Bernie Sanders is the most popular politician in the US

She would have won by a very more impressive number.
Trump lied to those gullible "working class" voters. Shit's not gonna happen, they'll come back around. What's your excuse? Let it all burn down? And then in will come the 'real' progressive finally? Give me a fucking break yo. Right after all kinds of damage has been done
Even if every single Trump voter in California voted for Clinton, she still would not have won. Are you familiar with how the electoral college works?

I agree, Trump did lie to the majority of his voter base. But as it turns out, you don't have to be honest or tell the truth to become president. So a candidate that ran on fake populism beat someone most people expected to win who ran on empty rhetoric and platitudes like stronger together! and I'm with Her!.. I wonder how a Democratic candidate who ran on real populism and policy positions like universal healthcare and college and an investment in domestic infrastructure and a hike in the minimum wage would have done..

They will not come back around if all the Democratic party has to offer them is "See! Isn't Trump a BAD GUY!? WE TOLD YOU! You should totally vote for us!". The Democratic party has nothing to offer these people because their donors don't want universal healthcare enacted, they don't want stronger unions that are able to negotiate things like wages or paid maternity leave by law, they want obedient workers. People who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork, and just dumb enough to passively accept all these increasingly shitty jobs with the lower pay, longer hours, reduced benefits, the end of overtime, and the vanishing pension that disappears the moment you begin to collect it, and now they're coming for your social security money. They want your fuckin' retirement money. They want it back, so they can give it to their criminal friends on Wall Street.

So, you will forgive me if I choose not to give my vote to someone who accepts $600,000 in bribes from those same assholes who've raped the American dream for every generation to come. Yeah, Trump is absolute garbage, but it's the system you help perpetuate that got him elected, not me, not Sanders supporters. Sanders supporters want to change the system and make it better. Turn it into something that's actually held accountable by the people. Something that actually benefits the people, works for the people and is most importantly, made up of the people.
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What path to victory do you see that I don't, then? Please explain how the Democratic party can continue to push empty rhetoric and platitudes, ignore the working man and continue to appeal to big money and corporate donors and still gain new votes?

This is a recipe for absolute disaster, this last election showed us that. I think you are politically incompetent if you believe this is a winning strategy moving forward.

You suckas got fucking played by the GOP. Suckers
Think whatever you want, I'm not going to give my vote to someone I don't support just because I think the other candidate is worse. If I think both candidates are terrible, it doesn't much matter which one I think tastes better. Shit is shit, there are no degrees. If you want my vote, give me some reasons to vote for you, if you don't give me anything I want, go fuck yourself, you don't belong in politics because you obviously don't understand how it works. You give me something, I give you my vote. If you give me nothing, you don't get my vote. If you give me a leaf sandwich when the other guy offers a dirt sandwich.. it might be a bit easier to get down, but it's still going to taste like shit. So instead of eating the leaf sandwich, I think I'll choose to eat no sandwich, and just go hungry until the next ham or turkey sub comes along..

If you don't like that decision, stop trying to sell me leaf sandwiches
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Totally familiar with it dude. I didn't mean to make it all only about Ca. It's all of the Bernie bitches out there.
Suckas got played. First time voting or something? Jesus fuckin christ man.
9% of Democrats voted for Trump, a higher percentage of Sanders supporters voted for Clinton in 2016 than Clinton supporters voted for Obama in 2008 (and somehow, he still won)..

Clinton lost because she did not appeal to enough voters. It's as simple as that. It's not because of Sanders supporters, or people who voted for third party candidates. It's because Clinton didn't have an appealing message when it came to economics. She didn't address the failing industries or espouse job training programs, or education programs, and was seen as a follower when it came to actually addressing raising the minimum wage or enacting policies that improved healthcare. People saw right through her the bullshit she was trying to sell.

Her supporters bought it hook, line, and sinker, even against all available evidence. You go played, son. Sorry to break it to you. Your candidate lost. And she'll lose again in 2020 if she's dumb enough to run.
Totally familiar with it dude. I didn't mean to make it all only about Ca. It's all of the Bernie bitches out there.
Suckas got played. First time voting or something? Jesus fuckin christ man.
Bernie was nominated by a 5:1 margin in my precinct. That was on March 1, 2016.

