
Woah woah woah woah woah! Neosapien, director of vaginal affairs here: Who is this? Cuz you've posted plenty of pics of yourself and your rotten banana and you're definitely a dude. Not a particularly bad looking one from what I remember but still a dude. So is this a wife? A girlfriend? A mom? Feel free to post more pics for an expedited identification authentication.
Nothing against the cute little hams that have been posted on here already .....but like I've said before ,,I like a thick ass .......((not fat))....not dimpled and disgusting....don't need to be able set a cup on it .....but a lil bit thicker girl with ass for days is where it's at IMO .....just like anything else we all have our preferences .......I can honestly say my wife still gets my full attention in every way ,,,even after knowing her since we were kids and being married for a long time .......there's nobody else I'd rather play hide the salami with .........big chested with some hips an ass FTW ...
I'm still chuckling, OK so your SSH is currently my fav. I'm giving @cannabineer hell to get me some of that concentrate over here right NAOW!!
Annie you would smoke me under the table for sure ......I've only had a few people who have actually enjoyed the experience from that and wanted more's some strong shit LOL....gets me in freak out mode with one fat rip stick to my chill couch locker smoke brother in law smoked some of that and was tripping balls bad LOL....I seriously had to talk him down ,,it was amusing as hell .......your a special one Annie.

My sis likes a little during the day ,,but like I said it's to racey for most the people I grow for .....but the few who do enjoy that wicked shit are wanting a cut or me to run it again .......and those were two freebie clones from the old gentleman who supplies me my cuts I was telling you about .........glad you enjoy it your nuts ....can't imagine wtf the oil will be like .
Annie you would smoke me under the table for sure ......I've only had a few people who have actually enjoyed the experience from that and wanted more's some strong shit LOL....gets me in freak out mode with one fat rip stick to my chill couch locker smoke brother in law smoked some of that and was tripping balls bad LOL....I seriously had to talk him down ,,it was amusing as hell .......your a special one Annie.

My sis likes a little during the day ,,but like I said it's to racey for most the people I grow for .....but the few who do enjoy that wicked shit are wanting a cut or me to run it again .......and those were two freebie clones from the old gentleman who supplies me my cuts I was telling you about .........glad you enjoy it your nuts ....can't imagine wtf the oil will be like .
It gives you those epiphany moments when everything connects. It is wonderfully reminiscent of the good old mexi-brick that you could dial in to giggly, epiphany, seeing god! I loved that shit it was ceilingless. This does have a ceiling sadly, but it is the closest I've come to the old cannabis we could get here in so cal.

Thank you for sharing hun, I look forward to smoking with you!! (PS find a cut oh please oh please)
It gives you those epiphany moments when everything connects. It is wonderfully reminiscent of the good old mexi-brick that you could dial in to giggly, epiphany, seeing god! I loved that shit it was ceilingless. This does have a ceiling sadly, but it is the closest I've come to the old cannabis we could get here in so cal.

Thank you for sharing hun, I look forward to smoking with you!! (PS find a cut oh please oh please)