Doc's Dank Seeds

Hi all,

Still alive. Been a rough winter but things are improving with warmer weather. Got babies going that are ready for pinching. Pics will come after issue fixed.

sour cake - sour tsunami x birthday cake - couple seem to be fusspots. Not sure I'm excited by cross so far.

Sugared Haze - only 2/5 germinated but they look good.

Sour Tangie x Rum Bayou - The ones really exciting me :) Nicely uniform. 100% germination. So far two obvious phenos. One with red/purple stems and one green. Some have been showing signs of tricomes from about 2" tall. Going to be stinky too.

Since I know some of you are Portland area, any good places to get thinks like rockdusts, kelp etc in small bulk volumes? And anyone interested in meeting up for lunch sometime? Would love to have brains to pick in person.

Blessings :)
Hi all,

Still alive. Been a rough winter but things are improving with warmer weather. Got babies going that are ready for pinching. Pics will come after issue fixed.

sour cake - sour tsunami x birthday cake - couple seem to be fusspots. Not sure I'm excited by cross so far.

Sugared Haze - only 2/5 germinated but they look good.

Sour Tangie x Rum Bayou - The ones really exciting me :) Nicely uniform. 100% germination. So far two obvious phenos. One with red/purple stems and one green. Some have been showing signs of tricomes from about 2" tall. Going to be stinky too.

Since I know some of you are Portland area, any good places to get thinks like rockdusts, kelp etc in small bulk volumes? And anyone interested in meeting up for lunch sometime? Would love to have brains to pick in person.

Blessings :)
I get stuff like that at Down To Earth
did this thread stop or is it just me? Humm well I know doc is doing great.
I'm still hanging in, just tried a 9 week tester from the CP x Dr.w and it was
excellent another week and done.
Radioactive is next to finish in 2 weeks.

so cp x dr who is a 10 week strain? hey old man its kinda boring here pm me if you want to hang with us at rids. good people there.
Some shots of the purple bayou, the rest of my buds and the next round of plants. The purple bayou was really hit hard by the cold snap in January and lost all but one branch to the mold issue i had while i was out of town. The remaining branch is really stacking on the buds and smells like rum bayou. I wish i had more of those seeds.


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Hi all.

I've got 4 of Doc's Triple Purple Pie in party cups for my outdoor grow. They've been down for 6 days and are starting to peak up and say hello. Really looking forward to this one based on all the great pics of Doc's gear being posted. I'll share some pics when there's something to see.
Friction is granddanky ( og13 x gdp ) open pollinated by triple purple doja, smoke jumper og, Dr who, Chernobyl, Plemon x sour cherry, red Purps x ctf

Bubble Party v2 is Berrybubble ( blueberry haze x bubble & squeak ) open pollinated by triple purple doja, smoke jumper og, Dr who, Chernobyl, Plemon x sour cherry, red Purps x ctf
Glad I found this just got my order from dc seed exchange. I got some cheese bx1 and triple purple doja but they gave some freebies including friction and headband x PTK. Not sure what's in the Cannabeizein Mystery Mix
Hi all,

Still alive. Been a rough winter but things are improving with warmer weather. Got babies going that are ready for pinching. Pics will come after issue fixed.

sour cake - sour tsunami x birthday cake - couple seem to be fusspots. Not sure I'm excited by cross so far.

Sugared Haze - only 2/5 germinated but they look good.

Sour Tangie x Rum Bayou - The ones really exciting me :) Nicely uniform. 100% germination. So far two obvious phenos. One with red/purple stems and one green. Some have been showing signs of tricomes from about 2" tall. Going to be stinky too.

Since I know some of you are Portland area, any good places to get thinks like rockdusts, kelp etc in small bulk volumes? And anyone interested in meeting up for lunch sometime? Would love to have brains to pick in person.

Blessings :)

Hey I'm in Portland and I use GrowWorld for my grow supply store. Send me a PM and I'd be happy to meet for a beer or a cup of coffee and share where I go for whatever's. I've gotten so much help from @Dr.D81 that I owe lots of people helping hands.
OK at 1 week into flower in the new room. A room that wouldn't exist without mad help from @Dr.D81

Doc looks like you Bear Creek Kush is crushing it in the race to first Pom Pom. Here's your BCK 1 week into flower. Man I love this plant. She's over 4' x 4' across the top and was super easy to train. Gotta hand it you growther, you can fucking breed!

BCK - 1 week in flower
3-27 BCk full.JPG

At one week she's already showing lots of trich's.
3-27 BCK first blush.JPG

3-27 BCK second blush.JPG

Thanks for all the help Doc, I'm loving the new rooms.