Then we all watched the mass media and the DNC pull every dirty trick in the book to gerrymander the nomination.

If you want to be pissed at someone, consider that OVER HALF OF THE REGISTERED VOTERS IN AMERICA DIDN'T EVEN VOTE.

Let that, and its implications, sink in for a minute.

It's time to stop pointing fingers at people who showed up to vote for who they believed in.
did you forget that hillary with her "empty platitudes" and all was cruising to an easy victory, even with russia doing its best to destroy her, until james comey handed the election over?

At best he turned a squeaker into a very narrow loss.

Did you miss the part where those registered voters who didn't vote outnumbered EVERYONE WHO DID, no matter who they voted for?

Does the elephant in the room have to step on your foot before you notice it?
Nice conspiracy theory. Where's the evidence Comey changed anything?

a 4-6 point drop in the polls corresponding to the october 28th revelation, followed by 11 days of "BUT SHE'S UNDER INVESTIGATION!", while the whole time it was never made known that trump was under investigation for treason.

but don't let that stand in the way of your crusade against evidence and history.
a 4-6 point drop in the polls corresponding to the october 28th revelation, followed by 11 days of "BUT SHE'S UNDER INVESTIGATION!", while the whole time it was never made known that trump was under investigation for treason.

but don't let that stand in the way of your crusade against evidence and history.
Where is the evidence Comey's letter made any difference in the results of the election?
a 4-6 point drop in the polls corresponding to the october 28th revelation, followed by 11 days of "BUT SHE'S UNDER INVESTIGATION!", while the whole time it was never made known that trump was under investigation for treason.

but don't let that stand in the way of your crusade against evidence and history.
Ignoring the fact that over half of all registered voters didn't bother to vote won't get you where either you or the Democratic Party wants to go.
Totally familiar with it dude. I didn't mean to make it all only about Ca. It's all of the Bernie bitches out there.
Suckas got played. First time voting or something? Jesus fuckin christ man.

I see you read the first sentence did you read the rest that Pada took the time to school you on?

The answer is no, because if you did you wouldn't have responded with what you did.

Like I said @Padawanbater2 wasted words on them, they don't read them..they won't even give you that.
Ignoring the fact that over half of all registered voters didn't bother to vote won't get you where either you or the Democratic Party wants to go.

That's right because those who don't vote en masse have actually created their own party. Wait until they realize that power..

a 4-6 point drop in the polls corresponding to the october 28th revelation, followed by 11 days of "BUT SHE'S UNDER INVESTIGATION!", while the whole time it was never made known that trump was under investigation for treason.

but don't let that stand in the way of your crusade against evidence and history.

A fitting end for what goes around; comes around. Karma does happen:clap:
a 4-6 point drop in the polls corresponding to the october 28th revelation, followed by 11 days of "BUT SHE'S UNDER INVESTIGATION!", while the whole time it was never made known that trump was under investigation for treason.

but don't let that stand in the way of your crusade against evidence and history.

a 4-6 point drop in the polls corresponding to the october 28th revelation, followed by 11 days of "BUT SHE'S UNDER INVESTIGATION!", while the whole time it was never made known that trump was under investigation for treason.

but don't let that stand in the way of your crusade against evidence and history.

But that didn't mean anything to me..I still voted for her because I wanted my vote to count, because one of the two of them was going to be president and Russia didn't want me to vote for her.

She lost on a 107k technicality, Buck..why don't you champion your efforts in seeing EC gets changed rather than the same old stale argument?
I see you read the first sentence did you read the rest that Pada took the time to school you on?

The answer is no, because if you did you wouldn't have responded with what you did.

Like I said @Padawanbater2 wasted words on them, they don't read them..they won't even give you that.
His post is much longer now than it was when I responded so
And now it's tldr :-)
Where is the evidence Comey's letter made any difference in the results of the election?
You go on and on about what you think then demand evidence from others that contradict you.

Provide irrefutable evidence for:

Sanders would have won.
Clinton was not qualified to be president
DNC caused Sanders to lose the nomination
Progressive Democrats voted for Trump because Hillary wasn't a progressive