Which Country Is Weed Legal?


Active Member
i know its legal in Amsterdam, but illegal in the Netherlands to grow:-|. but which countries have full legalization (grow, sell, posses)? just curious
there is also coffee shops in vancouver and i heard of a couple of web sites selling on-line, that were based there
what about the middle east?

the middle east maybe the last place on earth to legalize it :cry: the laws there are VERY strict!.. especially in the arabian gulf.. even growing for personal use is illegal... in some countries you can be hanged for selling marijauna :confused:
i'm pretty sure that amsterdam is the only place where it's technically legal.

in other places like vancouver etc, it is just tolerated, still illegal.
in minali india it is completly legal i was there a couple months ago the hash that comes from here is well known and sold in coffee shops in amsterdam its called minali cream anyway there are thousands of weed plants that grow everywhere there are fields of it on the side of the road even in front of the damn police station! heres a pic i took of a small field! IF YOU LOVE WEED YOU NEED TO GO TO MINALI!


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the middle east maybe the last place on earth to legalize it :cry: the laws there are VERY strict!.. especially in the arabian gulf.. even growing for personal use is illegal... in some countries you can be hanged for selling marijauna :confused:
I thought it was totally legal in some countries there?
*runs to google*

iirc, it's not "legal" anywhere. it's decriminalized in amsterdam just as it is in canada

I'm pretty sure Pot is still illegal in Canada, and has not been decriminalized. There has been lots of court cases that challenged the marijuana laws, but i think it is still a criminal offense to possess, grow or sell pot... Most places (exp. Vancouver and Toronto) tolerate it.

Unless we all get out there and vote the conservatives out of Parliament, in which case pot would have a fighting chance of being decriminalized (exp. NDP, liberal and of course Marijuana Party). VOTE if there is an election this FALL!!! Don't let that dumb ass Harper copy America's drug laws!!!
Spain you can grow i think for personal use, and Italy to some extent or something maybe someone could clarify on Italy

absolutely wrong on italy,italy is getting on with his prohibitionist laws on soft drugs,they've putted cannabis inside the 1° schedule,that one which is inside the other dangerous substances like MDMA ,heroin and cocaine,and tv here says that cannabis is the key to become an heroin addicted but especially they say(which is for me one of the most bullshit in this world ever told about cannabis)that cannabis hurt you more than cocaine and heroin do,so italy sucks under all the point of view,just think about the fact that we have as a lord mayor an ex convict for crimes of politic violence,a man who marries all the fascism's ideas and that tell here in Rome that fascism is not the worsth evil ,just think about it,here in italy we have a minister,mr.Ignazio LaRussa,who has been a skinhead and he has been in prison too for crimes of violence,so,just think to another fact,if you have a single plant of cannabis,you risk from 6 to 20 years of jail,and think the fact that once all our politicians had a drug test at surprise and they would have been result all positive if they wouldn't take care to denounce who have made this surprise test,they also said that the test they've been done has got absolutely any scientific validation,just because the junkies were them,here in italy our president is a delinquent too,but he has the ability to make law for himself and put everything un our citizen's asses,they called this laws:security package,and told us all citizens that that laws were made for us,for our security,they fucked up us and they 're still fuckin up with us,because the security they want is the security for them to not go to jail
italy sucks