or conduct of a person in a position of trust. Police officers accused of taking bribes (Merriam Webster)

Large, legal campaign contributions gain access but there can be no promise of an expected outcome or overt expectation of influence. Did I bribe my Congressman with my $25 legal contribution?

Agree that there is corruption in the current campaign contribution system in that big donors gain access and an advantage but legal contributions are not bribes. Perhaps you confuse corruption with bribes?
Unlimited contributions from anonymous donors cross the line.

Play all the semantic games you want, the end result is the same.
Unlimited contributions from anonymous donors cross the line.

Play all the semantic games you want, the end result is the same.
Dude, words aka semantics matter. Paddy was shouting about bribes which holds a different meaning than legal campaign contributions that give access. Unlike a bribe, accepting a legal campaign contribution is not the same as giving a promise of a favor.

The issue at hand is whether or not Democratic party candidates should reject legal campaign contributions when their opponents not only do but will never do anything to repeal Citizen's United.
Dude, words aka semantics matter. Paddy was shouting about bribes which holds a different meaning than legal campaign contributions that give access. Unlike a bribe, accepting a legal campaign contribution is not the same as giving a promise of a favor.

The issue at hand is whether or not Democratic party candidates should reject legal campaign contributions when their opponents not only do but will never do anything to repeal Citizen's United.
This sounds like schoolyard 'they did it so it must be okay!' bullshit to me.

I agree that putting Democrats back in power would give it a snowball's chance.

So send only those candidates who pledge to actually do it once elected.
Hmmmm. That doesn't square with what I know about Bernie Sanders.


you can either believe facts or disregard them.
Here's where we disagree.

She's done. No three time losers, our political system can't take the abuse.
You are hung up on fake conspiracy theories, not just about Clinton but the Democratic party itself. Buck has shown you some facts that run counter to your belief about Clinton and so you reject them. I bore down on a "semantics" difference because words matter when using them to draw conclusions. I'm pretty sure I didn't get through.

Clinton is done, this is true. Discussing her is only important because the cause of her failure is complicated. Some of it is her own shortcomings. Quite a bit more is due to the propaganda and misogyny that plagued her career. She is done. But the Democratic Party is beset by the same fake news and other forms of propaganda. And so, I'm willing to talk about both.
You are hung up on fake conspiracy theories, not just about Clinton but the Democratic party itself. Buck has shown you some facts that run counter to your belief about Clinton and so you reject them. I bore down on a "semantics" difference because words matter when using them to draw conclusions. I'm pretty sure I didn't get through.

Clinton is done, this is true. Discussing her is only important because the cause of her failure is complicated. Some of it is her own shortcomings. Quite a bit more is due to the propaganda and misogyny that plagued her career. She is done. But the Democratic Party is beset by the same fake news and other forms of propaganda. And so, I'm willing to talk about both.
Nothing here I disagree with.
Quite a bit more is due to the propaganda and misogyny that plagued her career.

even good folks like tty aren't immune, he felt sanders was the more honest candidate despite empirical evidence to the contrary.

now apply that same internalized bias to the mouth breathing fascists on the right.
