How to decide when 2 weeks left?


Well-Known Member
I'd like to stop feeding nutrients 2 weeks before harvest; how do I decide when that is? My Northern Lights plants are in their 5th week of flower, so I'm guessing they have somewhere between 3 and 5 weeks left. I don't want to stop feeding them too early, and I also don't want to find myself ready to harvest but having fed them too recently. Thanks.
You have entered into the Harvest Zone. Do not attempt to adjust the dials... There are thousands of ways to finish a crop off.
Some feed right up to the end - some don't use nutrients at all and provide everything needed in their soil mix. Go with your best guess in whatever reading you've done - If it doesn't come out the way you want - make a change next time.
Ime NL likes to go 65 days. Will look done at 56, but puts on weight after. Also gains a bit of color but doesnt fully turn colors.
You have entered into the Harvest Zone. Do not attempt to adjust the dials...
Funny... Thanks. As far as finishing, I've read a lot of suggestions to stop feeding nutrients two weeks before harvest, and suggestions as to how to know when it's time to harvest, but no suggestions as to how to know when you're two weeks before harvest... A time machine might help -- get to harvest, dial back two weeks, stop feeding...

Ime NL likes to go 65 days. Will look done at 56, but puts on weight after.
Thanks -- good info.
After many years of growing I've come to the conclusion that the most important part of harvest is trichome color. Trying to get all the other factors right can be maddening. My product has to be killer strong now as I"m into making medicine that I want to try and get to the morphine level in pain relief. I'm going extra long this time - Mostly Afghani that finishes in 55 to 65 days... These ladies are going at least 100 days and could be over 110. The trichomes have to be at least 40% dark amber.

You should have an idea of when to harvest if you guesstimate that your trichomes will take about 7 to 10 days to get them to turn from milky to solid white - The plant can be taken at that time for more of a "head high." If you want more couch effect I'd guess you'll need to plan on going 20 to 30 days beyond milky trichomes. It's my understanding the THC count starts dropping when the plant is grown beyond full maturity. - Forty years ago I smoked some killer herb that was probably grown beyond it's time. It had af fantastic taste with a ZERO high. We didn't know the jokers that sold my friend a pound of it - They left real quick - - We were buzzed on meth at the time and figured anything that tasted that good would be good weed. The next day my friend was bummed to find he had bought a very exspensive pound of great tasting shit!
You should have an idea of when to harvest if you guesstimate that your trichomes will take about 7 to 10 days to get them to turn from milky to solid white - The plant can be taken at that time for more of a "head high." If you want more couch effect I'd guess you'll need to plan on going 20 to 30 days beyond milky trichomes.
Thanks -- that's just the sort of information I was hoping for.

What nutrient line your using has a big role in deciding how long to flush, if at all.
I've been using Botanicare Pure Blend Pro Bloom Soil Formula.
Generally with any chemical based nutrient I like to give 2 waterings/ dry cycles.

Generally toward the end of flower the plant drinks much less and this translates to about a week.

If thats all your using it shouldnt be a huge deal