You need Fucking help
You're off your goddamn rocker
You're just a real hot mess of clearly low inhibitions spiraling out of control
Everyone cares for you and you're gunna end up dead in your bathroom overdose choking on your own vomit

Seriously get help
It's like a train wreck. o_O
-- edit --
You beat me to it!
You need Fucking help
You're off your goddamn rocker
You're just a real hot mess of clearly low inhibitions spiraling out of control
Everyone cares for you and you're gunna end up dead in your bathroom overdose choking on your own vomit

Seriously get help

Wow...just yuck.
We've all tried reaching out to him nicely
He knows he's a drug addict
And just blames it on how he was brought up
Refuses help

Sad to watch someone slowly kill themselves and painfully