Why do you oppose universal, single-payer healthcare?

My dad is on ssi with medi he never wait much longer than a week and he can go to any rapid clinic he wants.
Private healthcare still exists too. Just makes elective surgery quicker and get a private room, choose your doctor etc etc. Plus you get a tax cut for alleviating the burden on the public system.

Although that is the topic of much research/debate
American slips and breaks an ankle, goes to hospital, maxes out credit cards to pay for xrays, casts etc. sues the city and local businesses to make up for shortfall. total cost including lawyers fees $25k
Canadian slips and break an ankle - has a cool story and cast the next day at work.
But what happens when you need a pin placed in that ankle and they tell you no appointment for up to 20 weeks?
what's the wait time like for an american who can't afford insurance but needs a pin in his ankle because he shot himself in the foot while in the navy because he was too busy jerking off to anime instead of doing his job?
lol meltdown status achieved
well then they either have medicaid or medicare so the fall into the cat of my dad and my daughter. Almost no wait time. Pretty sure i answered this.
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Yes you can go to minute clinic's for colds and such and the ER for emergencies. In addition referrals to specialists are at local doctors. I deal with this all the time, i have an old stubborn father and i manage most of his medical care.

well i guess you develop your own theories of what is happening in the world when you can't leave the house due to psychotic rage.

in reality though, 28 million americans are still without insurance and can not see a specialist when they need a pin in their ankle or whatever else.

you are hideously dumb.