4000w 16 plant grow

That would be an understatement LOL :blsmoke:
Thank you sir
Yall need a trimmer? Lol my wife's cousin is going back to the springs at some point in the next week or so....
Not anymore been using a trim machine and honestly weed comes out fire and to trim like 6-8 lbs takes one day of like 6 people for 5 hours defanning to hang then couple hours for me to de-stem then the machine will trim about 1/2lb every 5 minutes easily and gives you amazing trim and uses bubble bags on bottom have a level of pure keif if you press rosin lol but ya now to trim like 6-8lbs will cost me about 650 in trimming.....That's fucking nothing
Thank you sir

Not anymore been using a trim machine and honestly weed comes out fire and to trim like 6-8 lbs takes one day of like 6 people for 5 hours defanning to hang then couple hours for me to de-stem then the machine will trim about 1/2lb every 5 minutes easily and gives you amazing trim and uses bubble bags on bottom have a level of pure keif if you press rosin lol but ya now to trim like 6-8lbs will cost me about 650 in trimming.....That's fucking nothing
Damn! I had this crazy idea of riding out pimping my hands out for concentrates for few day or 2 Keister that shit and jump on a bus home! Lmao
Your grow is looking great. The spacing seems to be perfect with the colas getting just enough space but also filling out all the gaps. Nice work
Damn! I had this crazy idea of riding out pimping my hands out for concentrates for few day or 2 Keister that shit and jump on a bus home! Lmao
Idk bout the keistering I got buddies who run all the time. Just drive sober stay on track always air seal and have hidden and don't have warrants. Don't give em a reason to even bother with you people get sloppy and confident then get busted.
Oh they can lol

Ya luck is there but alot is just knowing what to do properly
Well the properly is a given but luck plays a big part.... trust me lol. Ran a few loads, first north then south as the market changed. Planes, trains and automobiles, well substitute the trains for boats though :). Luck was there on many occasions when shit went bad, never lost a load. Had lots of fun though :). Days of boredom and hours of intense adrenaline rush...miss it :(.
Well the properly is a given but luck plays a big part.... trust me lol. Ran a few loads, first north then south as the market changed. Planes, trains and automobiles, well substitute the trains for boats though :). Luck was there on many occasions when shit went bad, never lost a load. Had lots of fun though :). Days of boredom and hours of intense adrenaline rush...miss it :(.
Ooooooooh ya lol used to run miami Orlando trips weekly 15000 miles in 2 months or so doing some things lol
Ooooooooh ya lol used to run miami Orlando trips weekly 15000 miles in 2 months or so doing some things lol
Ya mine were a bit more drawn out but Texas to ontario and then ontario to Calorado ... ironic huh lol. And one adrenaline rush was the Texas checkpoint that was always a heart pounder lol. That was like 20 years ago now :(. My adrenaline rush now is hoping not to slip getting out of the hot tub at -25 :).